District 9

Chapter 625 Lao Li’s Tips

Wu Di finally found a relationship with a higher-level person for Qin Yu's sake and suppressed Lao Li's matter.

Two days later, Lao Li was released by the Independent Commission Against Corruption, and at the same time he formally applied for resignation to the city council. After a brief meeting, the city council approved his application and restricted him from leaving the country for three years.

This result is undoubtedly very painful for a person who only wants to make a difference in his official career. After Lao Li left the superintendent, he served on the district council for less than half a year. He had many ideas and passions in his heart that he had not yet paid for. action, it completely evaporated.

Before Qin Yu was about to leave Songjiang, he met Lao Li alone in a teahouse in Jiangnan District. The two looked at each other with some emotion in their hearts.

"Wu Di is better than Xiaosan. At least your words have some weight with him." Old Li put his palms in his hands and said softly: "Your choice is right."

Qin Yu scratched his head and comforted Lao Li: "It's okay to take a break. Although the position of chief councilor is gone, at least we are fine. After a few years, there may be a chance to make a comeback. "

"Ha ha!"

Lao Li laughed when he heard this: "I'm already this old, how many more years can I wait?! Forget it, I'll look away."

Qin Yu said nothing.

"You have vision and courage, and you dare to make a bet at the critical moment." Lao Li looked at Qin Yu and said softly: "Once the pharmaceutical factory is done, you will have a great future."

Qin Yu took a sip of tea and didn't answer.

"Xiao Yu, do you know why I was treated so badly today?" Lao Li suddenly asked with a smile.

Qin Yu was startled, nodded and shook his head.

"The pharmaceutical factory thing is just a foreshadowing. Going to District 7 is your big opportunity." Lao Li reminded in a low voice: "Accumulate more contacts and don't put all your eggs in one basket, because one day you will The basket in your hand is gone and the eggs are on the ground. Is there any safety guarantee?"

Qin Yu looked at Lao Li and asked with confusion in his heart: "Uncle, why didn't you get out before Lao Xu was about to fall? If you had changed your position, maybe you wouldn't be in the current situation."

Lao Li rubbed his palms and replied calmly: "Because I was stained and labeled, everyone outside knows that the chief councilor of Jiangnan District is from the Xu family. How can I get out? To be honest, Xiaosan and Lao Xu's I don’t agree with many ideas, but when I enjoy the resources they bring, I have to make compromises. This is a fair exchange, so I don’t feel unbalanced at all.”

When Qin Yu heard this, he nodded unconsciously.

"...Be careful, mistress, from now on, he is different from you." Old Li said softly: "You have to go through many obstacles step by step, and you are as tough as a knife. You climbed to where you are now in a daze, so You are not afraid of things. But he is different. He is used to it and can't stand failure. In addition, Lao Xu is definitely going to die... so he is likely to become different from before, and he will be better at some things. Go to extremes.”

"I understand, uncle!" Qin Yu nodded.


Lao Li took a long breath, nodded and said, "Okay, you can go, I want to walk around for a while."

Qin Yu looked at this somewhat downtrodden middle-aged man and felt a lot in his heart. Just a few months ago, he was standing on the podium with high spirits and passionately delivering his appointment speech. Gone.

After Qin Yu thought about it for a long time, he took out a bank card from his pocket and pushed it along the table in front of Lao Li: "Uncle, take this, the password is Lao Mao's birthday!"

"Haha, it's not time for me to use you to help." Lao Li pushed the card back without hesitation: "Have a good job in District 7. I also hope to see you well."

"Take it!"

"...You can save some face for me, can't you? Haha!" Lao Li replied with a smile.

Qin Yu was stunned for a moment, then slowly took back his bank card, stood up and said, "Then I'll leave first, uncle!"


Lao Li patted Qin Yu on the shoulder: "Remember what I told you, no matter how good you get along with Wu Di, it depends on the relationship between the boss and the senior executives. He has his own interests to protect, and you also have yours to protect. Human, so if you want your relationship to last in the long run and not be embarrassed, then only if you put yourself in the same position as him."

Qin Yu was stunned for a long time: "I understand."

"Bah!" Lao Li patted Qin Yu's arm: "It's good, let's go."

Qin Yu always had a premonition that Lao Li would definitely get up again, but he didn't know where this feeling came from, he just felt like this in his heart.

Maybe a gut feeling?

Or maybe... Lao Li was too calm, and he didn't look like someone who had just returned from hell!

Qin Yu drove away from the teahouse and soon returned to Tuzha Street.

In Hospital No. 88, Keke still led his team to discuss the location of the pharmaceutical factory and the recruitment of scientific researchers with high salaries.

Qin Yu stood outside and listened for a while, then lowered his head and sent a text message to Coco.

After the meeting room ended, Coco returned to her room and asked carelessly: "Who gave you the right to enter my room privately?"

"...What's going on? Are you hiding someone?" Qin Yu asked sideways.

"Get lost!" Coco frowned and asked, "Why are you secretly sending me a text message? Confession?"

"Haha, why do I have such low expectations? I confess to you!" Qin Yu lit a cigarette, looked at Coco softly and said, "I'm ready to leave."

Coco was startled, stretched out her hands to tie her hair, leaned on the table and asked, "Are you leaving soon?"

"Well, my application has been approved. From now on, I will stop working and prepare to study." Qin Yu nodded: "Xiaohao helped me book the tickets, and I will go to Fengbei immediately!"

Coco pursed her lips and nodded: "That's good. I wish you success in your studies and come back as the director!"

"...Why do I look at you like you can't bear to leave me?!" Qin Yu asked in a sultry voice.

"Can you stop being so sentimental?" Coco curled her lips and said, "If you have any last words to say, please say them quickly!"

"Lao Mao will give you five million, which is the money for my shareholding." Qin Yu said softly: "For the negotiation, you and Ye Lin will come over there!"

"Aren't you afraid that I will take your five million and run away?"

"If you dare to run, I will break your legs!" Qin Yu smiled: "When the project is officially launched, I will ask Lao Mao to sign a holding agreement with you!"

"You just let Ma Laoer buy a stake and that's it? Why do you want to take over from me?" Keke was a little confused.

"Don't miss out on this share." Qin Yu said frankly: "I believe in Wu Di, but I don't believe in Han Sanqian! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Coco nodded.

"Well, that's all." Qin Yu stood up and said, "I'm packing my things and getting ready to leave!"

Coco looked at Qin Yu and suddenly asked: "Which city in District 7 are you studying in?!"


"Oh, nothing happens. I will go back to Jiangzhou after finishing the pharmaceutical factory." Coco yawned and replied, "When nothing happens, I will go to District 7 to see you!"

Qin Yu was startled and joked with a smile: "Sending cannons?!"


Ke Ke kicked Qin Yu's waist: "Send it to you, you sand sculpture!"

After scolding, Coco turned and left.

"I'm in Nanhu!" Qin Yu shouted while pulling his neck.

An hour later, Fu Xiaohao drove over and gave Qin Yu his ticket to leave.

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