District 9

Chapter 722 Brother Yin disappeared

Li Xian asked people from the Joint Defense Security Investigation Battalion to set up traffic jams at various intersections. He also asked people to pass Ahong's basic information back to the team for investigation.

It was nearly noon, and Hiro's identity information was verified in District 9.

A Hong, whose real name is Xin Hong, is 35 years old. He first cooperated with his construction company because of a project team of a certain department in Changji. The principal of the other party repeatedly defaulted on his project payment on the grounds that the construction was not up to standard, which directly led to Xin's death. Hong's company collapsed and his partner committed suicide by jumping off the building. Then Xin Hong was desperate and killed six people including the project team leader, the project team leader's wife, and the project team leader's father in a rage, and finally fled outside the area.

In the past five years, Xin Hong has committed many crimes in Changji, Songjiang, Fengbei and other government-controlled areas, extorting wealthy businessmen and robbing government supplies. He has been jointly wanted by the three cities, with a reward of up to 200,000 yuan.

After Li Xian saw Ah Hong's experience, his head was buzzing. He was resentful that the information provided by the Ninth District was unfavorable, which led to the failure of the arrest. Two people from the joint defense team died and several others were seriously injured.

But this kind of resentment is somewhat incompetent and furious, because the arrest was impromptu. When Fengbei received the "confirmed" news that Wu Tianyin had appeared in Jiangzhou, Qin Yu was already on his way to the hotel with Liu Ye and others. , so how could they convey all the situation clearly to Li Xian in a short period of time? What's more, Ahong joined Wu Tianyin's team later, and his whereabouts in District 9 are not clear.

Although Ah Hong is a severely wanted criminal, what happened to him has nothing to do with what Wu Tianyin committed in Songjiang. Therefore, Ahong's arrest did not help Li Xian at all in what he wanted to do. On the contrary, it made him feel that the death of his two brothers was a bit unfair.

A whole day passed, and more than a hundred people from the joint defense reconnaissance battalion were sent out, but Wu Tianyin was still not blocked. By this time, Li Xian and others had given up. Because the roads in the area to be planned extend in all directions, and the radiation range of the joint defense reconnaissance camp is limited, their police force is completely unable to intercept and arrest people in farther and deeper areas to be planned. Therefore, no one can be blocked during this day. This may mean that Wu Tianyin has traveled thousands of kilometers by car at this moment.

Inside Yaoguang Company.

Qin Yu couldn't sit still at all. He anxiously walked around Qi Lin's office and said with his hands behind his back: "Where do you think he could go? Could something have happened? Otherwise, why didn't you call me? ?”

Qi Lin thought about it for a long time: "Does he think our place is unsafe?"

"No." Qin Yu shook his head: "He believes in me, I can feel it."

"...Then it's really possible that something happened, or that he ran out of Jiangzhou." Qi Lin analyzed with a frown.

"Fuck, there won't be a day when I can calm down." Qin Yu cursed irritably, looked out the window with a gloomy face and said: "Wu Tianyin, who the joint defense reconnaissance battalion went to arrest, is someone in the military trying to catch him?" Fuck him?"

"No, no, no, some departments here are different from those in District 9." Qi Lin immediately stood up and explained: "All departments under the Joint Defense Investigation Battalion are directly managed by the Nanhu Municipal Police General Bureau."

"Ah? Shouldn't the joint defense be under the control of the garrison?" Qin Yu asked in shock.

"No, the situation in District Seven is different from ours." Qi Lin said in detail: "District Seven is close to the sea, and the coastline cannot be all within the district. But it is also an important trade channel, and political f If you leave it alone, anyone can transport goods here from several EU zones. Therefore, the coast outside the planned area is in charge of two departments: the land area is under the joint defense, reconnaissance and operation management, and the sea area is under the port administration. Administration. These two departments are not part of the army, because they have to undertake tasks such as tax collection and anti-smuggling, so they are directly under the management of the General Police Bureau."

"The Joint Defense Investigation Battalion is a subordinate department of the General Administration of Police?" Qin Yu was a little surprised.

"Yes." Qi Lin nodded and replied: "At first, the joint defense and reconnaissance battalion was under the jurisdiction of the garrison. Later, the Seventh District Government wanted to rectify various black industrial chains derived from coastal trade, so they directly borrowed the joint defense reconnaissance battalion. . But as time went by, it was absorbed by the General Administration of Police and renamed the Joint Defense Patrol Battalion... The battalion commander is also at the level of director and is treated like a director, but everyone is used to the previous title, so it is still called that."

After Qin Yu listened to Qi Lin's explanation, he walked around the room with his hands behind his back and said, "This makes sense. Since it is not the garrison that arrests people, but the police system, it means... Brother Yin It's probably for me."

"Coming for you?" Qi Lin was stunned.

"Who does Brother Yin have a grudge against in Nanhu? Why is the Police Headquarters trying to punish him when he has nothing to do? And something happened just as Brother Yin was about to pick up my goods, so if they are not targeting me, who are they targeting?" Qin Yu He frowned and said: "Brother Yin wants to do business with me, so if you punish him, you will punish me. Xiaolin, find someone to ask and see if you can find out whether it was the arrest order issued directly by the Police General Administration or People within the reconnaissance camp took the initiative to report it."

"Our relationship within the police system is not too hard," Qi Lin thought for a while and said, "I'll give it a try."

"Okay." Qin Yu nodded and looked out the window with his hands behind his back: "It has something to do with the police system, who could have done it?"

Late at night, after 11 o'clock.

On a certain road around Jiangzhou, an off-road vehicle was driving very fast.

In the car, Team Leader Yu, who participated in the arrest of Wu Tianyin yesterday, was covered with clothes and sleeping in the back seat.

"Dip Lingling!"

A pleasant ringtone rang.

Team leader Yu opened his eyes drowsily, reached out to pick up the phone, yawned and asked: "Who is it?"

"Hey, Yu Zu, this is Weixiang, are you busy?" On the phone, the owner of the boarding and lodging shop where Wu Tianyin and others stayed two days ago asked with a smile.

"Ah! I was about to go back to the team, what happened?"

"Haha, is it convenient for you? I have some clues for you."

"What clue?!" Team leader Yu sat up and asked.

"Just the clues left by the people you want to arrest a few days ago." The owner of the boarding and lodging shop said in a low voice: "When I was cleaning up their room, I found a big bag with a lot of notebooks and stuff in it. I don't want to I know if you are of any use."

"What's in the book?"

"...I don't dare to open it and look at it!" the owner of the boarding and lodging shop replied in a low voice.

"Are you in the store? I'll go look for you." Yu Zu replied caringly.

"Yu Zu, I'm not in the store." The owner of the boarding and lodging shop said immediately: "I'm playing at Qinqin's place. If you want to come over, don't harass so many people... I'm afraid that it will be bad for others to see it. I will do it to myself." Cause trouble."

Yu Zu was stunned for a moment: "Okay, just wait for me, I'll be there in a minute."

Inside Yaoguang Company.

Qi Lin pushed open the door and rushed into the room, saying concisely: "I found out that the person who took the lead in handling this case is named Li Xian. He is from the Li family."

"Which Li family?" Qin Yu stood up and asked.

"Where else can there be a Li family? Just this one in Jiangzhou!"

"Li family?!" Qin Yu instantly remembered the Li family who had also poured Teng Yao before. Back then, he, Qi Lin, and Lao Mao had touched their family members.

"Could it be that Xiaosan asked someone to do this?" Qi Lin frowned and said, "There were rumors on the ground that the Li family was going to cooperate with Xiaosan."

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