District 9

Chapter 873 Making a plan

In the villa, the middle-aged man was sitting on the bed. After thinking for a long time, he said, "I found it, don't move yet."

"Why, Mr. Su?" The other party was puzzled.

"I have my plan, just don't move yet." The middle-aged man said with a sinister smile: "Keep an eye on them and give me news at any time."


"that is it."

The two finished chatting and ended the call.

The middle-aged man was sitting on the bed, touching the scars on his face, and said with gloomy eyes: "Damn, this is called enemies on a narrow road!"

For two days in a row, Qin Yu and others stayed in the building and did not dare to go out. Even the most promiscuous Xiaobai obeyed and did not go out to appreciate the beautiful scenery of the EU area. But fortunately, Qin Yu's group of people are very reliable and patient, and they know why they are here, so they can still endure this loneliness.

At noon that day, when Qi Lin and Qin Yu were watching the EU zone's online program, Yan Tao finally arrived.

"Let's talk upstairs." Yan Tao said solemnly after entering the room.

"Okay, go upstairs." Qin Yu stood up immediately.

About five or six minutes later, Brother Xiao, Dahuang, Qi Lin, Qin Yu, and Yan Tao sat in the bedroom on the second floor and started talking.

"I have found out the exact information about Lu Xiaofeng." Yan Tao said with a serious face: "He lives near Vincennes Boulevard, with a woman and six or seven people who protect him."

"Did you see anyone?" Brother Xiao asked immediately.

Yan Tao was very professional. He took out two secretly taken photos of Lu Xiaofeng from his pocket, put them on the table and said, "They are in this villa."

Ye Zixiao picked up the photo and took a look at it. After seeing that Lu Xiaofeng was indeed in the villa, he nodded and continued: "The longer it takes, the more things will happen. Let's study the details and we'll get it done as soon as possible."

"You said before that the person protecting Lu Xiaofeng must be from the Han family, right?" Yan Tao asked.

"Probably, it was Han Tong who stabbed him." Qin Yu nodded.

"The Han family is quite powerful here." Yan Tao responded softly: "I checked and found that the person protecting Lu Xiaofeng now is the vice president of a Chinese trade union. This person still has some power in Ba City. . The place where Lu Xiaofeng lives is not far from his union, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to leave once the gunfire rings out.”

"How did you get this news?" Qin Yu asked.

"Don't worry, I have some connections here." Yan Tao replied softly: "And the circle of Chinese people in the EU area is not very big, and his backer is also well-known in the circle. The person’s name is Tang Ming, so I found out from the side, so I won’t alarm them.”

Qin Yu nodded: "Have you found the ghost at home?"

"Found it. The person who leaked the news may be a director of the military airport." Yan Tao nodded: "Not many people knew about it when you left. Adjutant Zhang checked him out and tried again, and locked him in."

"The problem really lies at the airport." Qi Lin sighed.

"Well, we haven't moved on the director yet." Yan Tao nodded and responded, "As soon as you finish here, Adjutant Zhang will arrest him."


Qin Yu took a puff of cigarette, turned to look at Ye Zixiao and asked, "Brother, what do you think of this job?"

"Where are his activities?" Ye Zixiao asked Yan Tao.

"Yesterday and today, Lu Xiaofeng didn't come out. He was always in the villa." Yan Tao thought for a while and said, "I guess he also knew the news about your arrival and didn't dare to move. I think the most he could do was go to the Chinese Trade Union. , other places...should not be dared to go."

"This is a bit troublesome." Dahuang frowned and said: "We missed it in advance, and they must be prepared. There are six or seven people in the villa, but the actual number of people must be more than this, and there may even be people watching next to them. Just wait. Let’s take action.”

"Yes." Qin Yu nodded in agreement.

"If you want to be sure, you have to lure people out and do it on the road." Ye Zixiao said clearly: "When people are moving on the road, the most changes may occur. We have a chance to fight here. .”

"How to lead?" Yan Tao asked.

"I have an idea. Let's listen to it and look for loopholes." Brother Xiao took out his mobile phone very professionally, called up the navigation map of Ba City and asked: "Where is that villa...?"

"Where did you download the map?" Yan Tao was a little surprised: "Is it in Chinese?"

"I got out as soon as I entered the house, mainly because I wanted to see the streets around here." Brother Xiao replied casually.

"Professional!" Yan Tao said with great appreciation: "You should do my job."


Brother Xiao smiled, waved to everyone and said, "Come, let's first determine the location of the villa, and then determine the location of the union..."

Everyone immediately came over and discussed with Brother Xiao in a low voice. This group of people are all industry experts in dangerous jobs. They have a natural understanding of this kind of thing. After chatting for more than two hours, they finalized a feasible plan.

Guam, in the well-known extra-regional prison of the European Union, a slightly thin man with half a head of white hair wears 75-pound shackles on his hands and feet. He needs two people to support him every step he takes. It's very difficult. I trudged into the examination room.

In the inspection room, four burly white men searched the man's body simply and roughly, and after confirming that he had not brought out any notes or information contraband, they turned around and gestured to the guards, OK. gesture.

Half an hour later, the half-white-haired man was taken out of the prison through n iron gates by a dozen European soldiers and walked straight to a helicopter that was still on.

The man with half-white hair didn't know where he would be taken, but he didn't ask a single question and just let the soldiers drag him to the helicopter. He sat quietly in the corner and turned to look at this completely free man. A prison built on an island.

Ten minutes later, the helicopter took off after receiving instructions.


After everyone discussed the plan, Yan Tao smoked a cigarette and said, "Let's do it tomorrow night."

"Does it take so long to prepare?" Ye Zixiao said resolutely: "If possible, it is best to start tonight. Work quickly and leave quickly. Don't stay here for a long time."

Yan Tao thought about it carefully and said, "Okay, I'll study it and see if I can do it tonight."


"Then you prepare, I will make arrangements first." Yan Tao stood up.


After saying that, everyone sent Yan Tao away together, sat in the living room, took out their firearms and distributed the planned tasks.

After two o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Yu and others had just finished eating when Yan Tao called.


"I have made arrangements so that we can do it at night." Yan Tao paused and said, "The time is around 8-9 o'clock."

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