District 9

Chapter 841: Clearly marked price under the table

In the center of Yanbei City, in a private restaurant that Gu Yan often visited in the past, the owner stood at the table and asked softly: "What should we eat today?"

"Serve four portions of grilled tendons first, and you can watch the rest." Gu Yan replied with a smile.

"Then I'll go to the kitchen and take a look. I'll serve you whatever's left?"


"Okay." The boss nodded and left.

Li Cangyuan ate the beans as an appetizer before the meal, turned around and looked at the surrounding environment and said: "This place is nice!"

"It's not bad. Everyone who comes to eat here is recommended by friends. The ingredients are really good and the privacy is pretty good." Gu Yan smiled and reached out to pour Li Cangyuan a glass of wine: "Try it. This is wine made from pure grains. Now It’s very hard to find.”

"Haha, give it a try." Li Cangyuan loves liquor. He raised his glass and bumped it with the two of them. He took a small sip and said, "...it's a little old, so it's not as hot as it should be."

Gu Yan was startled and then continued smoothly: "Uncle Li, Xiao Yu's and I's company is indeed not very qualified, but I promise you that as long as the job can be won, I will not slap you in the face."

Li Cangyuan put down his wine glass, threw a few beans into his mouth and chewed: "It's not easy to take. It was just decided during today's meeting that from the nine companies that have been shortlisted three times, a maximum of five companies can be selected, and three of them must be companies in Fengbei."

"Has it been decided?" the consultant asked.

"It's not a complete decision, it still depends on your qualifications and connections." Li Cangyuan looked at Gu Yan: "I'm not avoiding you, but this matter is really difficult to handle. If I help you operate, the cost to you will definitely be high, so I My suggestion to you is that you look for connections at home and work from the top, preferably in Yanbei. After all, there are more big companies here, and there will be people who are willing to let you take shares."

"Uncle, I can't find a way to deal with this matter at home. You also know that my family has been busy lately." Gu Yan said not particularly cryptically: "We do not have the final decision-making power on the railway project. In addition, the current period is sensitive. People in my family are unlikely to open their mouths and speak because of this matter."

"That's difficult." Li Cangyuan shook his head.

"Tell me, let me listen. What's the problem?" the consultant asked.

Li Cangyuan thought about it for a long time, took out his mobile phone and said, "I'll make a call first."

Gu Yan was startled: "Okay."

Li Cangyuan walked aside with the phone, dialed a number, and chatted softly with the other party.

After a while, the wine and food were served, and the three of them stopped talking about the railway project and just chatted and drank.

Half an hour later, a man in his thirties entered the box, smiled and nodded at Li Cangyuan: "Uncle!"

"Xiaofeng, let me introduce you. This is Gu Yan I mentioned to you, and this is his friend Qin Yu." Li Cangyuan waved his hand and said, "Come and sit."

"Hello," the young man stretched out his hand and said to Gu Yan, "Lu Xiaofeng."


"Hello, Qin Yu."

The three of them shook hands and introduced themselves.

After Lu Xiaofeng sat down, Li Cangyuan continued with a smile: "Xiaofeng is the son of a distant cousin of mine. He has helped me run errands a lot over the years. He also has many familiar connections in the project team. If you want to do this, Just talk to him.”

Gu Yan was startled: "Okay, okay."

"Come, have a drink." Li Cangyuan greeted.

"Come, Uncle Li, let me toast you." Qin Yu's relationship with Yan Bei was very weak, and he couldn't say anything at the dinner table and could only play a small supporting role.

After Lu Xiaofeng arrived, the four of them continued drinking and chatting, but did not talk about the main topic.

Less than twenty minutes passed before Li Cangyuan found an excuse to leave, and insisted that Gu Yan and Qin Yu not see him off. After Lu Xiaofeng, who was not very familiar with the two of them, was the only one left in the box, he could say some things more straightforwardly.

"Xiaofeng, look how this thing works, can my friend's company be accepted?" Gu Yan asked with a smile.

Lu Xiaofeng pondered for a long time: "Yes, but the price will be higher."

"How big is it?" Gu Yan asked again.

"There are no outsiders here, and I won't hide it from you." Lu Xiaofeng looked serious and said in a low voice: "The first bid is two million, and the second bid will be another two million. If you finally reach the finals, the matter will fall on you. Five million; even if it doesn’t happen to you, you still have to take three hundred.”

"...!" Gu Yan was stunned.

"The railway project has attracted much attention. Many companies know that they will not get the project in the end, but they are still willing to show their faces with the bid, so that some leaders' eyes fall on them, and they look familiar." Lu Xiaofeng is much more straightforward than Li Cangyuan, and he points his finger He tapped the table and said: "The qualifications of your company are not very good. If you really want to get into it, you have to prepare a thousand people just for this one area."

"If you prepare a thousand, will you definitely be able to go up?" Gu Yan asked with a smile.

"Haha, what kind of family do you have, you still need to ask me this?" Lu Xiaofeng lit a cigarette and said helplessly: "Such a big project involves so many people, who can guarantee whose family the cake will end up in? Let me tell you this, it is not because you have ten million that you can get involved in this matter, but because you have connections, you are qualified to spend ten million to try."

"I understand." Gu Yan nodded.

"Eighty percent, otherwise my uncle wouldn't have asked me to come." Lu Xiaofeng took a puff of cigarette and said to Gu Yan in a low voice: "If this matter comes to a close in the end, it will be difficult for us to use our energy again. When the time comes, you can find the upper-level leaders through your family connections. As long as they are willing to say a word, the matter will be a sure thing."

"Okay, I understand." Gu Yan nodded.

"The project team will go to Hucha next week to have a look. If you want to do something, do it as soon as possible." Lu Xiaofeng reminded: "I can take you there then. It's a large place and sparsely populated. It's convenient to talk about something under the table. .”

"Okay, okay, thank you." Gu Yan immediately said with a smile and a toast.

Ten minutes later, Lu Xiaofeng left.

Qin Yu sat in the box, stepped in and looked at Gu Yan and asked, "It takes ten million to make things stable. This is a higher price than we thought before."

Gu Yan looked at Qin Yu with a serious face: "Can you get the money? If you can't come up with it, I will find another capital company to come in and make up the money."

Seeing that Gu Laogou was not joking, Qin Yu replied seriously: "The railway project is too important to me! If I can cooperate with the government and get things done well, then I can take full advantage of the government's resources and the economy The benefits can also take me to a new level, so I don’t want other people to enter the market. Otherwise, I can find a few friends in Songjiang and share the investment directly, do you understand?"

"I know you want to stand up on your own, so that's why you haven't contacted other capital." Gu Yan nodded in agreement and asked softly: "But can you get so much money?"

"If it doesn't work out, I'll take out a bank loan from the shares of the pharmaceutical company." Qin Yu said after being silent for a while.

"Then collect the money as soon as possible, and we will make a patrol trip in two days." Gu Laogou seemed to have made a decision.

on the street.

Lu Xiaofeng sat in the car, holding the phone and said: "Yes, I told him. Yes, let's see their reply. If it works, I will take them to Hucha in two days."

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