District 9

Chapter 878 The relationship between Lu Xiaofeng and the Han family

In a dirty alley near the port in Ba City, Qin Yu squatted limply on the ground, staring blankly at the trash can, motionless.

Brother Xiao stood next to Qin Yu, leaning his back against the cold wall. His mind was full of the scene of Dahuang rushing into the crowd and being shot randomly by a suicide rifle.

"Damn it, it was all planned well, how could it happen like this!" Xiaobai lowered his head and rubbed his cheek vigorously, murmuring in a slightly helpless voice.

The cold wind blew, and snow and rain began to fall in the sky. The three of them were relatively silent, waiting quietly.

About twenty minutes later, Qi Lin picked up Yan Tao and rushed back to the alley.

"Where are the others?" Yan Tao looked at the three people in a panic and immediately stepped forward and asked.

Xiaobai suddenly raised his head and suddenly rushed over and shouted: "What the hell are you going to do?! We were intercepted and killed on the way, why didn't you come over to rescue us as soon as possible? How many people died among us, have you seen it? ?!"

Yan Tao looked at Xiaobai: "I have to arrange your departure at the port. When people come from the other side, I can't catch them..."

"Where's the news? Why is there such a huge flaw in your news? Lu Xiaofeng is obviously a bait...!" Xiaobai was so excited that he grabbed Yan Tao with both hands and was about to question him again.

"Okay!" Qi Lin pulled Xiao Bai away and shouted in a low voice: "Don't blame me for this. We agreed before we came here. We should have done the work. Brother Tao is only responsible for giving information."

Qi Lin's words are not wrong at all. Because of Yan Tao's special status, he needs to be active around the second area for a long time. To put it bluntly, Qin Yu and others have finished their work and left, and they still have to continue working here, so they cannot reveal their identities casually. This is Yan Tao's responsibility. After all, he is a member of the military in the First War Zone and must obey orders.

Moreover, after successfully snatching Lu Xiaofeng at the beginning, Yan Tao had already arranged for everyone to evacuate as soon as possible. Even if he wanted to rush over, it was too late.

If it were on his own territory, Qin Yu would definitely arrange some backup to ensure the smoothness of his evacuation. But this time the business location was in District 2. They had to take a detour to Liberty City when they came, and Adjutant Zhang and Yan Tao had to arrange all the itineraries. Even so, they were exposed immediately after landing. In this situation, how could he arrange the back-up plan quietly?

In the alley, everyone's mood was extremely low, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

After a while, Wuzi arrived at the meeting place with the only two remaining brothers from Yaoguang Company and Lu Xiaofeng's woman.

This time, Xiao Bai didn't get angry. Instead, Brother Xiao directly moved the bolt of the gun, stepped forward, and shouted at Tang Ming's sister: "Who intercepted and killed us?"

The woman looked at Brother Xiao with a pale face, obviously hesitant.

"Don't challenge my patience again." Brother Xiao looked at her with a cold expression and said with extremely unstable emotions.

"I, I...!" The woman still hesitated and was about to step back.

"Destroy her."

Qin Yu stood up suddenly and gave instructions to Xiaobai.


Xiaobai took out his gun and raised his arm almost without thinking.

"No, no, I said, I said!" When the woman saw the ferocious-looking Xiao Bai, she instinctively raised her hands and shouted: "You...you can ask, I will say."

"Which group of people intercepted and killed us on the road?" Brother Xiao asked.

The woman thought about it for a long time and immediately asked, "Which group are you from?"

Qin Yu was stunned when he heard this.

"I...I need to know which group you are from before I can know which group is responsible for intercepting Lao Lu." The woman replied with a trembling voice.

"We are from Yanbei." Qin Yu replied concisely.

The woman was startled for a moment: "The person who came just now should be from Kemanlu Military Industry, someone from the Han family."

Yan Tao, Qi Lin, Brother Xiao and others were all confused when they heard this.

"People from the Han family? What are you talking about? Shouldn't it be the people from the Han family who protect Lu Xiaofeng?" Yan Tao asked with a frown.

"No...no." The woman shook her head, carefully considered her words and replied, "Lao Lu broke up with the Han family after he landed in Bashi."

Everyone was stunned.

"The Yanbei incident has caused a big fuss, which has exceeded Lao Lu's psychological expectations." The woman explained softly: "Also, after Lao Lu came to the second district, he once told me in private that he had just given Han After Tong finished the work, he felt that the other party wanted to kill him and silence him. But Lao Lu was more delicate and secretly hid some key things. Han Tong was forced by Yan Bei who had just controlled Gu Yan and didn't want things to go wrong. If it fermented in a bad direction, I didn’t touch it.”

Everyone looked at each other and said nothing.

"When we first arrived in Bashi, Lao Lu felt that Su Zhengdong from Kemanlu Military Industry wanted to put him under house arrest, so he found an opportunity and asked me to cooperate with him and run away secretly to prevent Han Tong from being killed after the incident in Yanbei was over. Him." The woman whispered: "So, not only are you looking for Lao Lu, but the people from Kemanlu Military Industry are also looking for him. If my brother hadn't been a bit influential in the Chinese community, Lao Lu would have been taken back long ago. ”

"Is Su Zhengdong in charge of this matter at Kemanlu?" Qin Yu asked with a gloomy face.

"It should be that he was the one who picked up Lao Lu in Ba City." The woman nodded.

At this point, everyone finally understood the cause and effect.

This failure was not due to Qin Yu and others' insufficient preparation or lack of tacit understanding with Yan Tao, but because of the mismatch in information between the two parties.

From the perspective of Qin Yu and others, Lu Xiaofeng was bribed by the Han family. After escaping to the second district, the Han family would definitely protect him.

But who would have thought that distrust would also arise between Lu Xiaofeng and the Han family, and that there would even be house arrest and murder? This secret fight only occurred within the small circles of Lu Xiaofeng and the Han family. Qin Yu and others were not gods, and they could not have predicted it in advance.

This kind of information asymmetry directly caused Qin Yu and others to think that Lu Xiaofeng himself knew that people from Yanbei had arrested him after they got off the plane. Expanded by Lu Xiaofeng. For example, transfer Tang Ming away, estimate the number of people protecting him in the villa, lure him halfway, etc...

But this kind of plan that only targets Lu Xiaofeng naturally brings Kemanlu Military Industry into the game in advance. But what everyone didn't expect was that his opponent was not in the game, but was secretly watching Lu Xiaofeng and waiting for Qin Yu and the others to show up!

Yan Tao stood in the alley, pondered for a while, and then said feebly: "Lu Xiaofeng should have been in sight from the opposite side for a long time. He didn't move. He was waiting for you to show up..."

In the urban area, inside a certain mansion.

Su Zhengdong sat on the sofa, touching the scar on his cheek, and whispered: "I snatched Lu Xiaofeng back, but Qin Yu and the others ran away."

Yanbei, inside a hospital.

Han Sanqian's eldest son stood up from Han Tong's bedside, walked to the window and replied, "So many people didn't keep him?"

"...I want to keep him more than you do." Su Zhengdong said with anger in his heart: "But the people he brought are willing to hold two grenades in their hands and protect him with the mentality of being a human bomb. I What else can I do?"

Han Sanqian's eldest son was silent.

"I have informed the people on the ground that we are arresting them." Su Zhengdong asked softly: "How is Han Tong's situation?"

"Not very good." The other party shook his head.

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