District 9

Chapter 925 Ye Lin’s proposal

In the evening, Ye Lin had no choice but to make an appointment with Qin Yu and Wu Di, and went to a restaurant by the river together.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

In the viewing room of the restaurant, Ye Lin was sitting by the window, turning her head to admire the frozen night view of the river, and asked Qin Yu with a rosy face, "Do you really want to run into me?"

"I don't want to." Qin Yu shook his head.

"I told you, if you come here with your horse and man, I won't treat you badly." Wu Di smoked a cigarette, frowned and persuaded: "Han Sanqian is good to you, but if you stay in the end, the country will follow you." It doesn’t matter much, but my sons and daughters have to guard against you, so what are you trying to do?”

"I can't go to your place, brother." Ye Lin waved her hands with a helpless expression: "Let's not talk about this, okay?"

Wu Di remained silent and said nothing.

Ye Lin adjusted her thoughts and said with a somewhat troubled expression: "Let me tell you this, you can't beat me in the election of chief councilor."

Qin Yu was stunned.

"I have already negotiated with the Wang family, and Lao Li has no chance." Ye Lin stroked the ends of her hair, and after thinking for a while, she said, "If I can talk to you about this, it is already a violation. Do you understand?"

Qin Yu knew Ye Lin's character well, and also knew that she did not mean to brag when she said this, but told him frankly that the Han family had an absolute advantage in this matter.


Ye Lin let out a long breath: "Xiao Yu, let me make a proposal, do you think it's okay?"

"You said it." Qin Yu nodded.

"I can offer the position of chief councilor to Lao Li." Ye Lin looked at Qin Yu calmly: "The condition is that I want half of the 80 seats in the district council."

Qin Yu and Wu Di looked shocked when they heard this.

"This is the biggest concession I can make." Ye Lin sighed and said: "I really don't want to run into you two on the matter of the chief councilor. As long as you agree, I will solve the problem with the Han family. .”

Qin Yu felt a little moved when he heard Ye Lin's words. Because the current initiative is indeed with the Han family, Ye Lin not only attracted a large family like the Wang family, but most importantly, she also got the support of the party and government. The resolute attitude of the upper class towards the Wang family has been clearly reflected in Wang Tiannan's affairs.

On the other hand, Lao Li has almost no advantages except for his experience as a parliamentarian. First of all, his background was not clean enough. If Qin Yu hadn't begged for mercy, then as a core member of Lao Xu's faction, he would have definitely been killed. So if he comes out to fight now, once the dirty information is dug out little by little, it will be difficult for public opinion to be on his side. Secondly, Lao Li's personal energy is definitely inferior to that of the Wang family. He has no basis or foundation in front of the 1.5 million people the Xinyuan District wants to attract. You have no reputation and no support from the parliament. How easy is it to get a leading position?

These two key points are the facts before us. Therefore, Ye Lin's ability to tell Qin Yu that she was willing to help Lao Li gain power was definitely a huge sacrifice and concession, and might even cause strong dissatisfaction within the Han family.

It can be seen that Ye Lin really does not want to collide with Qin Yu and Wu Di in the matter of competing for the chief council member.

"You owe Lao Li a favor, how about I repay it for you?" Ye Lindai frowned and discussed: "Let him be the chief councilor for one term safely, and he can be considered to have returned to the circle. He has the qualifications Now, there is a chance for a comeback!"

Qin Yu was silent for a long time: "Xiao Lin, if you can say that, I have to thank you, but I think it will be difficult for Lao Li to agree to this."

"This time, the chance that he will come to power with power is lower than winning the lottery. Can't you see?" Ye Lin asked excitedly.

"Yes." Qin Yu replied simply, raised his head and asked: "But of the eighty members, half of the seats will be given to you, so Uncle Li will be just a puppet if he sits on it. I can trust you, but I don't The only way to trust the Han family is to trust the Han family. Once there is a problem in the parliament, Lao Li will be the first to be brought out for accountability. If his head is not on his own neck, what is the point of having the chief councilor in front of him? "

After the words fell, the three of them were relatively silent.

After five or six minutes, Qin Yu took a puff of cigarette, looked up at Ye Lin and asked: "Can't you avoid the competition for the chief councilor?"

"No, Han Tong suggested that I should be responsible for this matter. I can't escape." Ye Lin shook her head helplessly.

"Forget it, let's put aside the matter of whether Lao Li wants to fight for the chief council member or not," Wu Di smoothed things over: "Now let's talk about how to solve Wang Tiannan's matter."

"Did your research office really get smashed?" Ye Lin asked.

Wu Di smiled: "Whether he got hit or not is not the key. The key is that he slapped me in the face. I have to get the money."

"Can it be less?" Ye Lin asked.

"Logically speaking, no, because the Wang family will no longer be on our side, and I don't need to give them any face." Wu Di replied with clear logic: "But you have spoken, I agree to a hundred less."

Ye Lin picked up the red wine glass: "The Wang family will not pay this money."

"I know." Wu Di nodded: "Just because I know, I want this number."

Ye Lin rolled her eyes at Wu Di: "Okay, I agree to compensate four million."

With these words, the turmoil in the Happy Palace is over, and Wu Di's attitude of forcing the four million is enough to show that he is likely to support Qin Yu.

After the three of them left the hotel, Qin Yu called Zhu Wei and said succinctly: "Leave Wang Tiannan to the police station. You don't have to worry about the rest."

"Okay, I understand." Zhu Wei nodded.

About an hour later.

In the detention room of the Black Street Superintendent, Wang Tiannan had his legs turned inward, his right hand tightly covering his crotch, and he glanced at Zhu Wei strangely: "I fucking remember you!"

"Haha, I think you've been a little uncomfortable these two days here!" Zhu Wei sneered and glanced at him: "How about I take you into the toilet and communicate with you using a baton?"

Wang Tiannan glanced at the people at the police station, then leaned into Zhu Wei's ear and said, "Don't be so fucking crazy, we can still meet."


Zhu Wei grabbed Wang Tiannan's neck with a slap: "Are you still stupid enough to think that it was your family connections that got you out? I tell you, if you didn't kneel down, you wouldn't have walked out of this door at all, understand. Yet?"

Wang Tiannan was stunned.

"Inside the district and outside the district are two different things." Zhu Wei patted Wang Tiannan's cheek, turned around and left.

inside the car.

Wu Di turned to look at Qin Yu and asked, "Where are you going?"


Qin Yu let out a long breath: "Let's go to Lao Li's place and have a look."

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