District 9

Chapter 396 The Prodigal Son Returns

Wu Tianyin is an only child, but his father died early, so his mother remarried very early and gave birth to four more children with her current stepfather, three boys and one girl.

My mother has a soft personality, and she doesn’t have a formal job. She basically relies on her current husband for all her expenses, so she has almost no say in the family. And this also led to Wu Tianyin suffering a lot of unfair treatment from childhood to adulthood.

When Wu Tianyin was young, it was common for him to be beaten severely by his stepfather. The two fingers on his left hand are still deformed and bent because his stepfather had them broken.

And people like my stepfather, who are ignorant, selfish, and indifferent to humanity, naturally think that mutton cannot be attached to dog meat. He is not related by blood to Wu Tianyin, so he is not pleasing to the eye. He eats his own food for nothing, and it is normal to be beaten twice for nothing. This phenomenon also happens every day in some reorganized families. It's sad, but it's an unchangeable fact in society.

Wu Tianyin was not only beaten often when she was a child, but was even taken to remote areas by her stepfather twice and abandoned. If this kid hadn't been smart enough to find him again, he might not even know where he died now.

Later, Wu Tianyin's mother was not angry yet, but Wu Tianyin's uncle quit and came to the house to fight with his stepfather. And he said, if you don't want to raise this child, then hand over the two small houses left by Wu Tianyin's father, and then our Wu family will raise it ourselves.

But in fact, after Wu Tianyin's mother married her stepfather, the house was sold by the husband, and then he added more money to buy the current one. So they have no way to plug this hole now and can only agree to continue raising Wu Tianyin.

Soon Wu Tianyin grew up, and happened to catch up with the riots that broke out after the new construction of the ninth district. At that time, he was very resistant to staying at home, so he took an evil path and was sentenced for many crimes such as leading riots and rape. severe punishment.

After coming out this time, Wu Tianyin's mentality has changed dramatically. The twelve-year sentence made him feel that all the things he had done before were worthless, and he spent the first half of his life in a state of confusion. He was almost forty years old in the blink of an eye, and he felt that he had to take life seriously.

But can life really accept him kindly?

In the courtyard.

When Wu Tianyin heard the shouting, he walked out of the warehouse and looked up at the door.

"Brother Yin, are you busy?" the young man at the door shouted.

"Why are you here? Haha." Wu Tianyin smiled and wiped the stains on his face.

"I heard that you were released, so I came here to take a look." The young man started to walk into the courtyard.


The old man smashed the snow shovel on the steps and shouted with a gloomy look: "If you want to chat, go out and chat with me. This is not a rehabilitation center, so don't talk nonsense here."

The young people who came to see Wu Tianyin at the door were all confused and stood there at a loss.

Wu Tianyin was stunned for a moment, then immediately waved his hand and said, "Wait while I wash my hands, and let's go out and chat."

"You're fucked up, you can't raise a child that's fun!" The old man threw the shovel on the ground and cursed at the old lady: "If something happens again, get out of here right away and don't stay here..." .”

After saying that, the old man returned to the main house with a sullen face.

About half an hour later.

The four young men led Wu Tianyin to a small, low-price restaurant nearby, where they ate and drank together.

"Brother Yin, your father has a bad temper." The young man said with a smile.

Wu Tianyin was stunned: "Well, he is like that."

"Hey, you've been in there for more than ten years. Now that you're back, just spend time with your family and don't blame them." The young man didn't know the specific situation, so he kindly advised: "Come on, let's We meet each other again, let’s drink some!”

When everyone heard this, they raised their glasses and paid tribute to Wu Tianyin.

"Brother Yin, what are you going to do when you come out?" The other party put down the wine glass and asked, wiping his mouth.

Wu Tianyin thought for a moment and said, "Let's find a job and make some money."

"How much money can I make by looking for work?" The young man said with a smile, "No, let's work together? You take the lead, and we all listen to you."

"What are you doing?" Wu Tianyin asked softly.

"Go to the planned area. There are opportunities there and the money can come quickly." The young man whispered: "I have a friend there who made a fortune in just one year."

"I won't go." Wu Tianyin shook his head.

"Brother Yin, I speak frankly, don't be angry." The young man reached out and poured wine for Wu Tianyin, and said with admiration: "You committed that crime before, so no matter where you go to play, don't others have to look down on you? ? Are we still working hard to make money? What’s more, you take care of a lot of people there. Just shake the number and many brothers will come over. "

Wu Tianyin looked at the few people with a smile, and after pondering for a long time, he said: "I will not touch the matter of crossing the line in the future. If you are free, come to me for a drink and a chat. If you have it, please invite me; brother If you have it, I’ll invite you. But don’t tell me about other things, and I won’t ask.”

Everyone was stunned when they heard the sound.

"I have been here for twelve years, and I want to get out all the time when I am in there. I really don't want to go in anymore, I just want to do something down-to-earth. Even if I earn two yuan a day, I will spend two yuan." Wu Tianyin smiled and raised his glass: "Let's not talk about the rest, okay?"

The young man was silent for a while and then nodded: "Okay, let's live alone. I won't mention it in the future. But we brothers still have to do something. I will never forget that you took care of me in there."

"What happened in the past, why did you say it was for drinking?"

After saying that, everyone clinked glasses and drank it all in one gulp.

After three rounds of wine and five dishes, and everyone finished reminiscing about old times, the young man pulled Wu Tianyin aside and took out 500 yuan in cash from his pocket and gave it to him: "Brother, I only have more than 600 yuan in my whole body, so I can really afford it." There’s nothing more to offer. You must accept this little bit of kindness.”

"You can buy me a drink, but I can't take the money." Wu Tianyin refused without hesitation.

"Brother, this is just a little thought. There is no other meaning. I just remember your kindness." The young man said with a serious face.

"The fact that you came to me means that I didn't pay you in vain." Wu Tianyin's pocket was cleaner than his face, but he still didn't want the other person's money.

After declining two or three times in a row, the young man sighed and said, "Okay, I won't give you the money, but if you have any trouble, you must come to me."


After saying that, Wu Tianyin picked up his coat, waved his hands and said to everyone: "We will get together later, I have to go back to repair the electric car for the old man."

"Okay, then you go first, brother."

"Hey, let's go." Wu Tianyin took his coat with a smile and left the small restaurant.

At the door, the leading young man looked at Wu Tianyin's back and said, "He is a dragon. He has been detained for twelve years, but he has lost all his temper. Alas, it was all in vain."

An hour later, when Wu Tianyin arrived home, the old man scolded him: "You bitch, you have no face, why are you talking nonsense to them?"

Wu Tianyin was silent for a while and said: "I made it clear to them that they will not come to me again."

The old man took a sip of wine and said in a hoarse voice: "I found a job for you, running business in Boss Liu's company in Kaiyuan. It costs one hundred yuan a month, and you pay eighty to my family."

"Okay." Wu Tianyin nodded.

The other end.

Qin Yu and Lao Li arrived at the fourth floor of the club. After entering a lounge, they saw six or seven young people under the age of thirty gathering together to play cards.

At the card table, everyone had a large amount of cash piled in front of them. Qin Yu only made a rough count and estimated that the money on the table plus one yuan would be at least millions.

In this society, some people are still pushing and pushing for five hundred yuan, while some people are playing with cash at the card table as high as one million...

Class is just two words, but some people will never be able to get past these two words for the rest of their lives.

"Hey, Uncle Li!" A young man in the center of the crowd raised his head and stood up with a smile to greet him: "I thought you would be a little late."

Old Li smiled, stepped aside and introduced: "Xiao Yu, this is the third young master Liu Zhixiong talks about every day."

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