District 9

Chapter 32 Kneel down and beg for life

Less than two minutes after the poison entered his stomach, Aaron became incontinent, leaned on the iron chair and died.

Director Li stood in the middle of the interrogation room with his hands behind his back, and scolded Yuan Ke with a very gloomy face: "You can let people ascend to heaven when they have already entered the interrogation room. You captain is really qualified. Tomorrow the police station People come to pick them up, and you go explain to them."

"I...I..." Yuan Ke was speechless for a moment after being scolded.

"A bunch of drunkards." Director Li said this and left the interrogation room.

At the door, Qi Lin stared blankly at his elder brother who died tragically on the iron chair. His legs were weak and his mind was in chaos.

Yuan Ke turned around with his dentures in hand and looked at the door, his eyes finally resting on Qi Lin.

Half an hour later.

Aaron's body was carried away covered with a white cloth, while Yuan Ke walked into another interrogation room, cleared out the irrelevant people, and chatted alone with a brother of Xiapizi.

"You said that before Aaron was about to leave, he met with our superintendent's people?" Yuan Ke took out an electronic cigarette from the drawer and threw it away.

"Yes, yes." Ma Zai nodded repeatedly.

"Xiapaizi dares to sound the thunder and perish with us. How come he has such a cowardly brother like you beside him?" Yuan Ke asked straightforwardly.

"Xiapaizi told me that I would work for him if he could make me a lot of money... But before the money was earned, he died... then... then I don't want to die either." Ma Zai is extremely realistic. replied.

"Just with him?"


"Tell me, how did Aaron meet that person before he left." Yuan Ke asked softly.

"He said that before he left, he asked for a wish and wanted to meet a friend." Ma Zai lowered his head and responded: "But Lao Ma and Xia Zizi felt that the wind outside was too strict. If he went out and ran into the police, he might You know how to fold... You also know that the supply channels for medicines are only in Aaron's own hands. To put it bluntly, we all rely on him to eat, so we must protect him. So every time he goes out, We all followed him. But he usually asked us to park the car far away and walk for a while... But once I went back to the food store to buy water, and I happened to be walking in the same direction as him, and I saw which hospital he entered."

Yuan Ke took out a photo when he heard the sound, threw it to Ma Zai and asked, "Is this the person who met Aaron?"

"Yes, I met him twice."

"Didn't you tell me that we met by chance?" Yuan Ke frowned.

"It was the day of this person's wedding. There were many people in the hotel at that time, so we didn't know who Aaron was looking for. But at night, Aaron went to that courtyard, and only when I saw this person did I understand that Aaron was looking for the person to get married. This, so twice." Ma Zai explained in detail.

Yuan Ke licked his lips: "Do you know what their relationship is?"

"No, Aaron didn't say that, and no one asked us." Ma Zai shook his head.

Twenty minutes later, Yuan Ke left the interrogation room and immediately told Aung Su: "Have the police forensic doctor go to the morgue immediately to extract Aaron's DNA for comparison."

"Compared with whom?"

"What do you think?" Yuan Ke asked.

Aung Su was stunned for a moment: "Captain, do you suspect that Aaron is related to him?"

"Ma Zai's confession clearly explained why he didn't dare to shoot that day." Yuan Ke responded in a light voice: "This kid usually behaves with his tail between his legs. If there is no absolute reason, how could he follow Ah Are you related to someone like Long?"

Aung Sou said clearly: "I understand."

Inside the logistics warehouse.

Qi Lin sat on the chair with blank eyes, not knowing what he was thinking in his mind.

"Brother, everyone chooses the path they take, and they have to bear the consequences themselves." Qin Yu stood by the table, lowered his head and persuaded: "I know you feel uncomfortable, but you Look at me again... at least you have a reason to be sad when something happens, but I don't even know how you lost your family. You lost your brother, your mother, your sister, your wife... but what do I have? Huh? I have nothing."

Qi Lin remained silent and said nothing.

"Qi Lin, let the sadness pass as soon as possible. You still have other relatives who need to be taken care of." Qin Yu turned around and persuaded: "There are many people in this place, so don't let others see what's wrong."

When Qi Lin heard this, he looked up numbly: "Yes, the dead are dead, and the living... still live."


While the two were chatting, the door of the logistics warehouse was pushed open. After Aung Su's two brothers entered the room, they looked at Qi Lin expressionlessly and said, "Captain Yuan has something to do with you. I want you to come over there." trip."

"What's the matter?" Qin Yu asked on Qi Lin's behalf.

"It's nothing serious, just some details from previous cases." The person on the left smiled, lowered his head and urged, "Let's go."

Qin Yu looked confused when he heard this. In order to prevent the other party from seeing the clues, Qi Lin immediately adjusted his posture, stood up and said, "What case can you find me in?"

"You'll know when you go."

"Then let's go." Qi Lin replied with a smile.

The three of them chatted for a few words and then left. Qin Yu followed him to the door, suddenly feeling a bad feeling for Qi Lin in his heart.

An hour passed.

Two hours passed.

Slowly it gets bright, then slowly it gets dark again...

Qin Yu waited for more than ten hours, but still didn't see Qi Lin return to the team. At this time, he couldn't sit still, and at the same time, he thought of Lin Nianlei and what Aaron had said to him.

An uneasy feeling quietly filled Qin Yu's heart. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this drug trafficking case was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

After careful consideration for a long time, Qin Yu stood up, picked up his work badge, quietly left the office, drove the third team's car and rushed to Songjiang Third Prison.

The other end.

