District 9

Chapter 805 Three cross-country vehicles, attacking the supply point

In the bungalow at the supply point, Xue Dong sat on the table and said to Zhang Baoyu with a smile: "Your biggest advantage is that you are smart. You can read your face. If you move it a little, you will understand what you are going to do next."

"Haha." Zhang Baoyu smiled.

"The regiment leader proposed to recruit you and copy Lao Huang's model, just to contain Wu Tianyin." Xue Dong said softly: "Otherwise, he would be the leader of the 356th regiment, but there would be no business, and there would be no money to spend. Can you feel comfortable?"

"I understand." Zhang Baoyu knew very well that he was a urinal. He also knew that one day in the future, the superiors felt that he had done too many disgusting things and aroused public anger, and they would definitely kick him again. Out of preparation. But even so, he is still willing, because the so-called long-term interests are unrealistic to some people, and the things in front of him are visible and tangible.

"Okay, that's it." Xue Dong jumped down from the table and said softly to Zhang Baoyu: "Ask the driver to bring some food to Wu Tianyin and his brothers."

"Okay." Zhang Baoyu nodded and said with a smile: "Well, you said they are almost done talking about it. Let's ask Wu Tianyin for a little more. Can he give it to us?"

Xue Dong was startled when he heard the sound.

"Haha, after all, the person is in our hands. If he wants to take it back, he has to give him money." Zhang Baoyu bared his teeth and added.

"Haha, you!" Xue Dong pointed at Zhang Baoyu and laughed: "Your head..."


While the two were studying how to extort another sum from Wu Tianyin, gunfire suddenly came from outside.

"What's going on?"

Xue Dong's smile disappeared, he walked towards the door and shouted: "What's going on? Why did you shoot again?"

In the courtyard.

"Bang bang bang!"

Three cars smashed through the wire fence and broke through the wooden railings, coming with murderous intent.


The soldiers on duty at the watchtower at the entrance raised their hands and set fire to the three vehicles, causing sparks to fly from the rear of the vehicles.

"Quick, sound the alarm!" the soldier who fired the gun yelled.

In the watchtower, a soldier held up the cotton hat on his head, bent down and rushed to the table, stretched out his hand and pressed the alarm bell.


The shrill bell rang throughout the compound.

Inside the house, Xue Dong stood in the hall with a confused look on his face. He reacted for a long time before stammering: "The enemy... is the enemy attacking?"

No matter how fierce the thunder in the planning area is, few people would dare to attack military supply points with arms so close to the garrison units. This is different from blocking the road to rob military rations and military supplies, because the latter usually only gets robbed when they drive deep into the area to be planned. But the location of this supply point is not too far from the garrison units and the north gate of Songjiang.

Therefore, Xue Dong was confused. He was not sure for a moment that someone had called in, because the alarm bell had never sounded since the supply point was built.

"Get the gun, get the gun!"

Some of the soldiers in the room reacted first, pulled their necks and roared.

"Yes, get your gun quickly and call for support." Xue Dong is a battalion commander after all, and he is also an officer of this era. He cannot really be a loser. There is no doubt about his basic officer quality. So after he reacted, he immediately shouted: "Group each class into groups and rely on favorable terrain for defense. Don't go out yet, contact the guard at the door immediately and ask about the situation..."


Wu Tianyin jumped out of the car with his feet in hand. Although he was wearing a dirty military coat, he somehow looked like a big trench coat. He was in a military supply point. He pointed at Xiaoxun without any panic and said: "Take someone to the window." Damn, Xiao Yan is blocking the door from the front, hurry up."


After hearing the order, a group of people swarmed forward.

At the gate, three armed guards were shouting with a walkie-talkie while trying to outflank them.

Wu Tianyin immediately stood next to the car, without dodging or dodging, and stepped forward to embrace the fire.

"Da da da da!"

A row of D's swept over, knocking up countless dirt and gravel from the road. The three logistics soldiers who had been doing nothing all day were beaten back on the spot and had to hide outside the duty watchtower to harass them.

Wu Tianyin ignored the other party, turned around and shouted: "Hurry up!"

Indoors, Xue Dong and a dozen people had just dispersed in formation, preparing to stop the unknown gangsters outside.

"Crack, snap!"

Xiao Xun and others posted four bundles of explosives that Wu Tianyin had not used yesterday on the wall next to the window, and then immediately stepped back.

"Squat down!"

Wu Tianyin waved at Xiao Yan.

Everyone blocked the front door and squatted on the ground.


Xiao Xun backed up and directly pressed the detonation switch.




Several shocking loud noises shook the area to be planned. Two walls made of cement concrete were blown apart like paper. The roof of the entire house was smashed down, and countless wires were torn. The lights went out throughout the area.


Broken bricks, wooden squares, and ceilings from the roof of the shed fell with clatter, leaving Xue Dong and others with nowhere to hide.

Wu Tianyin was holding a rifle in one hand, his waist was extremely straight, and he strode into the room through the shattered wall.

Xue Dong's face was covered with dust. He raised his head and glanced at Wu Tianyin, and was instantly confused. He doesn't even have his fucking face covered, how arrogant is this? !

"Da da da!"

Xiao Yan opened the door and rushed in with his brothers. When he saw the people, he immediately hugged the fire. After injuring three or four soldiers in a row, he opened his mouth and shouted: "CNM, everyone squat in a row for me, right now, immediately!"

Xue Dong looked at Wu Tianyin in disbelief. There was no fear in his eyes. He only shouted in confusion: "Are you fucking crazy? Do you dare to lead people to attack the military supply point?!"

"I, Wu Tianyin, may die tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, or even no body will be left in the end. But today, as long as I still have breath, I will never kneel down. Never!" Wu Tianyin kicked me. On Xue Dong's face, he said loudly: "The system is not good, the garrison is not good, and the era is not good. You? You are not good enough!"

"Bang bang bang!"

After Wu Tianyin stomped Xue Dong's head three times, he turned to look at Zhang Baoyu who had just been held down by Xiao Xun.

Zhang Baoyu looked at Wu Tianyin, his head buzzing. He just couldn't understand why a man who was trying to survive on the ground dared to attack a military supply point. Aren't money and survival more important?

Wu Tianyin came over with a gun, looked down at Zhang Baoyu and asked, "Are you a dog?"

Zhang Baoyu was stunned for a moment. He wanted to survive, so he nodded immediately: "Yes... yes, I am!"

"By the way, you are a dog's life. If you rely on a dragon, you are still a dog." Wu Tianyin raised his gun, pointed at him and shouted: "cnm, just because there are dogs like you on the ground, inside and outside the city The sky will never light up!"

"Wu...Wu Tianyin...!" Zhang Baoyu realized something and turned around to hide.


Wu Tianyin shot him three times in the head, cleanly.

In the boarding and lodging shop of Fuli Life Village, Qin Yu looked a little solemn and looked out the window absentmindedly.

Huangshan made a joke with a very ugly look on his face: "Oh, this old Wu's butt is a bit heavy? Otherwise, I will go to his house to pick him up in person!"


Four chapters in the morning, no update in the morning, six chapters in the evening, I am totally excited today, please subscribe and recommend! Come on, bro!

In addition, due to the epidemic, the official account lottery will be postponed for two or three days, so please be patient.

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