District 9

Chapter 660 Han Tong has an appointment

At the door of Room 01 on the top floor of the Four Seasons top-end high-end apartment in Nanhu City, Jin Yuting bent down and took out slippers from the cabinet, and said without turning around: "Would you like to come in and sit down for a while and have some tea?"

Qin Yu was stunned for a moment and said naively: "No, I have something else to do and I have to go back to the academy."

Jin Yuting turned around and put her hair up neatly: "Doesn't your college close the dormitory at night?"

"It's okay, I'm familiar with the guard." Qin Yu replied like a complete fool.

"Oh," Jin Yuting nodded: "Then you go back."

"Good night." Qin Yu waved his hand, turned around and left.

Jin Yuting stood at the door, looked at Qin Yu's back, and grinned: "Is this really honest, or is it prude?"

Qin Yu walked into the elevator, stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and his face flushed red: "...I feel a little uncomfortable. I can only give Gu Yan a break at night."

In Songjiang, Wu Di was sitting in the car, frowning and saying to Han Tong: "The new pharmaceutical factory is about to start construction, and I have a lot of things to do here, so I can't leave. Just go to see Qin Yu and it's over. What should I introduce?"

"Didn't I tell you, he and I might have a little misunderstanding." Han Tong explained, scratching his nose.

"I definitely won't be able to go to Nanhu. Forget it, let's do this. I'll call Qin Yu later and you can meet and discuss the rest." Wu Di thought about it for a while and then replied: "But we have an agreement in advance. You guys have to work together." I don’t care about any business, but there must be no conflicts. For me, the smooth advancement of the pharmaceutical factory project is the top priority, do you understand?!"

"Don't worry, I understand what you mean." Han Tong nodded.

"That's fine." Wu Di responded softly: "I'll call Qin Yu later, and you can talk about the rest."


"Wait a minute!" Wu Di suddenly shouted again.

"What's wrong?" Han Tong asked.

"If you want to cooperate with Qin Yu, just impress him with benefits. Don't use my relationship with him to force him to do this." Wu Di thought very thoughtfully: "Strong words are not sweet, you understand. ?"

"Oh, don't worry, I understand what you mean." Han Tong immediately responded with a smile.

"Well, that's it." Wu Di said and hung up the phone.

"...Haha, after all this, we have become outsiders." Han Tong touched his head and said to the driver with a speechless expression: "Call Xiaoyu and ask him to come to Nanhu too."

"Okay." The driver nodded.

That night.

After Qin Yu returned to the dormitory, he did not see Gu Yan, only Lin Chengdong lying on the bed reading a book.

"He didn't come back?" Qin Yu took off his coat and asked.

"I said there was still a game in the evening, so I went out to play." Lin Chengdong shook his head and sighed: "Gu Yan's energy is really strong!"

"Haha, why didn't you follow?"

"Their consumption is too high, why do I have the nerve to keep following them." Lin Chengdong replied bluntly.

"Then there's nothing to be embarrassed about." Qin Yu curled his lips: "Look at Gu Yan, you can have a barbecue at home by setting up a stove, and you can even go horseback riding with celebrities as your company. How can you be so embarrassed?"

"The truth is like this." Lin Chengdong sat up and said very insightfully: "If you have money in your pocket, you go out to do it, that's humor and personality; but if you don't have money in your pocket, you go out to do it, that's real."

Qin Yu was stunned for a moment: "I think you are thinking too much...?"

"It doesn't hurt to think more." Lin Chengdong pointed to the small iron basin on the table and said, "There is some fruit there for you two."

"Thank you." Qin Yu was not polite. He walked over carelessly, picked up the basin, and ate the not-so-cheap fruit from the greenhouse: "Hey, I heard from Gu Yan today that you are married, right?"

"Ah," Lin Chengdong nodded and said, "It's over."

"...How old were you when you got married?"

"19, we've been married for seven years." Lin Chengdong bared his teeth and replied.

"Then you got married very early!"

"...For me, there is not much difference between getting married at thirty and getting married at nineteen. You have to take this step sooner or later." Lin Chengdong replied smoothly: "Get it done early, so you can save worry."

Qin Yu looked at Lin Chengdong and suddenly felt in his heart that although this man was only twenty-seven years old, his mentality was the same as that of a sixty-year-old man. He seemed to have no pursuit of life anymore and was living happily all day long.

"Go to bed early, it's getting late," Lin Chengdong lay on the bed again, yawning and said, "I have to prepare lessons tomorrow morning."

"Working so hard? Why, do you still plan to finish this school and then get a diploma?" Qin Yu asked.

"You and Gu Yan can probably get various certificates if you don't participate in graduation, but I can't." Lin Chengdong covered himself with a quilt: "You can fake it, but I have to really study to cope with the exam."

Qin Yu was speechless.

"Sleep!" Lin Chengdong turned over and faced the wall, feeling sleepy.

After Qin Yu finished eating the fruit, he stopped talking to Lin Chengdong. He just covered himself with a quilt and lay on the bed. After a while, he started snoring.

Indoors, the lights were dim. Lin Chengdong opened his eyes and looked at the blurred wall. He was not sleepy at all. His mind was filled with scenes of Gu Yan's luxurious residence and chatting with big stars.

It is said that the person who goes to bed first has insomnia, and the person who goes to bed later is already snoring. I don’t know when, people in this world have become no longer the same starting point for sleep quality.

Early the next morning.

When Qin Yu got up, Lin Chengdong had already gone to the cafeteria to eat, and he sat on the bed to relax for a long time before getting ready to wash up.

"Dip Lingling!"

A phone rang.

"Hello?" Qin Yu yawned and answered the phone.

"What are you doing?" Wu Di's voice sounded.

"...I just got up, ready to wash my face and brush my teeth." Qin Yu rubbed his eyes and asked, "What, are you okay?"

"Are you drifting? Can't I call you if you have nothing to do?"

"Yes, Diego!"

"Haha, something really happened." Wu Di smiled and replied softly: "Han Tong is in Nanhu. I want to make an appointment with you tonight. You should go see him."

"What are you asking me to do?" Qin Yu asked smoothly.

"I want to do some business with you." Wu Di responded truthfully: "You can meet and talk to him."

When Qin Yu heard this, he immediately thought of Zhan Nan and the business he wanted to do, and then frowned and asked: "Then what do you mean, do you want me to talk to him?"

"I don't mean anything." Wu Di responded softly: "I called you just to tell you that you two can talk about the matter. It's up to you to decide whether you can cooperate."

"Ah, then I understand." Qin Yu nodded slowly: "Okay, I'll see him tonight."

"I've heard some things about you in Nanhu, and bygones are bygones," Wu Di said with a smile, "You didn't suffer any loss anyway!"

"Do you know that I didn't suffer a loss?" Qin Yu asked.

"You old cunt is going to suffer, so you must call me and complain!" Wu Di understands Qin Yu just like the farmer uncle understands shit.

"Haha!" Qin Yu smiled: "Okay, I'll go see him tonight."

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