District 9

Chapter 923 The police station comes forward

After listening to Gu Yan's words, Qin Yu suddenly realized that the competition for the chief councilor of Xinyuan District was far more difficult than he had imagined before. It is a newly built district and has certain special features. It is completely different from when Lao Li was the chief councilor of Jiangnan District.

"If you want to get involved in this election, you have to change your thinking. If you can really win the position of chief councilor, then you will have touched the ceiling of Songjiang." Gu Yan seemed to be out of tune, but his words were very reliable. He reminded: "If you hold a district in your hand, oh no, even one-tenth of the district's votes, your prospects are limitless. From now on, the relationship between Fengbei and Fengbei will be smoothed out. If someone can help you, then you can enter It’s not impossible for the city council.”

Qin Yu was silent.

"The Han family is still discerning." Gu Yan sighed softly: "You are busy working in the area, and others have already seen the most critical point of the matter. Winning over the Wang family is a good move."

When Fu Xiaohao heard this, he couldn't help but sigh: "Damn it, Brother Yin ran away, otherwise the people who entered the area by lottery in Erlonggang would definitely be very easy for us to win over."

"Brother Yin's management time is too short, and he can't compare with the Wang family." Qin Yu waved his hand, frowned and said, "I have to adjust my thinking."

"Okay, let's finish the business in Fengbei today, and then you can go back and deal with it." Gu Yan stood up and said.

"Okay!" Qin Yu also wiped his mouth.

"Then how to solve Wang Tiannan's matter? Have you let him go?" Fu Xiaohao asked.

"If you don't bow your head, you won't let go." Qin Yu shook his head.

"Then aren't you showing off to the police station and the government? If you try to show off your face on purpose, you will suffer a lot in the future." Cha Meng reminded me.

"I don't need to do this offending job." Qin Yu said with a smile; "One and a half million came in to share the benefits, which means someone lost their interests, and I don't need to do it."

"Damn it, you still have some brains." Gu Yan nodded happily.


Ye Lin returned to Songjiang with Wang Tiannan's uncle, Wang Zongxiang, and went directly to the police station, chatting with the director for more than an hour.

At about three o'clock, a captain from the police station drove and took seven or eight police officers to accompany Ye Lin, Wang Zongxiang and others to Tiancheng Baofeng Pharmaceutical Factory.

In the general manager's office, Coco pouted her red lips, held up her lipstick and asked, "Niuniu, do you think that color looks better?"

"The one on the left, that one looks super sexy." the secretary asked, adjusting her glasses.

"Okay." Coco held a small mirror, pouted her lips and applied lipstick. She shook her head narcissistically and sighed: "You don't look too good. Why don't you look so tall that others can survive?"


There was a knock on the door.

Coco was stunned for a moment, then immediately put away the mirror, raised her head and shouted: "Come in!"

"Mr. Yu, the people from the police station and Ye Lin are here." The security manager walked in and said softly.

Coco frowned slightly, thought for a moment and replied, "Take them to the reception room on the first floor, just from where the conflict happened last night."

The security manager was stunned for a moment, then immediately responded with a smile: "Okay! I understand!"

"I'll make a call and come down."

"Okay." The security manager turned and left.

Coco held the phone in her right hand, took off two flat shoes under the table with her left hand, replaced them with high-heeled professional shoes, and then stood up and walked to the window.

"Hello?" The call came through.

"Come on, otherwise I'm afraid the conversation will break down." Coco said bluntly.

"It's okay, you can talk about it as you want, don't coddle them, I'll be there soon." The person on the other side replied domineeringly and hung up the phone.

Ten minutes later, in the reception room on the first floor, Coco walked in bright and energetic wearing a black suit: "Captain Guo, Mr. Ye, hello!"

"Hey, hello!" Captain Guo stood up and shook hands with Coco.

"The nails are very nice. Where were they done?" Ye Lin asked with a smile.

"I painted blindly in the office." Ke Ke smiled brightly and invited everyone to sit on the sofa again.

The reception room was about 100 square meters, with two sofa areas. At this moment, Wang Zongxiang was sitting near the window. He did not come over to say hello to Coco, nor did he mean to participate in the conversation. He just seemed to be waiting for news.

After Coco sat down, Ye Lin immediately said in a soft tone: "No one is complaining about this matter. They just blame me for not being at home yesterday, which is why it caused such a fuss. When I came here just now, Qin Yu and I were talking on the phone. As I said before, Brother Feng was a little biased in dealing with Yang Gang, and I have nothing to say if he was caught."

"Yes, I don't know much about this matter. I just finished the meeting last night and before I could go out, a group of people suddenly came and broke into the house...it scared me!" Coco The acting started rambling on.

When Captain Guo heard this, he turned to look at Wang Zongxiang and said to Coco in a low voice: "People from outside the district are so used to being wild. They don't even know what's going on in the pharmaceutical factory and they just come here."

"Yes, six security guards were injured. The company must bear the responsibility. The equipment in the scientific research room was also damaged. We can't even order it now." Coco said in a loud voice: "This is too barbaric. Yes, you are completely contemptuous of the law."

Wang Zongxiang held his chin and glanced at Coco when he heard the sound, but said nothing.

"Keke, I won't talk to Qin Yu about this matter. He's not at home and can't make the decision." Ye Lin thought about it and said, "Do you think this works? We can take the person away first and pay compensation later. We are communicating! I promise to give you an explanation."

Coco pondered for a long time: "Sister, I'm afraid this won't work. You also know that the management structure of our pharmaceutical factory is relatively complicated, and I can't have the final say in everything. I called Xiao Di yesterday and he was very angry...Today My son got angry and cursed early in the morning, saying that if he continued to work in this pharmaceutical factory, he would have to apply to the government for the use of tanks tomorrow, otherwise the superintendent would have no way to ensure our safety! It took more than an hour to report the case, but the police didn't arrive... !”

Ye Lin couldn't help but feel a pain in her head when she looked at Keke who was rambling. When she was in the company before, the person she didn't want to touch was Keke. If you were serious with her, she would be naive with you. If you were naive, she would be naive. It's time to get serious.

Captain Guo glanced at Coco and said softly: "Mr. Yu, you must let this person go today. This is not what I meant. It was the police station who made the call. The case will be handed over to the team in the department. Wang Tiannan will also You have to be taken away from the dark streets!”

Coco was silent when she heard this.

Wang Zongxiang glanced here expressionlessly, raised his head and winked at the middle-aged man opposite.

The middle-aged man stood up, walked up to Coco and the others and said, "The police station has spoken. When will you hand over the person?"

"I'll take Mr. Yu away first. You can talk to Mr. Ye about the compensation later!" Team Guo also stood up when he spoke, showing an attitude that he wanted to mention him now.


There was a sound of footsteps, and Wu Di strode in, cursing unceremoniously: "After the beating and smashing, the police station didn't even fart, and came over to let people go? Is this a fucking joke?!"

Everyone turned their heads when they heard the sound.

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