District 9

Chapter 897 The old people have appeared

In Xicheng District, on the second floor of Tianfu Guild Hall, Sun Chengdao invited many friends today, including "business people" who came to Yanbei Paoguan and wanted to have some soup on the railway project, and some who helped with Gu Yan's case a few days ago. Friends in the police station, in short, there were more than 20 people in the box, all of them from the Han family and Sun Chengdao's own friends in the circle.

"Come on, don't stand, sit down, sit down." Sun Chengdao waved his hands to everyone with a smile, and then ordered to the waiter: "You guys, let's fix it!"

"Hey, that's good, Brother Sun." The waiter nodded and left.

Sun Chengdao sat in the front seat, patted Mr. Fu's arm with a smile and said: "Let me introduce to you, this is a good friend of mine who has been in Changji, some of whom have already met, the president of Xingyao Group, Wu Manfu! "

"We met at a cocktail party last time!"

"Hello, Mr. Fu!"


After Sun Chengdao introduced him, many friends who were not familiar with him came over to say hello.

At the far corner of the sofa, the mistress who came from the hospital frowned slightly and looked at the people in the room. He felt a little uncomfortable because he originally only wanted to come over to chat with Sun Chengdao and Fu Shao, but he didn't expect so many people to come. people.

The mistress thought about it for a long time, then picked up the phone with her right hand and secretly sent a text message to Sun Chengdao: "You guys chat, I'm leaving first!"

After a while, Sun Chengdao picked up his phone, glanced at it, and immediately replied: "Wait a minute, the three of us will go to the room next to us to chat alone!"

The mistress didn't want to stay in a place with so many people, but since the other party said so, he couldn't force him to leave. He could only sit at the edge and be a casual spectator. Fortunately, not many people knew him here. He himself behaved very low-key. Everyone thought he was someone's follower, and no one took the initiative to talk to him.

In the room, the atmosphere became lively after the girls who were accompanying the guests came in one by one. Everyone knew that Sun Chengdao was going to bring Mr. Fu into the circle tonight, so they naturally went to propose a toast in cooperation.

In the stairwell outside the box, Xiaobao held the phone and said in a hurry: "Yes, yes, they are all here. Mr. Fu, Sun Chengdao... and the mistress you asked me to inquire about last time are all here. Woolen cloth!"

"are you sure?"

"Fuck, there's nothing uncertain about this. When they entered the house together just now, I stood nearby and saw it!" Xiao Baoyan said firmly: "There are more than 20 people in total, some with fresh faces, and some from the police station. people."

"Okay, I get it, keep an eye on Ang, I'll be there right away!" Gu Yan ordered.

"Okay, that's it!" Xiaobao nodded.

In a speeding off-road vehicle on the street, Qin Yu was sitting in the driving position and stepped on the accelerator: "He's here, right?"

"The mistress is here too." Gu Yan turned around and replied.

Qin Yu was stunned when he heard the sound.

"He hasn't left yet, that's a good thing." Xiaobai interjected while sitting in the back seat.

"But it's a bit troublesome. Sun Chengdao called the people at the police station." Gu Yan frowned and replied.

Qin Yu turned to look at him: "What should we do? Forget it today?"

"I'm afraid that if we forget it today, we won't be able to stop them tomorrow." Gu Yan thought about it for a long time, then gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, even if the cannons are fired, the higher-ups won't fall out over these two people! Let's do it tonight Him!"

Gu Yan made a decision, which meant that he had a good idea in his heart, so Qin Yu didn't say anything anymore and only speeded up to the Tianfu Club again.

About fifteen or six minutes later, the off-road vehicle parked on the street opposite Tianfu Club. The person arranged by Xiaobao downstairs immediately came over and knocked on the car window.

"Where?!" Gu Yan lowered the window and asked sitting in the passenger seat.


"You have spotted it, right? The mistress and Mr. Fu are both here?" Gu Yan asked again.

"They're all here." The young man nodded with a smile.

"Okay, you go to the door first, the brother behind me gets off the car, and you lead the way!" Gu Yan ordered.

"Okay!" The young man nodded and turned around to leave.

In the back seat, Xiaobai slowly pulled out the Remington, checked it, and placed it sideways in the canvas bag.

"Damn, that's so fierce!" Gu Yan looked at Xiao Bai's gun and exclaimed.

"Don't you act like you're working!" Xiaobai replied with a smile: "Don't go down there, just drive away!"

While the three of them were talking, a pleasant cell phone ringtone suddenly sounded in Box 207 upstairs!

Xiao San lowered his head and glanced at the number, got up, walked to the bathroom door, and pressed the answer button: "Hello, Xiao Yao!"

"They are being targeted, please leave quickly!" Xiao Yao, who ran out from Songjiang with Xu Liang in the parking lot downstairs, looked at the door of the club with one hand in his pocket and said to Gu Yan's car: "Hurry up, I've been watching you for a long time!"

"Are you here for me?" Xiao San asked.

"It seems not. No one was following us when we came." Xiao Yao shook his head and replied, "We should have followed Sun Chengdao and the others!"

"Who saw it clearly?"

"I didn't see the people in the car clearly. The people at the hotel entrance were all strangers!" Xiao Yao said in a hurried tone: "Don't worry about it for now. Go downstairs and come directly to the side door!"

"okay, I get it!"

After the two ended the call, Xiao San stood up and turned to look at Sun Chengdao and Mr. Fu. After thinking about it for a long time, he immediately walked over and whispered a few words to them.

After Xiao San ran away from Songjiang, he never regained his former glory. He always had the status of a fugitive on his body, which made him nervous wherever he went, and he also developed the habit of paying more attention to everything. There was no need for Xiao Yao to attend tonight's wine party. He had been waiting for him downstairs, just in case something unexpected happened, and he could help him.

In the box, after hearing what the mistress said, Sun Chengdao asked with a blushing face: "Isn't it possible?! Who can follow?"

"I have a friend down there, and he saw it." Xiaosan frowned and replied, "Don't cause trouble, and leave quickly!"

"Is it directed at you?" Mr. Fu raised his head and asked.

"It seems not!" Xiaosan shook his head.

"Then he's coming for me." Mr. Fu was also very nervous.

"It doesn't matter who you are attacking." Sun Chengdao frowned and reassured the two of them: "It must be Gu Yan. He couldn't deal with Zhu Yulin's problem, so he followed him secretly. Don't panic, there are so many people with guns in the house. How dare he do that?! When the superiors were about to talk, he didn’t dare to be too arrogant!"

"Let's go!" Mr. Fu urged uneasily.

Sun Chengdao thought about it for a long time, feeling a little embarrassed, but actually he didn't want to get into trouble: "Okay, let's go together, I'll take a car with you, it'll be fine!"

After the words fell, Sun Chengdao stood up.


Just as Xiaobai was about to open the door and get out of the car, Gu Yan's cell phone rang: "Hello?!"

"Sun Chengdao and the others are out!" Xiaobao's voice sounded: "More than twenty people were walking out together!"

"Where are the mistress and Wu Manfu?" Gu Yan asked immediately.

"They're all here!" Xiaobao.

"You're going to be fucking watched to death!" After Gu Yan warned him, he immediately pulled Xiao Bai over and said, "Wait a minute, don't go down yet, they came out together, and there are police officers following them!"

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