Yuan Ke stepped into his office, looked up at Qi Lin, who had been under house arrest here for more than ten hours, and said, "Come on, come out with me."

Qi Lin stood up uneasily and asked with a smile on his face: "Captain Yuan, what's going on?"

"You'll know when you get there." Yuan Ke said this, turned around and left.

Qi Lin tried his best to restrain his inner sadness, and after a slight hesitation, he immediately followed Yuan Ke.

Half an hour later, Yuan Ke drove Qi Lin to the police station hospital and entered the morgue under the guidance of the staff.

Qi Lin turned around and looked around, and asked in a stuttering tone: "Yuan... Captain Yuan, why did you bring me here?"

Yuan Ke lit a cigarette, strolled to the back of the morgue, reached out and opened the freezer drawer containing the corpse.

Qi Lin looked up and saw Aaron lying in the drawer with a purple face.

"Do you know him?" Yuan Ke asked expressionlessly.

Qi Lin clenched his fists and immediately responded with a smile: "Captain Yuan, what do you mean? I don't understand."

Yuan Ke scratched his nose, took out two folded A4 papers from the inner pocket of his coat, walked up to Qi Lin and said: "After expedited DNA comparison, it has been proved that your Y chromosomes are the same. In other words, Ah Long is your big brother."

Qi Lin's head buzzed, and his expression instantly became panicked.

"You didn't shoot at the arrest scene that day just to protect him, right?" Yuan Ke's voice was calm.

"This... this is... a misunderstanding, you are mistaken..."

"Qi Lin, you and I both understand that this DNA test has been done ten thousand times, and the results are always the same." Yuan Ke turned around and sat on the morgue: "The facts are in front of us, is there any use in arguing?"

Qi Lin clutched the test certificate, his eyes full of panic, and he no longer knew how to reply to Yuan Ke.

"Qi Lin, if this appraisal result is placed on the desk of the upper management, combined with the fact that you did not follow the instructions to fire a gun to stop him during the arrest last time, do you know what kind of result you will face? "Yuan Ke looked at Qi Lin expressionlessly: "You will be labeled as an accomplice, and you will be accused of dereliction of duty, cover-up and many other crimes. Your result will not be as simple as taking off your clothes. You will have to face at least ten years. Severe punishment from above.”

Qi Lin slowly raised his head, was stunned for a long time, and suddenly knelt down in front of Yuan Ke with a thud, grabbed his pants and shouted: "Captain, captain...Aaron is indeed my biological eldest brother, but we are no longer together." Contact. I came across the arrest by chance that day. I had no idea beforehand that it was him who I wanted to arrest..."

Yuan Ke looked at Qi Lin without saying a word.

"Captain, I really can't take off my clothes, let alone go in. I still have a family to support, so nothing can happen to me..." Qi Lin's face was full of tears: "Please, please help me. help me……."

Yuan Ke took a puff of cigarette and reached out to pat Qi Lin on the shoulder: "Everyone has feelings. We have been together day and night for so long. How can I not know who you are? Qi Lin, I really believe you have nothing to do with this case. , but the upper-level leaders don’t understand, can they believe it? Four police officers died because of the last arrest. Both leaders and specific managers need a good-looking and reasonable explanation... And this When your DNA identification is taken out, what will be the result? There is a mole, causing the arrest to fail, and all the problems will be thrown on you... Can you handle it? "

Qi Lin was stunned.

"I want to help you, but my right to speak is limited." Yuan Ke picked up the DNA report, thought about it for a long time and said, "But... maybe there is another way."

"What...what can I do?"

"Your eldest brother was the middleman who delivered goods to the Ma family. He is gone now. But if you can find the supplier behind your eldest brother and dig out this line, I will dare to protect you in front of Director Li and the senior police officials. You. With this credit on your side, you will be fine." Yuan Ke looked down at Qi Lin and said: "At that time, the above sentence can suppress your DNA report."

Qi Lin thought carefully for a long time, and suddenly remembered what Aaron said to him before leaving that day.

If one day you can no longer survive, there is a contact information in the bag, you can contact him.

Qi Lin thought of this and immediately raised his head and responded: "He seems to have indeed given me a contact information. If you ask me to go home, I will go find it right away... to see if it is the contact information of that supplier."

"You can't lie to me. This will only harm yourself."

"...!" Qi Lin raised his head and stared at Yuan Ke, and responded in a hoarse voice: "My family is all here. Do I dare to lie to you? Captain Yuan!"

"Okay, then you go back and find something."

"Don't let anyone follow me. I'm afraid...my mother thinks too much. She's not in good health."

"Don't worry, my people won't enter your house." Yuan Ke said with a smile: "Let them wait for you outside. After you take the things, they will send you back."

On the other side, Qin Yu interrogated Ma Laoer in the Third Prison of Songjiang.

"Fuck you," Ma Laoer, wearing a prison uniform and sitting on an iron chair, cursed carelessly: "You're not dead yet?"

Qin Yu tilted his head and looked at each other: "You really want me to die?"

"You have made the poor unable to afford medicine and the breadwinners of their families have no way of making money. Do you think we want you to die?" Ma Laoer curled his lips in response.

Qin Yu was silent for a long time, then suddenly stepped forward and asked: "Besides you, there is a group of people selling medicine on the black street, and the price is twice as expensive as yours... Do you know?"

Ma Laoer was stunned: "Are you kidding me? Shouldn't you know this better than me? Are you trying to punish us like this just to clear the way for the people above?"

When Qin Yu heard this, his eyes suddenly became complicated: "I want to say, I didn't know before, do you believe it?"

Ma Laoer was stunned when he heard the sound.

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