District 9

Chapter 750 The Jumper

Qin Yu and Gu Yan stared at the deformed car not far away, and finally saw clearly the "falling object" on the roof of the car.

It was a person, with his right arm and leg hanging out of the roof of the car, suspended in mid-air.

"Damn it, he jumped off the building!" Gu Yan came to his senses and immediately called Qin Yu: "Quick, go over and take a look."

Qin Yu also saw that the person on the roof of the car was not dead yet and was still twitching. He immediately ran over with Gu Yan.

On both sides of the road, some storefronts and supermarkets selling late-night snacks were still open, so after the loud noise, many people rushed out to watch the excitement. And warm-hearted people like Qin Yu and Gu Yan also ran over to help after seeing that the person who jumped from the building was still alive.

Suddenly, the street became slightly chaotic, and a dozen people quickly gathered around the car. After Qin Yu and Gu Yan ran over, they squeezed into the crowd immediately: "Can you still move? Please help me quickly and see if I can be sent to the hospital!"

After saying that, Gu Yan had already passed through the crowd and came to the car. Then he looked up and saw a woman lying on her back on the roof of the car.

"It's not moving, it's over, she's not moving." A young man watching the excitement was about to reach out when he saw that the woman was motionless. And he was afraid that he would get into trouble, so he didn't dare to go over to help.

"See if you still have some energy!" Gu Yan shouted and was about to step forward, but suddenly he noticed that the woman on the roof of the car looked familiar.

Gu Yan was startled for a moment, took a step to the left, and looked at the woman carefully again.

She was covered in blood, and her limbs and neck were somewhat deformed by the fall. Her long hair was spread wildly, covering half of her face, and she looked very scary.

Gu Yan took a closer look and exclaimed: "Fuck!"

"What the hell is your name!" As soon as Qin Yu squeezed in, he was startled by Gu Yan: "Are you still angry?"

"Hey, hey...!" Gu Yan's face turned pale, he reached out and patted Qin Yu's arm, and said slightly excitedly: "Take a closer look at who she is."


"Look who she is!"

"...!" Qin Yu was stunned when he heard the sound, looked at the girl's face carefully, and finally became confused.

She has a pretty face and looks very familiar in her clothes. The most important thing is that she smells strongly of alcohol.

This is none other than Xuanxuan, who met Qin Yu during the day!

Yes, she jumped down from the building.

This psychological impact was huge for Qin Yu and Gu Yan. Because the person who jumped from the building was a classmate from the same school they were very familiar with, and Qin Yu had seen her during the day, but at this moment, her body was deformed by the fall and she was covered in blood...

"What the hell is going on?!" After Gu Yan calmed down for a long time, he looked at Qin Yu and asked with a trembling voice.

Qin Yu hesitated for a moment, stepped forward bravely, reached out and touched Xuanxuan's neck, paused for a few seconds, and then tried her breathing again.


After she fell from a high altitude, she was actually dead, but her consciousness was still there and her nerves were not dead, so she moved a few times on the roof of the car.

"Dead...dead." Qin Yu slowly stepped back, turned to look at Gu Yan and said, "Call the superintendent."

"Well, let's call!"

After saying that, they each took out their mobile phones, one called the police superintendent, and the other notified the academic affairs office of the college.

More and more people gathered on the roadside, stopping to watch the excitement, and the owner of the smashed vehicle also arrived. But he didn't have any sympathy for Xuanxuan's death. He just kept cursing words such as bad luck and bad luck.

In the crowd, Qin Yu and Gu Yan both felt strange. Because they had both met Xuanxuan, and although they were not friends, they could more or less see the girl's character. She really doesn't look like someone who would just jump off the building if something happened to her.

About twenty minutes later, several cars belonging to the superintendent arrived in a hurry and parked on the side of the road. More than a dozen police officers got out of the car, holding boxes for collecting evidence at the scene, putting on gloves, and began taking photos, checking, and interviewing witnesses.

Qin Yu and Gu Yan were very cooperative and told the police what they saw truthfully, and also waited for the school leaders to come.

The dean of the Academic Affairs Office looked very unhappy because he had recently granted Xuanxuan a long off-campus vacation. It would be fine if she stayed outside the school and nothing happened, but if she suddenly jumped off the building, her parents would definitely make trouble, and there would be all kinds of trouble.

The last two training sessions of the college were conducted very smoothly, with almost no mistakes. But I don’t know what happened this time. First, Lu Dang was inexplicably killed by a robber. The case has not been investigated yet. And now that graduation is about to happen, there is another incident of a female student jumping off a building. It can be said that it is shocking. This term of leadership has given enough eye candy.

On the street opposite the corpse, many students from the college rushed to the scene after hearing the news. They gathered in groups and were whispering.

Zhu Yulin stood next to Qin Yu and said with a puzzled face: "I don't understand, she...how did she jump off the building? In the Fengbei circle, she is famous for her cheerful personality."

"Yes." Gu Yan was also puzzled.

"Hey, haven't you noticed? In the past year or so, we have rarely seen her in school." Qin Yu suddenly recalled many details: "In the past, when there were any activities in school, she liked to do it more than anyone else. And, if you think about it carefully, how long has it been since you last seen her?"

Gu Yan recalled it and immediately echoed: "Don't say it, it's true, I haven't seen her for a long time."


While the two were chatting, a girl got off the car and shouted sadly towards the body. Immediately afterwards, Li Yuanzhen and other people from Fengbei Circle also got out of the car and rushed towards the scene.

"What's wrong with Fengbei Circle? Why do things always happen?" A student from District 8 stood on the opposite side of the road and said with his hands behind his back.

"You think...could she jump off the building?" Gu Yan analyzed curiously: "The more I see this, the weirder it gets."

"You are so idle!" Zhu Yulin replied softly: "Whether she jumped from the building or not is up to the police to judge. What does it have to do with us...!"

Just as everyone was chatting together, a young man wearing a peaked cap stood outside the crowd. He squinted at Xuanxuan's body, paused for a while, and then left in a low-key manner.

Early the next morning, the news that Xuanxuan jumped from the building and died caused a new round of heated discussion in the college.

At the main entrance of the college, Lin Chengdong was sitting in a car, holding the phone and saying, "Dad, I told you, let me think again."

"How long do you have to think about this matter? Why is a big man so hesitant in doing things?!" The dissatisfied voice of my father-in-law came from the phone.

Lin Chengdong looked at the windshield, and after a long silence he replied: "Okay, I agree to let Yangyang go to school in the EU area..."

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