District 9

Chapter 35: Time and fate

Within the field.

Old Mao pushed open the car door and ran out. He turned around and looked at the car body, and saw that the right rear wheel had been deeply sunk in the snow shell.

"Damn it, why are the more anxious you are, the more things happen...!"

The old cat cursed and immediately took out the flashlight from the car. He bent down and glanced at the condition of the right rear wheel. He saw that the tire was stuck in the soil and was hanging, completely unable to touch the hard ground.

After lying on the ground and looking carefully, the old cat got up and ran to the trunk. He grabbed the iron chain with his bare hands and pulled it out twice before unhooking the spare tire. But because the weather was too cold and there was snow on the car, the spare tire was completely frozen on the trunk. So the old cat had no choice but to press his whole body on the spare tire and rock it down hard.

"Crunch, crunch!"

The sound of sore teeth came out, and the old cat suppressed his blush. After shaking for several times, the spare tire fell with a clang. The triangular hook connected between the wheel hub and the iron chain instantly cut half of the old cat's thigh, and blood gushed out and fell on the snow.

The old cat lowered his head and touched the scratched thigh, but endured the pain and did not dare to waste a moment. He pushed the spare tire under the right rear wheel with both hands, and then returned to the car.

"Amitabha, Virgin Mary, Jesus the Great... be good, let me go..." The old cat muttered urgently, pushed up the gear, and gently kicked the accelerator to let the tires press On top of the spare tire.


The old cat suddenly increased the accelerator and roared.


The sound of the motor was surging, and after the car body swayed forward, it drove out of the snow shell.

Lao Mao turned the steering wheel to the left at an angle, fired the fuel again, and the car jumped out instantly.

At the edge of the city, Qi Lin stopped panting and immediately dialed Lao Mao's phone number.

"Hey, are you here?"

"What the fuck, the car got stuck in the snow. I just got it out and I'm in the city." The old cat responded, cursing loudly.

Qi Lin was stunned and urged with a pale face: "Hurry up and get to the North Station as quickly as possible."

"I know, I know."

"I'm heading over there too. If anything happens, please call me anytime."


After the words fell, the two ended the call, and Qi Lin continued to rush to the North Station as quickly as possible.

Twenty minutes later.

The car screeched to a stop on the road in front of the North Station. The old cat rushed down with blood on its legs, staggering, and started looking for it in the square with the car keys in hand.

"Qi Yu, Qi Yu...!"

After searching for two minutes, Old Mao didn't see his little sister, so he shouted in the square.

At the entrance of the underground passage, the old lady walked up the steps tremblingly, looked in the direction of the old cat and shouted: "Child, here."

The old cat turned around after hearing the sound. He was overjoyed when he saw Qi Lin's mother and rushed over immediately: "Auntie, are you okay? Where is my little sister?"

"She's waiting for you, didn't you see?" the old lady responded with bad eyesight and poor ears.

The old cat was stunned: "I didn't see her?!"

"I can't walk, she asked me to wait below..." The old lady said with an anxious expression: "Look for her quickly."

"Okay, okay, don't worry, I'll go find her." The old cat turned and ran back. He walked around the square in less than five minutes, but he didn't see the little girl.

There was a small food stall at the front left of the square. Old Cat rushed over and asked in a hurried tone: "Brother, let me ask, did you just see a little girl standing here waiting? About 13.4 years old... ….”

The boss hid in the guard box and raised his head, glanced at the old cat and said, "I saw it. Two cars came over and took her away."

When the old cat heard this, his head buzzed: "When did it happen?"

"Just five minutes ago."

"Did you hear what they said?"

"I didn't hear anything. Four people came down and dragged her away."

"Damn it, why don't you help stop me?" Old Mao said anxiously.

The boss rolled his eyes when he heard this: "I know what they are doing, so I stopped them. Does it have anything to do with me? Go, go, go to the other side, don't delay my business."

The old cat stared, feeling half-hearted.

Within the city.

Qi Lin was about to forcefully stop a car when he suddenly heard the phone ringing in his pocket.

"Hello?" Qi Lin stopped and answered the phone while panting.

Silence, after a short silence, a familiar voice sounded: "Haha, I didn't expect that so many things happened to your superintendent after I took two days off. If I had known, I would not have left your place just now, and would have gone back to the police with you. Secretary."

Qi Lin instantly heard that it was the tiger's voice.

"Try the tiger to leave the mountain and run away?" The tiger sneered and asked: "Have you grown a head that can run away? Come to Tuzhu Street, your sister and I are waiting for you."

Qi Lin was stunned when he heard the sound.

"If you don't come here with your things within two hours, then I might have to do some inhuman things." Tiger said lightly, "That's it."

Inside the superintendent's office.

Yuan Ke held up his mobile phone and said: "Finding the supplier's contact information is the main purpose. Don't let Tiger do anything too outrageous."

"I just don't understand. He's a police superintendent. How can you still give him a chance to escape? How long have you been holding this thing and there's still no result?" said the man on the phone. Nian, said with a slightly impatient voice: "There is a lot of backlog of goods. I can't safely sell it unless I get rid of the competition line!"

"Brother, I'm not the superintendent. There's Lao Li who is smarter than a monkey. We tried to win over him several times but he always pretended to be stupid... I can't be too obvious about selling drugs, otherwise He is easy to find trouble." Yuan Ke responded with a frown.

"This old Li is also a bit blind. If I find an opportunity, I will let him go."

"No, no, no, you always do!" Yuan Ke growled anxiously: "He is the top leader of the superintendent, and there is no absolute conflict of interest. Why are you messing with him? Is he sick?"

"Don't worry about that little police officer's matter. I'll let Tiger take care of it. Just go over and get the clues later." After a few seconds of silence, the other party hung up the phone.

On the dark road, Qi Lin dialed Lao Mao's cell phone with red eyes.

"I arrived, but I couldn't find my little sister. The people at the food store told me that there are two cars..." Old Mao spoke hurriedly to explain the situation.

"She was caught." Qi Lin interrupted the other party with a cold voice.

The old cat froze in place when he heard the sound.

"I still need a favor from you."

"What's the business?" Old Cat asked immediately.

"I want to ask you about Yuan Ke's situation, please help me check..." Qi Lin lowered his head and spoke clearly.

After hearing this, the old cat stared and asked, "What the hell are you going to do? What do you mean by checking this?"

"...There is a cliff in front of me, and there are countless people pushing me behind. I admit it, I want to jump off, see if I can die." Qi Lin clenched his fists and said: "Treat me as a friend, you just help me one last time .”

"Calm down the fuck, you really can't..."

"Old cat, do you want to calm down with me? Who has been as calm as me in the past few years? If I have a chance to run away, will I jump off the cliff?" Qi Lin shouted with red eyes: "If you don't help me, I will Go back to the superintendent immediately to find Yuan Ke."

Late at night, around 11 o'clock.

On the third floor of a single-family building at No. 75 Century Avenue in the Black Street District, a chubby man was sitting with two friends in the lobby on the second floor, eating hot pot.

Downstairs, a figure pushed open the glass door and came covered in frost and snow.

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