District 9

Chapter 478: Escape from trouble, there is no way back

Escort in the car.

As soon as the gunfire rang out, the other five police officers all turned around and looked at Wu Tianyin in shock.

Wu Tianyin leaned hard to the left, blocking half of his body with the body of the dead police officer: "cnm, turn your head away from me."

"What are you talking about?" the police officer on the right asked in disbelief.

"Kang Kang!"

Two very sudden gunshots rang out. Before the police officer on the right could fully react, he was killed by Wu Tianyin without even blinking.

Everyone in the car panicked for a moment, leaned back unconsciously, and all pointed their guns at Wu Tianyin.

"I asked you to turn around, can't you hear me? Huh?!" Wu Tianyin suddenly shouted: "I am a person who must die, so it is worth killing me."

Everyone's heads were buzzing at his shouting, and they felt extremely guilty. Because Wu Tianyin had a gun in his hand and had decisively killed two people, seemingly without considering any consequences.

"Do you dare to fight with me? Do you dare?!" Wu Tianyin pointed his gun at the police officer in the co-pilot and asked one word at a time.

When the police officer saw Wu Tianyin shouting at him, he was stunned for a moment, his body was trembling and he did not respond.

"Don't you dare? Just turn your head away if you don't dare." Wu Tianyin was about to shoot.

The police officer was so frightened that he backed away, pulled his neck and shouted: "If you shoot, I will kill you."


Wu Tianyin separated the body, used his elbow to unlock the car door, and instantly leaned out of the car with his upper body. He gritted his teeth and yelled: "They are not stupid. Look, if I shoot him, will anyone dare to fight back?"

"Smash the cars and fuck them."

Outside, the crowd, which had accumulated a lot of negative emotions in the past month and a half, swung the murder weapon and smashed it at the police car.

Wu Tianyin retreated out of the car, bent down and touched the police officer on the left, pulled off the handcuff key, opened the handcuffs, and threw them to the ground.

The crowd was shouting loudly, and hundreds of people pushed those in front from behind, fighting to throw the murderous weapons in their hands into the escort vehicle.

After Wu Tianyin escaped from the trap, not only did he not leave, but he walked sideways to the opposite side of the escort vehicle, suddenly raised his arm, and pulled the trigger.


After all the remaining Z-bombs were fired, the police officer who was held in the passenger seat by the crowd was killed on the spot.

Wu Tianyin remembered very clearly that this man just beat him on the head and made him bow his head, so he wanted revenge! After killing the police officer, he threw away the empty gun and disappeared into the crowd.

The demonstrators on the street were noisy for less than twenty minutes before they were dispersed by the riot squad and ran towards the main road.

Wu Tianyin walked calmly in the middle of the crowd, his eyes constantly scanning.

In the south direction of the main road, a group of anti-explosion team members were chasing the seven or eight marchers who were leading the troublemakers. Wu Tianyin hesitated for a while, then lowered his head and moved closer to that direction.

After chasing for thirty or forty meters, the explosion-proof team suddenly fired a warning shot, but the other party was still running away.


Two gunshots were fired, and one of the leading personnel fell to the ground on the spot.

"Get closer, get closer, hold him down."

The leading anti-explosion team member was hiding in a bunker at the corner of the street, waving his hands and shouting.

The remaining team members approached with guns and shields.

Wu Tianyin turned around and looked around, reached out and picked up a solid iron rod from the ground full of murder weapons, and walked steadily towards the commanding explosion-proof team member from behind.

"If you fight back, shoot. The higher-ups have just issued an order to shoot according to the situation." The explosion-proof team members, fully armed, shouted at the other party.

Wu Tianyin approached from behind, with no emotion on his stern face. He suddenly raised his hands and swung the stick down.


There was a muffled sound, and the explosion-proof team members were caught off guard and knocked to the ground on the spot.


The second stick swung down immediately after, hitting the opponent's helmet with a burst of sparks.


Wu Tianyin calmly stepped on the opponent's arm, rushed up and hit his head three or four times again, causing the opponent to faint briefly, and then calmly picked up the opponent's police rifle and the two hanging on his waist. A spare D clip.

M series, 400-4, fully automatic B gun.

After escaping from the trap, he did not flee immediately in a panic, but chose to take advantage of the chaos to grab the gun. This was Wu Tianyin's thinking after being detained for twelve years.

If he wanted to live, his first choice was to run outside the area to be planned. But he has no connections and no money, so what should he do? You can only pass the level.

Can you rely on two fists to pass the level? This definitely won't work, so he wants to get a gun.

After Wu Tianyin took the M-series self-drill, he plunged into the alley on the side of the main road and walked quickly and calmly. He was very familiar with the road here, because he would pass by here every time he sent Xu Wei off. So he only walked around the alley twice before completely leaving the chaotic conflict area.

Inside the city hall.

The leader of Songjiang City, sitting on a chair, cursed angrily: "This old Xu is in a hurry to take another step forward. I have said before that tax rate adjustments must be determined by region. We and Fengbei's The economic conditions and people's livelihood environment are completely different. If you insist on following the tax rate of the capital, there will definitely be big problems."

The secretary pondered for a while and said: "He raised taxes, but now you are the one who is being held accountable. After all, with such a large-scale demonstration taking place in Songjiang, you, the leader, will definitely be held accountable."

"Inform the police station to arrest the leading troublemakers on a large scale. Within a week, I hope to see the demonstrations subside." The leader frowned and said: "The people cannot make such a big movement unless they are slapped. There must be someone behind the scenes." Some people want to mess with Lao Xu. But even so, we cannot allow the situation to continue to develop and must control it."

"Yes, I will contact the police station immediately."

"In addition, you immediately notify Lao Xu and ask him to organize a meeting and come up with a reasonable plan for tax rate adjustment as soon as possible." The mayor said without any doubt: "I want to leave, but I don't want to be scolded for leaving. He must Please solve this problem for me!"

Around eight o'clock in the evening.

In the alley next to his cousin Wu Tianming's house, Wu Tianyin was carrying a dirty backpack. He looked around cautiously, then quickly climbed to the wall and took a look at his cousin's yard.

The courtyard was dark, and all the lights in the main room and side were turned off.

Wu Tianyin had a bad feeling in his heart, slowly climbed down the wall, and left quickly.

It's about ten o'clock in the evening.

A woman hurriedly walked into the alley, holding a phone in her hand.

"do not move."

Wu Tianyin walked out of the darkness and shouted.

The woman turned her head suddenly and was stunned when she saw Wu Tianyin.

"Sister-in-law, did something happen at home?" Wu Tianyin asked.

"...Did you kill the police officer? Do you know that your stepfather brought the police officer to the house and took your cousin away?" The cousin asked with a cry in her voice instantly: "You screwed him up! "

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