District 9

Chapter 621: Little Officer Young Man

At the foot of the mountain.

After Qi Lin led the team to rush down, he immediately used the opponent's abandoned car as a bunker, and then waved his hands and shouted: "Don't be mad, just hit me quickly. The people on the left shot to suppress it, and the people on the right poured thunder in." "

As soon as he finished speaking, the people who followed Qi Lin down the mountain immediately divided into two groups. One group hid behind the car and fired wildly, while the other group grabbed Lei and poured water into the opposite trench.

"Boom, boom...!"

Explosions sounded one after another, and the snow in countless trenches rose into the sky. Lei Yu's people hiding inside had no choice but to scatter and escape.

"They dispersed."

Qi Lin shouted loudly, waved his hands and shouted: "Come on!"

"Charge!" Chameng also led the team and rushed down.


Dozens of people crossed the road and rushed directly to the field.

Lei Yu and others hurriedly fought back, trying to push their opponents back.

Gunshots rang out, and two or three of Yao Guang's brothers were knocked down on the road.

Qi Lin glanced back and shouted: "cnm, this is all it takes. Everyone just moves forward and never retreats. If anyone looks back, I will chop off his legs."


Cha Meng was the first to rush into the ditch and started shooting with his gun.

As soon as the leader moved forward, the people behind them gave up their intention to run and all rushed towards the field against the wind.

Lei Yu and others had been beaten to scatter just now. Now when dozens of people rushed up, they no longer had the ability to fight back and could only scatter and run away.

In the heavy snow shell, a strong man shouted at Lei Yu with a completely broken mentality: "Where is Wei Bin? Why hasn't he arrived yet?!"

On the road.

Wei Bin looked at the foot of the mountain not far away, pulled his neck and shouted: "The gunfire is in the field, Lei Yu can't hold it anymore, please hurry up."

"I'm already fast enough!!" the driver yelled with his eyes wide open.


At this moment, there was the sound of breaking wind in the air, two beams of headlights swept the road, and a helicopter hovered in the sky.

"Joint Defense Battalion military vehicles, please stop where you are." A voice shouted from the air.

The sergeant major was stunned, and immediately lowered the window and looked into the sky: "Fuck, Fengbei Garrison's plane?!"

"Ignore him, just drive over." Wei Bin glared and shouted, "Leading the helicopter over will also save Lei Yu."

"Are you fucking crazy? That's the garrison. I don't obey orders and they dare to shoot me with machine guns." The sergeant major shouted with a pale face.

"I repeat, joint defense battalion military vehicle convoy, please stop where you are immediately."

"Da da!"

As the shouting ended, two gunshots rang out in the air.

"Creak, creak...!"

The drivers in several cars immediately parked their cars on the spot without even greeting the sergeant major.

The helicopter circled and landed, and a young officer with red lips and white teeth, a strong build, and a handsome face walked out of the cabin. He seemed to have just grown up.

"Get off the bus." The young officer pointed at the convoy and shouted.

Within the field.

Qi Lin led dozens of people, killing people when they were in the way, and killing Buddha when they were in the way. They pushed and suppressed them all the way, and soon caught up with Lei Yu and the others.


After three gunshots were fired, Cha Meng took down one person with his sniper and shouted: "Don't you insist on doing it? Why did you run away as soon as it was touched?!"

"do not move!"

"do not move!"


The Yaoguang brothers on the side all raised their guns.

Lei Yu lost all his strength, looked back at the people surrounding him, and found that he had no way to escape.


Qi Lin led the team forward and kicked Lei Yu on the chest: "Put down the gun."

Lei Yu didn't know that Wei Bin and others had been stopped, so he wanted to delay: "Okay, I'm going to admit defeat, what do you want, draw a line!"

"do not move!"

"Kneel down!"


The crowd gathered around and beat the brothers around Lei Yu hard.

Qi Lin reached out and grabbed Lei Yu's neck, lowered his head and asked, "Do you have Fatty Xing's phone number?"

Lei Yu glanced at him sideways: "...Why, you want to break into Fengbei?"

