District 9

Chapter 803: The arm cannot twist the thigh

"Don't argue for now. I'm calling to ask the 743rd group what the hell they mean and whether they intend to cause friction!" Huang Shan replied calmly and hung up the phone.

When things developed to this point, Qin Yu felt inexplicably out of control. He knew Lao Wu, his character, and where his bottom line was.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, Huangshan's call came back.


"I directly contacted the brigade headquarters, and they are also talking to Xini over there." Huangshan said briefly: "They said that the 743rd Group did this for our consideration, because the people are in our hands, and we have more room for negotiation. .”

Qin Yu was speechless upon hearing this, feeling that the way some people in the upper echelons did things was too shameless and straightforward.

"You tell Wu Tianyin like this, I am responsible for the negotiation. No matter whether the captured person is released or not, I will not embarrass him too much. Let's talk how we should." After thinking for a long time, Huang Shan said Said very carefully.

When Qin Yu heard this, he didn't think so at all. Because although Huangshan said so, once the negotiations started, they felt that the conditions proposed by Wu Tianyin were too much, and they would definitely have to use Anzi to argue with them.

"Xiao Qin, by now, you can see that I am determined to recruit Wu Tianyin's people." Huang Shan said while smoking a cigarette: "So, I will never lower the price too low. After all, he will be in the future. My battalion commander still needs to be contacted."

"Huang Tuan, I won't get a dime in this matter, and if I don't do it right, I might end up being someone else inside and outside." Qin Yu said with a cold face, "So If Wu Tianyin gets too little during the negotiation and he is not satisfied, then I will definitely withdraw. No matter how you negotiate, it has nothing to do with me."

"I got you."

"I am only responsible for passing on the message. What Wu Tianyin thinks about is his business."

"Sorry to trouble you, Xiao Qin."

"That's it." Qin Yu's words were full of resistance, and he didn't want to hide this, so he hung up the phone first.

Five minutes later, Qin Yu called Wu Tianyin, but the other party didn't answer, which made his premonition even worse.

Late at night, inside Erlonggang.

Xiao Xun cursed with resentment: "The officers in the garrison are so dishonest, they are even less classy than the people on the ground. We gave the money, but they didn't even let us see Anzi's face. Damn it, this is If I can’t breathe, I will die of suffocation!”

Wu Tianyin sat on the wooden box and said nothing.

"Brother, we have no choice but to talk." The person who spoke was the person who later led people to join Wu Tianyin's security group. His name was Xiao Yan. He originally led 40 or 50 people to join the group. Apart from Anzi and Xiaoxun, Apart from the two of them, Wu Tianyin is the most important leader of the team.

Wu Tianyin squinted his eyes and smoked a cigarette: "We need to talk."

"If you accept the recruitment, there are two conditions that you will not give in to." Xiao Yan said cleverly: "First, the first and second leaders must be our people; second, the original formation cannot be broken up. All our brothers must be in the same camp; third, our garrison area must be near Erlonggang."

Wu Tianyin looked up at Xiao Yan, shook his head and replied, "You misunderstood what I meant."

"What?" Xiao Yan was stunned.

"That's not what I said about talking." Wu Tianyin stood up and shouted succinctly: "Ask all the leaders to come over to me and let's have a meeting."

It's about two o'clock in the morning.

Wu Tianyin took the initiative to dial Qin Yu's phone: "Hello?"

"What are you doing? Why don't you answer my phone calls?" Qin Yu asked anxiously.

"We have been having meetings since we came back," Wu Tianyin said with a slightly tired voice, "We just finished talking now."

"How's the research going?"

"Haha, I'm getting fucked up even when I'm standing or kneeling, what else can I do? Just accept the recruitment!" Wu Tianyin replied helplessly.

When Qin Yu saw Wu Tianyin answering so happily, a strange emotion suddenly rose in his heart.

"You tell Lao Huang. I'm convinced. I can't control their garrison. You ask them to come tomorrow night. Let's sit down and talk about the recruitment in detail." Wu Tianyin said after lighting a cigarette.

"Are you telling the truth or a lie?" Qin Yu thought for a long time and asked bluntly: "Brother Yin, if you want to hide something from me, it would be unreasonable. What am I trying to do with this matter? Huh? Are you trying to get promoted, or are you trying to get rid of the problem and are not human beings inside and outside?"

Wu Tianyin smiled helplessly: "What I said is true."

"If you want to talk nonsense, we'll break up." Qin Yu replied with a sideways glance.


Wu Tianyin sighed and replied with a helpless expression: "Why don't you always believe me...!"

Half an hour later, Qin Yu contacted Huangshan and explained to him truthfully what Wu Tianyin told him.

Tomorrow at 8 o'clock in the evening, we will discuss the recruitment in R\u0026F Life Village in detail. Qin Yu must be present, and Huangshan must be present as well.

This condition was very normal. Huangshan had no reason to refuse and only agreed.

After the two of them discussed it, Qin Yu took a shower in the room and continued to lie on the bed and make a phone call tiredly.

Noon on the second day.

Xue Dong went to the regiment headquarters, knocked on the door of the 743 regiment leader's office, nodded and walked in: "Are you busy, leader?"

"Let's talk tonight, right?" the leader asked with a smile.

"I heard it was." Xue Dong took out the cigarette case and handed one to the group leader: "Old Huang seems to be going too."

"Oh, I didn't think about this matter enough." The regiment leader took a puff of cigarette and cursed with a somewhat regretful expression: "I didn't expect that the brigade headquarters would really agree to recruit this Wu Tianyin, damn, otherwise I would have done it faster than Lao Huang. . He got a big deal this time, a whole battalion! Alas, I made a fucking mistake."

"Old Huang may not have it easy." Xue Dong said comfortingly from the side: "Wu Tianyin and his gang are all working on the ground, and their quality and discipline are very poor. If Old Huang takes them in, they may not be easy to manage."

"You know nothing, Lao Huang is not a fool. He must have thought about how to solve the problem of Wu Tianyin and his gang before joining them." The leader said softly: "I feel like, in the end, Lao Huang even No official position in the camp will be given to Wu Tianyin."


"You are stupid, why are you holding this person in our hands? Isn't it just to gain this space?" The regiment leader said while smoking a cigarette: "The brigade headquarters is paving the way for Lao Huang."

"That's right!" Xue Dong nodded thoughtfully.

At around 5 o'clock in the evening, Captain Huang's driver picked up Qin Yu at the hotel and hurried to the area to be planned.

"Yes, we're going to talk right away." Qin Yu took the phone and said to Feng Yunian: "Boss, let's make it clear in advance. If the conditions are too bad, no matter what you say, I will definitely not interfere. It's about this... Oh, I didn't help Lao Wu demonstrate... Yes, that's my attitude."

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