District 9

Chapter 820: Professional Press King

Lu Weide looked at the old cat and said with a smile: "When it comes to criminal investigation and law and order, you must be experts. But when it comes to group management, operation, and sales, you are still laymen, haha!"

Qin Yu listened quietly without replying.

"Don't talk about far away, just talk about nearby." Lu Weide always had a smile on his face and said insinuating in a joking way: "Recently, Keke has been unable to do so because the group rejected her layout in the Changji market. She is quarreling with me and acting like a little girl. But I have made it very clear to her before. The suppliers she is looking for are not good at all. They have average qualifications and average strength. If we want to dominate the Changji market, follow Long. The layout of Xingda Arena is not helpful at all. The partner company I am looking for is Changji Xingyao Group. You can ask about this company’s market value, influence, and local political connections. It is the top of Changji With industrial capital, only by cooperating with this kind of company can we possibly attack Longxing and expand the market."

Lu Weide's words are very high-minded, and those who don't know the industry will definitely get excited when they hear it, and they will secretly praise his professionalism. But in fact, the words he said were all excuses and expectations, rather than the actual results that have already been achieved.

"I think it's a bit premature to say this. The group rejected the partner that Ke Ke was looking for before Foodie could wait. Is it arbitrary to judge that the person she was looking for was not good?" Ma Laoer asked.

"I can judge, haha!" Lu Weide said with a smile.

"How can you judge that this won't work?" Ma Laoer asked with the same smile.

After Lu Weide thought for a few seconds, he replied briefly: "Wu Di took the initiative to pay a high price to poach me to be the CEO."

Everyone was speechless.

"If Coco does it, I won't come." Lu Weide said with a smile: "Of course, this is a bit arrogant, haha!"

Qin Yu took a sip of water, turned to look at Lu Weide and asked, "Mr. Lu, you are a sensible person. Let's speak openly. Is the conflict between you and Keke stemming from the company's development perspective, or are there other factors?"

Lu Weide was startled, he didn't expect Qin Yu to be so direct.

"If it's from the perspective of company development, I won't interrupt. But if it's because of other things, then definitely not, haha!" Qin Yu added half seriously and half jokingly.

Lu Weide narrowed his eyes and looked at Qin Yu: "Mr. Qin, if you question my professionalism, you can ask Wu Di to talk to me. There are two large pharmaceutical groups in the ninth district, three in the eighth district, and three in the seventh district. I don’t know how many there are in the European Union. For me personally, I don’t lack a CEO job.”

"That means that the conflict between you and Keke is purely due to work?" Qin Yu asked again with a smile.

"Of course!" Lu Weide nodded.

"Okay, I understand." Qin Yu waved his hand and said, "Come on, let's eat, no more chatting."

An hour later, the dinner ended and Lu Weide left with his assistant.

On the way back to Courtyard No. 88, Lao Mao curled his lips and said: "This bastard is so good at pretending, and he doesn't speak human words at all. When you mention Coco's matter, he says it's company behavior. If you say anything more, they will You don’t even understand sarcasm. Haha, how the hell are we talking about this?!”

Qin Yu put his palms in his hands and said with a smile: "I feel very unhappy. My dear friends, who can share my worries?"

"Stop pretending, you didn't vomit after drinking, but I almost vomited when I heard you talking." Ma Laoer cursed speechlessly.

"The question is what is Wu Di's attitude?" Lao Mao turned to look at Qin Yu and asked, "Does he still want to use this Lu Weide?"

"We talked last night. He and I were wearing the same pair of pants." Qin Yu said with a chuckle.

Old Mao thought about it for a while and said, "Then don't worry about it. I'll take care of this pretender."

"Don't mess around. Nowadays, everyone is a person with status. You have to outsmart him." Ma Laoer frowned and said: "He and Wu Di signed an agreement. You targeted him for no reason and looked for him in the company." Once we don’t understand the matter and get caught, we will have to pay a large amount of liquidated damages. Otherwise, I think there must be an under-the-table deal between him and Changji’s Xingyao Group, otherwise He won't be stupid enough to give the other party such generous cooperation conditions. No, I'll find someone to poach a few of his senior executives, find evidence of his under-the-table transactions, and kick him out at the meeting? In this way, he will be in the industry It stinks in there.”

"What a waste of effort!" Old Mao pouted and said, "In Songjiang, do we still have to play with him like this? Just watch how I play with him."

"...Stop being a tiger." Qin Yu was very worried: "I see you don't have any of this now, so why are you so grumpy?"

"Don't worry, I'll leave this matter to you. Don't worry about it." The old cat said proudly: "I will definitely make him stand at attention within a week."

"The way you brag, you really look like I did when I was a teenager." Ma Laoer always felt that Lao Mao had given up his high IQ to women, and was usually a bit out of tune.

"Okay, it's up to you to do this, but be decent." Qin Yu ordered.

"It's a problem!" the old cat replied scornfully.

on the highway.

The assistant drove the car quickly and said in a soft voice: "Brother De, I think there is something in what Qin Yu said today."

Lu Weide sat in the passenger seat, raised his palm and placed it on the male assistant's thigh, shook his head, and said with contempt: "It's okay for a bunch of rough guys to engage in fighting and killing, but you really let them What the hell are they going to do when running such a large group company?! I tell them about big data and the ratio of production capacity to output value. Do they understand? Let me tell you, there is only one person in this company who knows a little bit about it. The rest are laymen.”

"I'm just afraid that he will break up with you." The assistant's voice was delicate.

"The contract was signed by Wu Di and I. There are also four shareholders in the company. How could they tear themselves apart from me?" Lu Weide snorted coldly: "I just showed them the account under the table, but they couldn't understand it."

"As long as you have an idea." The assistant nodded.

"When the three years are up, I will leave." Lu Weide was in a good mood. He touched his assistant's strong thighs with his palms and said with a chuckle: "Go to my place for some tea in the evening!"

"Okay, it just so happens that I don't want to go back." The assistant nodded.

Lu Weide leaned his head over and, under the influence of alcohol, asked face to face: "Should I have a chat for a while...?"

"No, let me drive." The assistant turned her head and replied close to his face.

Lu Weide leaned forward again, frowning and said, “You have a bit of a stinky mouth!”

In the No. 88 compound.

Qin Yu walked to his room smelling of alcohol. He turned around and saw Keke going out to throw away the garbage: "Are you still up so late?"

Ke Ke glanced at Qin Yu lightly: "Go to sleep now, good night."

After saying that, Coco closed the door and returned to the room, locked the door and turned off the lights instantly.

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