"Fuck, aren't you the ones who want to protect Yuan Ke life and death?" Qi Lin shouted with disdain, "Why are you going back now?"

Lei Yu said nothing.

"Lie down and don't move!" Qi Lin pressed Lei Yu's head and walked aside with the phone in his hand.

On the road at the other end of the mountain, the sergeant major led the team out of the car. He squinted at the young officer's shoulders and saw that he was carrying an ordinary non-commissioned officer. He immediately frowned and asked: "What's going on?"

The junior officer seemed to be very hostile to this group of people, and replied with a stern face: "I am a guard of the Chief of Staff of the Fengbei Garrison Brigade. My name is Wang Henan."

"You don't know how to salute when you see your superior!" a soldier from the joint defense battalion scolded.

Daya, who had just graduated from the Fengbei study class, turned his head and glanced at the soldiers. With a hint of sophistication in his childish voice, he continued to say to the sergeant major: "The Garrison Brigade General Staff Office orders you to return immediately."

"We are on a mission and I need to talk to the garrison on the phone." The sergeant major responded urgently.

"Didn't you understand what I said?" Da Ya asked.

"You are just a fucking petty sergeant, you will do whatever you are told!" the joint defense soldier yelled irritably: "Go get the phone, don't you understand?!"


Daya raised his leg, suddenly kicked the opponent's abdomen, pulled out the gun with his right hand, put it on the opponent's head and cursed: "You are bullying me for being young? Have you heard the words of the third-rank official in front of the prime minister's door?" ! Do you believe it or not, I will take you back to the garrison and squat in a cage on the pretext of disobeying orders!"

"What the hell...!" the sergeant major was furious.

"What are you going to do, rebel?" Another guard in the cabin, a chief of staff guard in his twenties, put his head around and cursed: "I'm giving you face, aren't you? Don't you know why the General Staff sent us here?" !”

The sergeant major was stunned upon hearing this.

"Go back!" the young man yelled.

The sergeant major clenched his fists, turned around and shouted: "Let's go back."

Da Ya sniffed, put the gun in his gun bag with a bit of dignity, and turned around and shouted: "Brother Yao, I want to make a phone call."

"Who asked you to do it?!" the young man asked with a tigerish face.

"Stop making trouble, Brother Yao, let me make a call." Daya immediately walked to the cabin and said in an old-fashioned way: "My brother is rich, I will ask him to arrange for you later."

"You bitch..."

Within the field.

Qi Lin dialed Qin Yu's phone: "The work is done, do you want me to take him back?"

"No, this hard beating is just to give Fatty Xing a warning." Qin Yu frowned and said, "Go ahead and do it."

Five minutes later, Qi Lin held a gun against Lei Yu's head with his right hand and dialed Fatty Xing's cell phone with his left hand.


After several busy tones.

"Hey, Xiaoyu?!"


Fatty Xing was stunned when he heard the sound.

"I reminded you twice, but you don't take us seriously!" Qi Lin looked down at Lei Yu and continued: "Then just listen."

When Lei Yu heard this, he immediately felt something was wrong and struggled to get up: "You fucking...!"


Three gunshots rang out, and Lei Yu fell directly into the snow shell. Qi Lin held the phone and said succinctly: "Fat Xing, let me tell you clearly! You may be a figure in Fengbei, but in Songjiang, in the area to be planned, no one will obey you. Then take the big shot of Jianghu If you do one thing to suppress us, then I won’t do anything from now on, and I’ll just watch the market outside your district. You make a batch of fucking goods, and I’ll make a batch of them, do you understand?”


The final battle of this volume is basically over here, and we will start a new chapter immediately. I was very tired writing this volume because I had to create characters like Wu Tianyin and Lao Xu who were difficult to grasp, and they had to break out every Monday, but fortunately I was quite satisfied with the degree of completion. Okay, let’s start Qin Yu’s journey to the Seventh District this week. Finally, I want to shout out, please subscribe and recommend votes. There are only two days left for this month. Brothers, help me win the championship!

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