District 9

Chapter 631 Invisible exclusion

Inside the bar.

Qin Yu came to Xuanxuan's booth and introduced himself to everyone one by one.

After a brief acquaintance, a young man waved his hand and shouted to Qin Yu: "Come on, come on, sit here, let's play some games!"

"Okay." Qin Yu nodded and sat on the edge of the sofa.

"What are you playing for?" Lu Dang picked up the poker on the table with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Let's just tell the truth or dare." Xuanxuan said with a lollipop in her mouth: "The punishment rules should be stricter. If you refuse to cooperate, drink a large glass of pure foreign wine!"

"Okay, let's play in this hot spot first." Lu Dang turned to look at Qin Yu and asked casually: "Can you play?"

"I know a little bit, but I don't understand much." When Qin Yu was in Songjiang, he usually went to nightclubs to talk about things or have business banquets. He rarely went to nightclubs like Lu Dang, Xuanxuan and others just to have fun, so he was very interested in it. The rules of this game are not very clear.

"It's quite simple." Xuanxuan sat on a high chair with her legs crossed and explained softly: "There are ten of us playing. Whoever draws the smallest 3 will be asked by the person who drew the largest a. Or he assigns you to do something, and if you disagree, drink a large glass of foreign wine."

"Isn't this unreasonable?" Qin Yu said confused: "Then I got 3. If someone asks me to jump off the building, should I jump too?"

"Haha." Lu Dang smiled: "No one asked you to jump off the building. The things assigned by A can be very exciting, but 3 must be able to do it, and it can't be too much."

"Ah, okay, come on then." Qin Yu nodded.

After saying that, the ten people opened several bottles of foreign wine and gathered around the big card table, and then Lu Dang took the lead and started dealing out poker cards.

"Hey, Qin Yu, can you help me get a box of napkins?" Xuanxuan said casually while eating a lollipop.

"Oh, okay!" Qin Yu sat on the edge of the sofa. Without thinking much, he got up and walked to the door of the dance floor, asking the waiter for a napkin.

When he came back, the cards had been dealt out, and Qin Yu joked with a smile: "You didn't change my cards, did you?"

"Haha, no!"

"Sit down quickly!"


Everyone greeted with a smile.

Qin Yu heard the sound and sat on the sofa. He lowered his head and opened the poker and took a look: "Oh, it's an 8. Does this have nothing to do with me?"

"Well, it has nothing to do with you." The young man next to him nodded.

Qin Yu threw away the poker, raised his head and took a sip of water, looking at everyone quietly.

After everyone showed their cards, a young man wearing glasses drew a 3. Then he was assigned by A to go to another table to say I love you to a female classmate. This person was a little hesitant at first and wanted to avoid punishment by drinking. But he couldn't stand the crowd and finally rushed to another table and shouted, "I love you", which made everyone mock and boo.

After the game ended, everyone continued to play. At this time, several men and women on the sofa took turns calling Qin Yu, either asking him to get two bottles of wine, or asking him to order some ice cubes, fruit plates, etc.

At first, Qin Yu felt that he was sitting on the outside of the sofa and doing some "odd jobs" was inevitable. But as these people kept ordering him around, the nature changed a bit.

In a large circle, there will always be a few dominating core figures, and there will also be a few clowns who are often ridiculed, ridiculed, ordered, and even teased, because as long as a group of people are together, there is no absolute fairness. In the mode of getting along, if everyone is strong, they will never be able to play together.

Although Qin Yu didn't want to be a big brother in this circle, he definitely couldn't accept the role of a clown who ran errands, worked, and was taken out to tease him when nothing happened. Therefore, after being manipulated by others a few times, he gradually found his feelings. .

"Qin Yu, go find the waiter and ask him to come over and make me a pot of hookah!" Lu Dang ordered.

"Fuck, you don't have any legs, go by yourself!" Qin Yu replied with a smile, then reached out and picked up the poker.

Lu was stunned for a moment: "Aren't you going to sit outside? I can't go out!"

"Then you just wait and draw!" Qin Yu looked down at the playing cards and changed the topic lightly: "Fuck! There's no limit! Damn... holy shit, it's 3!"

"Hahaha, it's finally your turn!" The young man next to Lu Dang laughed wildly: "Look, who drew the a!"

"Hey, what a coincidence, it's me!" Lu Dang showed an a.

"Okay, then what are you going to do?" Qin Yu didn't know at the moment that Lu Dang was hostile to him. He only thought that he was the kind of person who was used to being his elder brother.

Lu Dang looked at Qin Yu with a smile, pointed at the DJ booth and said, "Go over there and shout!"

"What are you shouting for?"

"Calling Qin Yu is stupid, hahaha!" Lu Dang replied in a joking tone.

Qin Yu frowned when he heard the sound.

"It's just for fun, there's nothing to be embarrassed about." Xuanxuan sat inside and ate another lollipop, as if she didn't want to be idle.

"I'll drink."

"Holy shit, you're pure, buddy!" The young man next to him whispered: "You'll pour it down after just one cup, and you won't be able to play anymore."

"How about changing it to another one."

"Okay, then I'll change him." Lu Dang blinked, looked at Qin Yu carelessly and said, "Let me ask you a question."

"You ask." Qin Yu replied.

"I heard something in Fengbei!" Lu Dang asked with a curious expression: "Some people say that Feng Yunian, the Black Street Superintendent, is you...!"


"I'm just asking Ang, just kidding, don't think too much!" Lu Dang continued to ask after getting vaccinated: "A friend told me that Feng Yunian and you are related by blood, saying... you are his illegitimate son, Is this a thing?!”

After the words fell, the booth became quiet, and everyone looked at Qin Yu with a smile.

Qin Yu rubbed his palms unconsciously and looked at Lu Dang with squinted eyes without saying a word.

"Fuck, you're a fucking household registration checker!" Li Yuanzhen, who was at the table next to him, reached out and patted Lu Dang on the head: "The question you asked was a bit too high!"

"It's fun, don't you just ask whatever you want!" Lu Dang turned his head and looked at Li Yuanzhen and scolded: "I want to ask him, has he masturbated before, who is interested? He is just a happy person, and you have the same What does it matter!”


Everyone burst into laughter when they heard the sound, Xuanxuan said quietly from the side: "I must have masturbated, all the boys have masturbated!"

After finishing his words, Lu Dang looked back at Qin Yu and said with a smile: "If you don't want to, just say it, just drink!"

Qin Yu licked his lips, smiled suddenly, waved his hands and shouted: "There is nothing that cannot be said, Director Feng is my leader, we are not related at all!! But the person who told you this matter is probably here The team is not doing very well either, haha, you are a little jealous of me!"

After saying that, Qin Yu stared at Lu Dang: "Come on, come on, I'm done, keep playing!"

While everyone was chatting, Gu Yan brought a few people over to toast with bottles. At the same time, the young man with a tattoo on his wrist and two friends sat on the card table not far away.

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