District 9

Chapter 2736 Rushing out of the factory

In the large warehouse at the back of the factory, Reed, Coco and others, who were already desperate, were all stunned when they suddenly heard fierce gunfire from the outside.

"Report, a group of unfamiliar armed forces have entered the perimeter and are already engaged in combat with the enemy troops in Europe 1." An officer ran back and shouted.

Reed was startled when he heard this, and immediately pointed at Coco and shouted at his own people: "Protect her, we are ready to charge."

When Brother Hong heard this, he unconsciously glanced at the guard next to Reed, and whispered to Coco: "...are you from the three major districts?"

"I don't know, I didn't notify you." Coco shook her head. She was not sure who this group of strangers were.

"Reed's behavior is abnormal, let's prepare." Brother Hong ordered his men.

Outside the factory.

After more than a hundred EO mercenaries rushed in, they instantly reversed the situation where CSS was passively beaten. A large number of well-trained mercenaries dispersed and controlled the blocked area outside the factory, while the squadron leader led more than fifty people and forced their way into the backyard of the factory.

"Come out!" Reed saw the opportunity coming and immediately ordered his soldiers to charge outward.

Seven or eight fearless CSS soldiers, covered in explosives and armed with machine guns, rushed out of the factory first and fired directly at the surrounding fire area controlled by the soldiers from the European 1st District to suppress it.

Reed and others took this opportunity to run out of the compound and fled straight to the rear. During this period, at least six or seven CSS members were following Coco.

The main entrance of the courtyard.

After discovering that the rear blockade had been penetrated, the special operations team from Europe 1 District immediately rushed over for reinforcements, and the officer in charge also reported to the superiors again: "There are still people and they have armed forces who have invaded the factory. We are in urgent need of reinforcements!" "

"Received!" The headquarters once again gave a clear response: "Fight with the opponent and hold them back."

"Yes!" the officer responded.


EO's squadron leader, while firing, shouted into the headset: "Mortar position, RPG position, firepower covers the front of the factory, blocking enemy reinforcements; flank convoy enters, ready to pick up the rescue target; attack team Firepower suppressed the soldiers from the European Area 1 in the courtyard."

After the order was issued, the eo mercenaries who rushed into the compound immediately dispersed their formation and launched fire suppression on the already sparse Ou District 1 soldiers in the backyard.

"Boom, boom, boom...!"

Intensive explosions resounded, and the EO mercenaries placed mortar positions and RPG positions on the outside to cover the perimeter. They launched an attack on the front of the factory almost simultaneously. After a wave of concentrated fire, hundreds of square meters of factory buildings were blown into pieces. ruins.

"Buzz buzz!"

The sound of motors was surging on the road, and six or seven off-road vehicles equipped with on-board machine guns drove straight into the back side of the factory courtyard.

Seeing the convoy approaching, the squadron leader immediately held the headset and shouted again: "Pay attention to the surrounding helicopters and ground fire teams. Stop them and don't let them completely take off."


"Yu Jinnian, who is Yu Jinnian? Get in the car!" The squadron leader was stuck behind the courtyard wall, waving his hands and shouting.

"They are our people." Brother Hong finally confirmed the identity of the armed rescuers.

In front of the crowd, Reed rushed to an off-road vehicle without hesitation, pointed at Coco and said: "Let her sit in my car, quickly!"


Brother Hong pulled out his pistol and already glanced at the people around Reed. But he could react, and the members of the CSS organization were definitely not idiots. They dispersed their formation, and their guns were pointed at Brother Hong and the others intentionally or unintentionally.

Now that there is a fight between the two sides, it is tantamount to internal strife, buying time for the support of the European District 1.

Brother Hong gritted his teeth, rushed directly to Reed's car, and quickly sat in the passenger seat.

"Get in the car, diplomat!" the css man shouted, almost threatening Coco.

Coco's pretty face showed no emotion, and she stepped into the off-road vehicle that Reed was in. At the same time, the three bodyguards around Reed also got into the car.

"Evacuate, retreat!" The squadron leader had just noticed the subtle changes in Coco and the others and CSS, but at this moment he had no time to think more about it, so he just waved his hand and shouted at the convoy.


After the main members got on the bus, the driver of the off-road vehicle immediately stepped on the accelerator and fled frantically to the outside while other vehicles provided cover.

In the courtyard, the squadron leader ordered the eo mercenaries to close their formation and retreat while continuing to block the enemy's pursuit.

The special operations team in Europe 1 is awesome, with good equipment and strong personnel, but whether it is the CSS people or the EO mercenary group, neither group will give it in vain. Their core members either have long-term experience in the military, or they are professional desperadoes trained with a strong financial chain. Therefore, when the quality of the personnel between the two sides is almost the same, the number of people determines the outcome.

There was an intelligence error in Europe 1 District. They first did not expect that so many CSS members would gather in the factory yard, nor did they expect that someone would immediately reinforce CSS in the middle of the mission, so they were very passive.

Some people may be surprised, saying that since District 1 wants to capture Reed, Coco and others, why not just send an infantry regiment? Isn't this safer?

This idea is actually a bit naive, because since the core department of CSS dares to land in this place, it means that they have some connections in this area. If a whole regiment comes to arrest people with great fanfare, then the troops may not have done it yet. When they arrived, Reed got wind of it and ran away.

Years ago, Mr. La was arrested and shot to death, so Mei Di only sent out a small team, the purpose was also to prevent the news from leaking.

Let’s not talk about the battle in the factory courtyard for the time being. After the squadron leader evacuated first, he immediately contacted Jiang Xiaolong: “People came out, but the situation is different from what we thought. The CSS people are very attached to our mission goal. He probably won’t easily agree to let us take people away alone..."

In front of the factory courtyard, the special operations officer from the European District No. 1 took a walkie-talkie and kept shouting: "The people have escaped, we continue to support, damn it!"

On the off-road vehicle, Reed looked at Coco in a panic, frowned and asked, "The person you called?"

"No," Coco shook her head simply, "I don't know who called them."

"You're lying!" Reid didn't believe it at all.

"If I call someone, I won't choose to rescue them after the soldiers from the European District 1 take action." Coco made the point.

Reed was silent for a while: "You are a diplomat of the CSS organization. I can't let you leave alone."

"This is the second area. Their reinforcements will come at any time. It's not necessarily a good thing for us to be together." Coco responded calmly: "We'd better evacuate separately."

"Do you think I'm a fool?!" Reed's face lost his amiable expression at this moment: "We must be together!"

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