District 9

Chapter 49 The price of being willful

Director Li is very familiar with the black neighborhood and even the overall environment of Songjiang. Although this person usually looks very low-key and often likes to use a moderate attitude to avoid unnecessary troubles, his sensitivity to political games is Still more than many people.

When the armed fighting on Tuzh Street turned into a group incident, Director Li chose to ask the garrison to help suppress it, which was undoubtedly the right thing to do. Because Yuan Hua's relationship at the police station is indeed very strong, if Lao Li chooses to report it to the police station first, and the superiors delay him for two hours, further worsening the situation on Tuzh Street, he may really have to take a huge blame. Because the Black Street is an area under his jurisdiction, if such a big problem occurs, he must bear the main responsibility.

Mateo, who was stationed in the army, had a personal relationship with Lao Li, so the other party did not hesitate after receiving the call, and two battalions came over in less than half an hour. These soldiers are different from police officers. They are soldiers who have experienced many military conflicts and riots, so they are very decisive and tough in this kind of matter.

After thousands of armed soldiers rushed into the dirt street in armored vehicles, the situation was instantly reversed. No matter how ferocious, wealthy, or cruel the drug trafficking gang is, it cannot compete with the armed forces under the political machine. So when these people saw that the soldiers really dared to shoot, they immediately dispersed. Even Lao Ma, who originally planned to go to the Grand Palace, was picked up by the people below immediately.

The rest of the matter is very simple. Since the commotion is so big, the officials will definitely not be able to explain to the public unless they severely punish a group of people. Therefore, the soldiers of the army also began to arrest the leading troublemakers in large numbers in batches and teams in an organized and planned manner. All of a sudden, there were no Leizi who dared to attack the police on Tuzhu Street, and only the backbone of drug trafficking gangs were running around.

On the second floor of Century Avenue.

When Yuan Hua was about to ask about the situation on Tuzh Street, a follower walked in immediately from outside and said in an urgent tone: "Brother Hua, the garrison suddenly entered the street without any warning and fired shots. Now the two families have been separated. , but many of our brothers were held down, and dozens of people were arrested at the Guangfuyuan intersection."

"The garrison is here?" Yuan Hua was stunned.

"Well, there was no news at all beforehand. We all thought that Lao Li would report to the police station and wait for support... But unexpectedly, he contacted the garrison." The follower responded in a low voice.

When Yuan Hua heard this, he pushed away the mahjong with a frown, lowered his head and lit a cigarette, and then said in a hoarse voice: "This old Li has a lot of cards hidden in his hand. I didn't know about him before. It still has something to do with the garrison."

No one responded when they heard the sound.

"The garrison has shown up, so don't continue to deal with it." Yuan Hua immediately ordered: "Let the people working below disperse quickly, and the leader will go to the new district to stay for a while."

"Understood." After the follower nodded, he immediately added: "Also, three thugs from outside the district blocked Qin Yu, but this kid has some qualities and ran into a butcher shop and couldn't survive...Three After being dragged for a while, several police officers under Qin Yu came. The matter was not completed, but Qin Yu should be injured. "

"He is an insignificant little character, but when it comes to Qi Lin, he slapped us in the face. If we don't beat him to death and show it to others, the people over at Lao Li will not tremble." Yuan Hua took a breath. Yan: "But don't touch him for a while now. He's frightened. He's still one of Lao Li's. He will definitely be on guard in the future. Let's wait and deal with it later."


"Go ahead." Yuan Hua told the attendant, picked up his cell phone, walked to the window, and dialed the phone number of the police station.

A few seconds later, the call was connected: "What are you doing, making such a big noise?!"

"If the supply channel is not taken out, how much loss will we suffer if the old horse is connected to this channel in the future? If we don't move him now, will we be in danger of raising a tiger?" Yuan Hua responded with a chuckle.

"Then you can't do it like this. This will put a lot of pressure on the police station."

"Didn't the garrison leave?" Yuan Hua responded in a calm voice: "Wouldn't they also let them arrest the people who should be arrested?"

The other party was silent.

"Director Wu, my man has been arrested. We can stop operating now. I will cooperate with the higher-ups in how to deal with it, but this time it will cause pain to the old horse." Yuan Hua said with a gloomy look: "Since the matter has been done If he is so big, he must be killed with one punch."

"I will put pressure on the Black Street Superintendent." The other party responded in a low voice: "You also provide something that you can provide. It is best to take the matter to Lao Ma."

"Haha, okay." Yuan Hua nodded.

The Ma family is located on the boundary of Black Street, especially in the area of ​​Tuzh Street. In terms of influence and team size, it may be stronger than the Yuan family. But after this fight, they were completely defeated.


Because the interest group led by Yuan Hua has reached a level where it can sit at the same table to eat and chat with the higher-ups, but Lao Ma cannot.

The Ma family sells medicines on Tuzhan Street, and the prices are cheap and reasonable. The prices are at least 70% lower than those at hospitals and designated places for drug dispensing by the Medical Department. That’s why they can start up in a short time and form a certain reputation on Tuzhong Street. Reputation and influence. The old, weak, sick and disabled who cannot afford medicine, who have been affected by the environment and disasters, and the poor brothers who are seriously ill, all have their kindness in mind, so they are willing to help at critical moments.

But this is vulnerable in the face of political relations.

Sometimes, among ten thousand people, there may be no one in a high position who farts at any wine table.

Director Wu of the police station only said one sentence at the closed-door meeting the next day: "Strictly investigate the Ma family drug trafficking gang!" The senior officials of each functional department could only strictly implement the leadership's intention and began to arrest the people last night. In fact, they were just members of the Ma family team who were forced to fight back.

Although all the people arrested at Yuan Hua Company were thrown into prison, those senior executives who had avoided the incident were still able to enter and exit various public places with swagger. But can the Ma family? They can't. After their willfulness, they can only flee in embarrassment to avoid the oncoming pressure.

In less than twelve hours, more than a dozen of the Ma family's top executives responsible for distributing drugs were swept away by the superintendents of various districts in Songjiang. In addition to the dozens of people arrested at the scene last night... In just one night, their team was shattered.

The second night.

Old Man Ma called Old Mao and said succinctly: "Please worry about Damin and Xiaoer, I can't show up now."

Old Mao sat on a chair in the hospital and responded helplessly: "You can't show up anymore. The order just came down today. You are the person named by the police station for questioning in person."

"What does Lao Li mean?" Old Man Ma asked.

"He is powerless in this matter. You are making too much trouble," the old cat responded with a frown: "He has also suffered a lot of negative effects."

"Okay, I understand." Lao Ma did not continue to press Lao Li for help, but said in a calm tone: "I admit defeat now."

"Well, let's do this first."

After the words fell, the two ended the call.

At nine o'clock that night, Li Si sat in the car after having a meeting all day and asked with a tired look: "Where is Qin Yu?"

"in hospital."

"Go to him," Director Li gasped, "I have to talk to him."

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