District 9

Chapter 732: Confronting the Horses and Cannons

Yu Wanqing shouted that he wanted to fight Qin Yu together. It was definitely not a momentary dispute of temper, nor was it to protect Wu Tianyin, whom he didn't even know, but purely out of consideration of interests.

First of all, the Yu family and the Li family have been fighting openly and secretly in the Jiangzhou area for more than ten years. There have been countless bloodsheds between the two parties due to business conflicts, so they already have unresolved grievances. This point has been very clear since Qin Yu, Qi Lin, and Lao Mao were inadvertently involved in the Kang Ge incident.

The person who hired Ye Zixiao to punish Brother Kang at that time was Li Tong from the Li family.

To put it bluntly, even without Qin Yu, sooner or later they would have to find a male and a female.

Also, when things have developed to this point, it is not difficult to guess with Yu Wanqing's wisdom that the people standing behind the Li family must have given them a lot of financial support, otherwise Old Fox Li would never dare to let him go at this time. Li Xian caused trouble and got involved in Xiang'er's business.

Therefore, it was already well known to Sima Zhao that the Li family was going to touch Xiang'er's business. In terms of Xiang'er's business, Qin Yu had promised that the Yu family would get involved in the future to gain benefits. From a standpoint, it was only a matter of time before the Yu family and the Li family would run into each other.

In addition, in the pharmaceutical factory project, Wu Di's intention to reduce the Han family's voice has been very obvious, and Qin Yu is also interested in supporting the Yu family to gain more voice in the pharmaceutical company. Therefore, the two parties are now in an alliance of interests that are closely tied together. When one party is in trouble, the other party must provide the strongest support, so as to ensure that each other's interests are not infringed.

Therefore, when Yu Wanqing made this decision, it was definitely not because he admired Qin Yu and helped him, nor because Keke and Qin Yu had become close recently and he wanted to find a son-in-law, but simply out of consideration of interests. For the head of a big family like Yu Wanqing, the responsibilities on his shoulders are far more important than the appreciation relationship and the long-lasting love between children.

After Yu Wanqing and Lao Li had a simple "literary fight" on the phone, the two families started moving, and the smell of gunpowder permeated the entire Jiangzhou territory.

In Yaoguang Company, while Qi Lin was recruiting people, Qin Yu suddenly received a call from Yu Wanqing, who told him succinctly: "Come to my house, I have something to tell you."

"Okay, I'll go right away." Qin Yu responded and immediately drove Cha Meng to Yu's house.

In the same villa and study, Qin Yu met Yu Wanqing, his third uncle Yu Wanjiang, his fourth uncle Yu Wanhe, and Yu Wanqing's assistant Uncle Yan.

"Mr. Yu, third uncle, fourth uncle, uncle Yan." Qin Yu greeted everyone sweetly.

"Sit." Yu Wanqing waved.

After Qin Yu heard the sound, he sat on the sofa obediently and waited for the next step.

"Something has changed." Yu Wanqing drank tea and said to Qin Yu succinctly: "Someone took the lead and came to me to make peace. He said he wanted the two families to sit down and talk and not escalate the conflict."

"Who?" Qin Yu asked.

"Chairman of the Jiangzhou Autonomous Council, Zou Zhengzhong." Fourth uncle interrupted.

"What does this person do?" Qin Yu had never heard of this person.

"Jiangzhou is developing very well among the areas to be planned, so the local autonomous council was spontaneously established. Its main function is to maintain stability. Because it is not governed by the laws of the three major districts, but there must still be some rules, otherwise because One stall may kill people." The fourth uncle crossed his legs and said softly: "It is already an open matter that the Seventh District wants to absorb the territory of Jiangzhou, and this Zou Zhengzhong has been cooperating with the Seventh District government to promote this To put it bluntly, he wants to be the first chief councilor after Jiangzhou returns to the Seventh District. In short, he is a very well-connected peacemaker. But he respects us and the Li family. After all, the Autonomous Association is a private organization, and they If there is a lack of funds, we can only ask for money from big players like us. And we also hope that there will be some rules on the ground in Jiangzhou, so we gave him a lot of support."

"Oh, that's right." Qin Yu nodded: "Then it's normal for him to want to be a peacemaker."

"No, Zou Zhengzhong doesn't want to be the peacemaker." Yu Wanqing judged with a smile: "He knows our relationship with the Li family, and he also knows that if this matter is involved, it is likely to make him a human being. , so it was too late for him to hide, so how could he jump out on his own initiative."

Qin Yu was stunned.

"There are two possibilities: first, the Li family didn't want to fight because Li Xian was in our hands, and they felt a little guilty, so they asked Zou Zhengzhong to come over to mediate. Second, the leaders of District 7 didn't want to see us fight. Therefore, Zou Zhengzhong was instructed to intervene in this matter." Yu Wanqing said sharply: "Of course, it is possible that both factors exist."

"I understand." Qin Yu nodded.

"I called you here just to ask, what do you think about this matter?" Yu Wanqing asked proactively.

Qin Yu thought about it for a long time and replied without hesitation: "The rhythm is in our hands. He can talk if he wants to! It's okay to put Li Xian back, but our conditions must be stricter."

The fourth uncle was slightly shocked when he heard this.

"Haha!" Yu Wanqing smiled, pointed at Qin Yu, and said to the two brothers: "Just tell me, this kid is more slippery than anyone else. He is eager to take advantage of peace talks."

"...Young man has something in his stomach, that's okay." The fourth child of the Yu family used to dislike Qin Yu, but now he is more pleasing to his eye. Because without him, the Yu family would not be able to open pharmaceutical factories in the three major districts for another twenty years.

"Okay, they want to talk, let's talk." After hearing Qin Yu's attitude, Yu Wanqing immediately ordered a few people: "But you still have to be prepared for a fight. Lao Li must be obedient and follow our instructions. If the conditions are met, then everything can be negotiated. But if he doesn't follow the path, then beat him!"

"Should I go talk to them?" Third Uncle asked.

"I'd better go." The fourth child of the Yu family thought for a while and said, "I'm not very familiar with Zou Zhengzhong, but we are easy to talk to."

"That's okay," Yu Wanqing nodded: "It's up to you to go."

An hour later, late at night.

On the edge of Jiangzhou, all the shops on Jinyuan Street closed early tonight. There was not a single pedestrian on the street, and it looked very empty.

In the alley on the left side of the road, a middle-aged man was pushing a tricycle. He turned to the people on the second floor and shouted: "What's going on? Why are you so quiet today?"

"Don't fucking go out. It's been spread outside that the Li family and the Yu family are going to fight. Didn't you see that there's no one on the street? Go back quickly, don't get bleeding." A man on the second floor was shot. Year, said half seriously and half jokingly.

"Fuck, they did their thing, does it have anything to do with me?" The middle-aged man didn't believe in evil, so he rushed out of the alley pushing a tricycle.

"Buzz buzz!"

At this moment, the headlights lit up brightly on the right side of Jinyuan Street, and dozens of cars drove up like a long queue.

At the same time, there was a surging sound from the motor on the left side. The middle-aged man turned his head and saw the car lights, lighting up the streets on the edge of Jiangzhou like stars.

The two motorcades each stopped at the intersection of Jinyuan Street without going deep. Then a huge crowd pushed open the car doors and walked out.

In the middle of the deserted road, there was a tricycle, and a middle-aged man in ragged clothes looked around confusedly, then immediately turned around and ran back...

The cold wind blew slowly, and snowflakes swirled against the ground. The eldest son of the Li family, Li Cheng, led five people, and the fourth child of the Yu family led five people. They walked towards the second floor in the middle of the road from their respective directions.

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