District 9

Chapter 799: Robbery of Two Million

Qin Yu immediately explained after hearing the sound: "Brother Yin, the senior officials in the garrison have two attitudes now. The first is to suppress, and the second is to recruit. The 356th regiment who came to me has a goodwill attitude toward you. Yes, so the robbery was definitely not their fault. In other words, the 743rd Group and them are not wearing the same pants, do you understand? And..."

After Qin Yu described the incident clearly and logically, Wu Tianyin asked: "You mean, the 356th group didn't know about the robbery?"

"Yes." Qin Yu nodded: "They have always advocated recruitment and do not want to fight at all. Because your activity location happens to be connected to the 356th Regiment, and Huangshan is also operating this thing secretly, so you came in to expand the quota. It will fall on their regiment. He has picked up a whole battalion of men and horses for nothing, and you have even solved half of the weapon problem for him, do you understand?"

Wu Tianyin was silent.

"Brother, this is a good opportunity, an opportunity not to be missed." Qin Yu hoped that Wu Tianyin could clear his identity and embark on a path with relatively low risks: "If you are willing, we will definitely help you get the treatment you deserve."

"I don't believe them." Wu Tianyin does have a heartfelt resistance to the system and some officials and departments. He will never forget how Superintendent Kaiyuan put a shit basin on his head, and he can't let go of the discrimination against him by some departments and people.

"Brother, you are at ease now, what about next? The ninth district is gradually stabilizing, and it is bound to expand the main city area. The army and the government will never allow it, and there is a private armed force that is gradually developing next to it." Qin Yu He persuaded in a low voice: "The area to be planned is paradise now, but it may not be paradise in the future."

Wu Tianyin pondered for a long time, then took the phone and replied: "Xiao Yu, I know you are doing it for my own good, but I have my own judgment. This group of people under me are all gathered on the ground. In the eyes of some people in the army, , we are people of shady background. The reason for recruiting me now is just because I have a reputation in Erlonggang. Firstly, I can maintain stability, and secondly, I can create some profits for the garrison. After that, I will be useless. What do you think will happen? "

"I will follow up..."

"What is said now is definitely different from what will be said in the future." Wu Tianyin interrupted: "Let's do this, Xiao Yu, I won't say anything else. You let the 356th Group take my people and goods. Come back and talk about the rest."

Qin Yu was stunned.

"Isn't this a problem? Is it reasonable?" Wu Tianyin asked Qin Yu: "You gave me a threat. I have received it and accepted it. Then you return the people and goods to me, and let's talk about the issue of integration. Isn't that right? Nothing wrong?!"

Qin Yu thought about it for a long time and immediately nodded: "Okay, I will talk about this matter."

"Yeah." Wu Tianyin nodded.

"Brother Yin, listen to my advice and think about this matter carefully." Qin Yu said softly: "We fought for our lives together in Jiangzhou. I can't cheat you."

"I know." Wu Tianyin replied.

"Okay, that's it."

After the words fell, the two ended the call.

In the slightly empty bungalow on the top of the mountain, Wu Tianyin sat on a chair, rubbing his face, thinking about the road ahead and how to go.

Because Wu Tianyin has a special status and is a wanted criminal in the ninth district, the recruitment must not be carried out in a flashy manner. Otherwise, if we fail to reach an agreement, it will be troublesome to arouse criticism from the public or some departments. So Qin Yu didn't dare to contact Ma Laoer and others that night, so he secretly stayed in the hotel.

Early the next morning, Qin Yu conveyed Wu Tianyin's intention to Huangshan, and the latter also expressed his willingness to mediate in the middle and get the goods and people back first.

As a result, Qin Yu could only wait anxiously for news, and contacted Wu Tianyin and told him there was no need to worry, the 356th Regiment had already come forward to help mediate.

Wu Tianyin trusted Qin Yu in his heart, but he did not believe in the 356th regiment at all, so after receiving the news, he did not stop what he was doing and still asked Xiaoxun to contact Xue Dong.

And the amazing thing is that after Xiaoxun took the initiative to clarify the matter, Xue Dong actually showed up and personally made an appointment with Wu Tianyin to talk to Erlonggang.

Xue Dong's reaction made Wu Tianyin even more distrustful of the 356th Regiment.

You guys keep saying to coordinate and communicate, so how can Xue Dong show up to negotiate? Isn't this nonsense?

Wu Tianyin became even more angry and patiently took two cars of people to Erlonggang Fubei Living Village and met Xue Dong in a boarding and lodging shop.

This man is the commander of the 2nd Battalion of the 743rd Regiment, and the brother-in-law of He Zixiang, who had had conflicts with Wu Tianyin. He seemed to be about forty-six or seventeen years old, with a relatively prosperous body. Judging from his face and behavior, he seemed to be quite honest. But once we talk about it, this person's broad-mindedness and flamboyant personality are clearly revealed.

In the guest room of the boarding and lodging shop, Wu Tianyin looked at him and did not mention that the 356th Regiment wanted to recruit him. He only said according to the normal communication method: "Captain Xue, there are no outsiders here. Just tell me directly. Where is our garrison?" How can I get the people and goods back to me?!"

Xue Dong slowly took off his general hat, took out a silver iron box from his breast pocket, lowered his head to open it, then slowly took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth.

Wu Tianyin stepped in and looked at him without saying a word.


The soldier next to him took a lighter and helped Xue Dong light it, then stood astride him in a standard posture.


Xue Dong blew a puff of smoke into Wu Tianyin's cheek, smiled and asked, "Do you know who I am?"

Wu Tianyin narrowed his eyes at him, but still didn't reply.

"He Zixiang is my brother-in-law, do you know?" Xue Dong asked with his legs crossed.

"Then we can't talk about it, right?" Wu Tianyin asked very concisely.

"The garrison hasn't had enough to eat, so you're just looking for money. You can't position yourself properly!" Xue Dong pointed at Wu Tianyin and said slowly: "You've been squatting there for twelve years, so you are so worldly. Don’t you understand? Why did I beat you? Don’t you have any idea? "

Wu Tianyin clenched his fists under the table, his eyes almost narrowed into slits.

"It's impossible to give you the goods." Xue Dong sniffed and said, "You give Zhang Baoyu another two hundred, and I will let those little hooligans go."

Wu Tianyin looked at him and asked word for word: "Regardless of other factors, as long as I give you money, you can release him, right?"

"You mean the 356th Group?" Xue Dong frowned and replied, "You don't have to count on them. We didn't rob the goods and people. It's useless for them to come forward to communicate!"

"Haha, okay, then you let me chip in the money." Wu Tianyin gritted his teeth and replied.

at the same time.

Qin Yu answered Huangshan's call: "Hello? What's going on, Huang Tuan?"

"Damn it, the 743rd Group is acting like a show with me. They refuse to admit that the goods were robbed and they have anything to do with it." Huang Shan frowned and said, "It's not like I can point this out clearly."

Qin Yu was silent.

"Tell Wu Tianyin not to worry first. I'll find connections with the brigade headquarters to put pressure on them." Huang Shan said softly: "After all, Wu Tianyin hasn't agreed to recruit people yet, and I can't be too direct with what he said. You understand. Bar?"

"I know, Huang Tuan."

"Don't worry, wait for my news." Huangshan reached out and hung up the phone.

Qin Yu looked at his phone and fell into deep thought.

Even if the relationship between two regiments from the same brigade is tense, it is impossible for them to really openly quarrel with each other, right? ! Huangshan has already gone to talk to them, so can the 743rd group still hold on to people and goods?

This made Qin Yu a little confused.

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