District 9

Chapter 293 Can I take it on credit first?

Wei Zhi narrowed his eyes at Wang Hong and replied with a slightly disdainful expression: "You are so awesome now. Who among the famous people around Brother Pei dares not to listen to you?"

"You are so arrogant when you talk to me." Wang Hong was so sarcastic that he couldn't get off the stage, and said with some swear words: "I'm talking to you about serious business, why are you talking about useless things?"

People are actually very susceptible to other people's emotions. For example, suppose you have a colleague with whom you have a very good relationship, but he always talks bad things about another person in your ear, and you are originally with that person. Don't know anyone. But if this colleague talks about it for a long time, and you get used to it, subconsciously it will be easy for this person to have a certain negative impact on the person your colleague talks about.

And the most amazing thing is that once this negative influence is formed, some of the other party's problems will expand infinitely in your eyes. For example, if your colleague says that this person is stingy, and the other person unintentionally acts a little calculating in front of you, your subconscious mind will be immediately confirmed.

You will have a strong feeling that this person is not worth getting along with. He is really, as others say, too stingy and stingy.

This wonderful feeling happens almost every day in adult society, and this is where the conflict between Wei Zhi and Wang Hong comes from today.

If Xu Yang hadn't talked about Wang Hong's incompetence when he was drinking and chatting with everyone a few days ago, Wei Zhi would definitely not have a conflict with him today. Because in terms of status, he is slightly lower than Wang Hong.

Therefore, it is precisely because Xu Yang told everyone a few days ago that Wang Hong is the bastard around Pei Deyong, and now that he has mixed up, he looks down on himself, so Wei Zhi looks at him at the moment and feels that this person is everywhere Pretending to be fake is all about pretending to be powerful.

And once this feeling is formed, fierce conflicts are not far away.

Wei Zhi stood at the counter, looked at Wang Hong sideways and asked, "Then what do you think is useful and what is useless? I can't sell this product. Did I keep it in the warehouse on purpose?"

"Did I say you kept it in the warehouse? I said you couldn't sell it and you had to find the reason yourself. Why are you so stubborn with me?"

"What reason am I looking for?" Wei Zhi asked with red eyes: "Did you pay me a salary or buy me a house? I get commission from selling goods. If the goods are sold more, I will make more money. You Anxious, I’m not in a hurry? The money is so hot, right?”

"Who are you dating?"

"You scold me, but I can't scold you? What do you do more than anyone else?"

"You little brat!" Wang Hong pointed at Wei Zhi and was about to get angry.

"I'm going to nm!" Wei Zhi was not a good person. He stood at the counter and cursed: "Who are you? You came to my place to beep? When Niu Zhen was outside, he didn't say anything about interfering with us. Seriously, who are you? Let me tell you..."


There was a muffled sound, and an empty wine bottle placed on the counter instantly exploded on Wei Zhi's head.


Wei Zhi was caught off guard and was knocked unconscious. He staggered and fell into the counter, and even brought a wooden chair with him.

At this moment, not only the melon-eaters in the room were confused, but also Wang Hong himself, who had attacked Wei Zhi. The reason why he started to hit someone just now was purely because he said something and Wei Zhi said something back to him. He really couldn't lose his face, and his blood surged from being beaten, so he struck out to hit someone.

After beating Wang Hong, he regretted it, because after all, both parties were from the same company, so suddenly a bottle of wine was thrown over by the other party, which was a bit too much.

After Wei Zhi lay on the counter for four or five seconds, he jumped up with his face covered in blood and shouted with red eyes: "Chop him."

"You wait."

As soon as Wang Hong saw that something was wrong, he immediately made a plan not to leave after school. He turned around, pushed open the door of the gambling stall, and ran out first.

Wei Zhi was hit by a wine bottle and became completely red-eyed. He picked up a knife from the counter and chased him out like a wolf dog. But Wang Hong was faster, like a sprinter, sprinting onto the street with great explosiveness, and ran away without even starting the car.

"If I don't get down for him, it will be all in vain." Wei Zhi cursed fiercely, turned around and entered the room and shouted: "Get a gun and go find him."

The edge of the city.

On the frozen Songjiang River, the north wind blows coldly, and the snow on the ice layer is peeled off bit by bit by the wind, leaving behind snow nests and snow ridges like sand tables.

Snow and sand were flying all over the sky. Brother Xiao stood on the ice layer he chose and was cleaning the debris around the ice cave with an ice drill several meters long.

Qin Yu stood nearby and asked with a smile: "Have you been in Songjiang?"

"No, Lao Li called me and I just came back." Brother Xiao shook his head, picked up the fishing net next to the car, and inserted it along the ice hole.

"I thought you had been in Songjiang."

"If things get serious, you have to pay a price." Brother Xiao took out his cigarette, turned around and leaned on the front of the off-road vehicle and asked, "Want one?"

"Oh." Qin Yu nodded, reached out to take the cigarette, lowered his head to block the cold wind with his military coat, and lit it four or five times.

"What do you want from me?" Brother Xiao also lit a cigarette and took a deep breath and asked.

"Please come to Changji." Qin Yu responded truthfully.

Brother Xiao turned his head and looked at the forest covered with frost and snow on his right side. He pondered for a while and said, "Okay, one hundred thousand."

"One hundred thousand?" Qin Yu was stunned.

"What, am I not worth the price?" Brother Xiao asked with a smile.

"It's not..."

"That is to say, Lao Li called in person. I came here because I had no choice." Brother Xiao explained softly: "After the last incident, I have told the people below that I will not accept any outside work for a short period of time."

"Oh, that's right," Qin Yu scratched his head in embarrassment, and after thinking for a long time, he asked, "Brother Xiao, can I pay in installments for this job?"

Ye Zixiao was stunned and asked with a slightly stiff expression: "What did you say?"

"... Money is a bit tight, can I just pay you the balance later?"

"Brother, do you think there are credit accounts in this industry?" Ye Zixiao looked confused: "If you say that others are short of money, I believe it, but you are short of money...why can't I understand it?"

"As soon as the medicine line was restored, there was another problem. I lost more than thirty dollars for the last shipment." Qin Yu rubbed his palms: "Money is really tight."

"Haha." Brother Xiao looked at Qin Yu's expression and smiled silently: "Brother, when you are doing things on the ground, you can pay for anything, but you can't pay for your life."

Qin Yu thought about it for a long time: "Okay, I will find a way to get the money for you."

"Then I'll take a trip for you." Brother Xiao nodded cheerfully.


At this moment, the fishing net hanging in the ice cave suddenly moved. Brother Xiao turned around and smiled, stretched out his hand to pull up the pole and said, "I caught a fish."

"I'll make a call." Qin Yu turned around and walked aside, lowered his head and dialed Ma Laoer's number.

The other end.

Xu Yang rushed to the gambling stall where the incident happened. When he entered the house, he asked, "What's going on? Why are you fighting?"

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