District 9

Chapter 414: Lei Zi arrives and begins to counterattack

This afternoon.

Qin Yu has already started the discharge procedures for Cha Meng and Fu Xiaohao, and is preparing to return to Songjiang in the evening.

In the evening, six or seven o'clock.

Feng Jiuqing set off from the Longxing Group, took his own special car, arrived at a teahouse in Xincheng District, and met his two men.

"Brother Feng, the hidden danger on Wang Ke's side has been dealt with." The young man wearing a leather jacket on the left whispered: "They wanted to run away, but I stopped them."

"How are things going at the hospital?" Feng Jiuqing asked expressionlessly.

"Superintendent Xincheng has hired two groups of people to protect him." The young man in the leather jacket whispered: "The people I'm looking for can't get close to him at all."

"Before coming, I answered a phone call." Feng Jiuqing looked up at the other party and said briefly: "Qin Yu will leave tonight."

The two were stunned when they heard the sound.

"After two days of work, there is still no progress. How should I explain it to Lao Xing?" Feng Jiuqing frowned and said, "Speed ​​up."

"The only thing we can do is to force him to do it." After thinking for a moment, the young man lowered his voice and said, "When the person is done, don't think about running away, just surrender."

"Is the person you are looking for reliable?" Feng Jiuqing asked.

"It's very safe. They are two gamblers who have been playing in the field for many years." The young man nodded and responded: "They themselves owe a lot of foreign debt. I promised them that I will pay them the debt after the matter is completed, and then I will With extra money... they are happy to do it, even if they are sentenced to a hundred years in prison, they will admit it..."

"You tell them that as long as the matter can be done, I guarantee that they will not be sentenced to death." Feng Jiuqing said briefly: "After all, the matter happened in Fengbei, and our words still have weight."

"I understand, Brother Feng." The young man nodded.

"That's it." Feng Jiuqing put down the teacup, stood up and said, "You make arrangements immediately. I will go back to the company and continue to handle Lao Yan's affairs."

"The company wants to poach him?"

"Yes, these people have technology in their hands, and Lao Xing is very interested in them." Feng Jiuqing put his hands behind his back and said, "Let's go."

On the outskirts of Fengbei City, outside the sterile production workshop of Longxing Pharmaceutical Group.

Yaoguang Xiaoyong turned his head and looked around, then turned back to the car, lowered his head and took out his wireless tablet, and called up a few photos: "You guys, please identify them."

The three people in the back seat of the car heard the sound and moved forward.

"Kill these guys to death, and Longxing will be shaken." Xiaoyong pointed at the photo and said in a gloomy tone: "After finishing this, throw away all the phones, and follow the original plan to run on your own."




After hearing this, everyone nodded.

After Xiaoyong handed the tablet to a few people, he opened the door and got out of the car, went to the back of the car, opened the trunk, and took out two huge canvas bags filled with explosives.

Police hospital.

Qin Yu sat in the dimly lit stairwell, lowering his head and smoking a cigarette.

"Dip Lingling!"

There was a rapid ringing of the phone.

"Hello?!" Qin Yu immediately answered the phone.

"My people are online." Xiao Qi asked in a low voice: "Are they moving directly?"

Qin Yu pondered for a few seconds: "Move!"

"Yeah." Xiao Qi nodded and hung up the phone.

Qin Yu held the mobile phone, looked up at the ceiling, and dialed Zhu Wei's number.


"Are you there yet?"

"I've already entered Fengbei." Zhu Wei nodded: "After you finish your work over there, I will pick you up right away. Let's take the light rail back to Songjiang. I have said hello to all the police officers on duty in the car, okay? Ensure absolute safety.”

"You come to the hospital now." Qin Yu whispered: "I will leave as soon as the gun goes off!"

"Okay." Zhu Wei nodded: "I'll go there now."

A few minutes later.

Feng Jiuqing, wearing a windbreaker, walked out of the teahouse with two horsemen and a driver.

"Brother Feng, let's go first!" The young man on the right said hello to Feng Jiuqing.

"Hurry up." Feng Jiuqing pointed at the other party's chest, frowned and said, "Spending some money and making a little noise are secondary. The main thing is to let the air flow out from above."

"I understand." The young man nodded.

"Okay, that's it, I'll go back to the company first!" Feng Jiuqing said, turned around and walked towards the roadside.


At this moment, a seven-seater off-road vehicle rushed over from the right side of the road at an extremely fast speed.

In the car, except for the driver, the four strong men lowered their heads in a very uniform manner, stretched out their hands to pull the triangle scarf tied around their necks, and covered their faces instantly.

"Ride up!" the leading man ordered in a calm tone.


The off-road vehicle rushed to the curb in an instant, and then the driver pulled the handbrake and turned the steering wheel to the left. The rear of the vehicle was thrown out directly, and the vehicle body was pointed sideways at Feng Jiuqing and others.

"Get off and do it!"

The leading man said hello, opened the door and got out of the car.

Feng Jiuqing and the others were stunned and were about to step back.

After the four strong men got out of the car, they neither ran nor chased, nor argued or shouted. They all cocked the bolts of their guns and fired large-caliber spray guns.

"Gun, gun...!" The young man on the left touched his waist and shouted.

"Kang Kang, Kang Kang!"

The strong man in the lead took the lead in drawing fire and fired three shots in a row.

The young man on the left had his head exploded and fell to the ground on his back.

The leading strong man led the grab and went straight to Feng Jiuqing.

"Whoosh, whoosh!!"

The other three people stepped forward and pointed their guns at the driver and another young man.

"Brother, have you found the wrong person? Listen to me...!" The driver's face turned pale and he waved his hand to explain.


Lei Zi, who was called by Xiao Qi, didn't talk to him at all. After the three of them stood at an angle, the fight collapsed.

Before the driver and another horseman could react, they were sprayed to the ground, convulsing and bleeding.

The leading man grabbed Feng Jiuqing's collar and gestured towards the off-road vehicle.


After the off-road vehicle adjusted its direction, it drove over very quickly.

"Hang Kang, Kang Kang...!"

The other three shot at the driver and Feng Jiuqing, and then got into the car calmly and neatly.

Feng Jiuqing was completely stunned. He was dragged into the back seat of the car by the leading strong man and shouted: "Brother...brother, let me say something!"


The leading man kicked Feng Jiuqing into the car, closed the door and got into the passenger seat.


The off-road vehicle drove away along the road, leaving only three bodies at the door of the tea house that had not yet cooled down.

in the car.

The leading man took off his triangle scarf and calmly said to the driver: "Go to the exit and deal with him on the way!"

"Okay." The driver nodded.

The leading man lowered his head and took out the phone from his pocket, handed it to Feng Jiuqing and said, "Call Fatty Xing and tell him that you are about to be fucked to death."

Feng Jiuqing was startled when he heard the sound.

"You're telling Fatty Xing!! The person who killed you was Brother Qin Yu, Xiao Qi's brother!" The leading man said briefly: "I'm not leaving. I'm going to teach Fatty Xing how to shoot someone in the back!"

Feng Jiuqing's eyes were stunned. He had no idea that Qin Yu would dare to fight back on the ground in Fengbei after being shot.

at the same time.

Qin Yu and Zhu Wei pushed the wounded Cha Meng, led Fu Xiaohao and others, and prepared to leave the hospital.


At this moment, a text message alert sounded suddenly.

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