District 9

Chapter 929 What a big stupid dog

In the next more than half a month, Lao Li was busy trying to win over some small and weak households by using more quotas for the right of residence and various subsidies after entering the district.

In addition to being busy with the work of the superintendent, Qin Yu spent this time at Tiancheng Construction Company almost every night to discuss with Mr. Yan about the construction of the railway station in the district. Because there is no need to wait, you just need to draw the land according to the planning map, get the construction permit from the city, and you can start work.

While the area was busy in full swing, Ma Laoer and Xu Yang were also making full efforts outside the area. With the help of the relationship between Yao Yao and Xiang'er over the past few years, they found many influential people outside the area and successfully acquired a lot of land around Sankanzi and Yamatiao. Of course... this also comes at a certain price. Tiancheng Construction Company has already spent millions on the land area alone.

Of course, if there are people who are willing to sell face to Ma Laoer and Xu Yang, there must be others who are not interested in them. Along the middle section of the railway line, the location of four living villages is very important. The railway track must completely pass through the village, and a small platform must be built in the middlemost village to accommodate nearby passengers. So when Ma Laoer was talking to the other party, they didn't agree with the relocation at all. They even heard that the city was going to build a railway here, and even built some dilapidated houses and deliberately occupied a lot of land.

This evening.

Ma Laoer was forced to have no choice but to contact the village head of this living village through a friend who had been holding a jingle for a long time and made an appointment to meet him locally.

On the way out of the district, Xu Yang was sitting in the car, shaving the beard he hadn't shaved for several days, and turned to Ma Laoer and asked, "Do you think it's about money?"

"It must be! It's not about money. Why are they building a house now? Isn't it just to get more money?" Ma Laoer frowned and replied.

"You must remember that the prices we offer to external parties must be the same." Xu Yang whispered: "Otherwise you overpay here, then the people we negotiated with before will definitely be dissatisfied. When the news leaks out, one day If we start making trouble, we will go back to before liberation."

"Yeah, I know." Ma Laoer nodded.

"Uncle Zi, have you brought the gift?" Xu Yang turned around and asked.

"I've got it, it's all in the trunk."

"Well, that's fine." Xu Yang felt relieved.

Within the city.

Wang Tiannan was in a high-end butcher shop, and after fighting three women, he walked out of the private room with satisfaction and went downstairs.

In the lounge on the first floor, Han Fei, wearing a bathrobe and drinking a drink, asked Wang Tiannan, "How are you doing? Is it okay?"

"Okay, let's make do with it." Wang Tiannan replied in an unusually pretentious manner. In fact, for him, it is difficult for him to come into contact with the fair and lovely young ladies in the district. The Wang family had a very strict upbringing and were good at getting their direct children to marry, so Wang Tiannan got married when he was 17.8 years old. His wife was also very beautiful, so he had no advantage in this aspect of life. But at this moment, it was because of face that I said this.

"When I have time later, I will take you to Yanbei for fun." Han Fei said with a smile: "There are many little stars there. They come over as soon as I call them. Their service awareness is very good."

Wang Tiannan has a strong desire in this regard, and he became hard-core when he heard it: "That's a good relationship. When do you go back, I will go for a walk with you."

"Wait, I'll go back when the chief council election is almost over." Han Fei said gently: "It's more important to do business first."

"Yes, yes." Wang Tiannan nodded.

Han Fei squinted his eyes and looked at him, then suddenly asked with a smile: "Want something to drink?"

"Come on, have a drink."

"Is your mouth okay?"

"It's okay, this little injury is nothing." Wang Tiannan is actually a careless evil person. He is usually careless, doesn't care about others, and doesn't care much about himself.

Han Fei heard the sound and called the waiter, ordered some exquisite dishes and drinks, greeted the other accompanying people, and drank with Wang Tiannan.

In the blink of an eye, more than an hour passed, and Wang Tiannan, who was willing to drink quickly, was already seventy percent drunk. At this time, a friend brought by Han Fei suddenly asked: "Hey, Tiannan, your friend Zidong has gone back." ?"

"No." When Wang Tiannan heard this, he frowned instantly: "Tiancheng Baofeng did such a bad job. The compensation has been paid out. They signed Zidong into detention. It is estimated that he will be detained for another ten years." Only when he is half a month old can we let him go."

"Yes," the young man who asked the question immediately nodded in agreement: "Cheng Baofeng is so overbearing in his work today. He doesn't even ask for money, but he still detains you."

Han Fei drank his drink and listened quietly without saying a word.

"They are so overbearing! Let me tell you, my uncle didn't let me mess around and said we would wait until we enter the district. Otherwise, I just say one thing, they won't be able to get in at all despite the little noise they made outside the district. Songjiang." Wang Tiannan, seven of them dissatisfied, said angrily: "How big a place is in the district? If they get mixed up, they won't know what to do. Let them try outside the district. Damn it, in one round I Just let him disappear."

"These words are overbearing!" The young man immediately praised him.

"No, Tiannan, actually your uncle is right." Han Fei stopped him at the right time, looked at Wang Tiannan candidly and said, "Let the past matter pass by. You'd better not follow him in the area. Ma Laoer and the others met. These people really don't give anything for free. Even if my cousin Han Yu... was in their hands, my family suffered a lot because of this railway project in Yanbei. Qin Yu is now He needs people and connections, and no one can offend him if he tries to do it head-on."

"Nonsense, what can't he do to offend?!" Wang Tiannan argued with a blush on his face: "He's just a small JB director. To put it bluntly, he doesn't have as many people as the head of a living village below my house. . If we really want to fuck him, if we find a few people from outside the area to come in, can he be able to guard against it?!"

"Don't be stubborn about this. We won't talk about Qin Yu, just Ma Laoer." A young man sitting next to Han Fei, who didn't say much from beginning to end, said with blurred eyes and the smell of alcohol. Said: "The second horse did it for you in Xile Palace. As soon as he left, the superintendent of the back leg was taken away by you. Your brother Zidong went to smash up the pharmaceutical factory, but he was detained before the knife could be drawn out. If you live, then why are you still fighting? Can you fight? There is a difference between this area and outside the area, understand? People are much better at playing than us...!"

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Wang Tiannan exploded instantly, slapped the table and stood up: "You say it again?!"

Han Fei stared at the mad dog Wang Tiannan with his mouth open, and immediately waved his hand to persuade him: "He drank too much, don't be like him. We are all our own people, what are you doing...!"

"He was drinking and chatting. He deliberately caused trouble for me." Wang Tiannan shouted at the man grumpily and asked, "What do you mean?"

"What are you pretending to be?!" The young man couldn't help but stand up with the strength of his drink: "I'm just asking you, did you let someone use an electric baton to pass through the sewer? I'm just asking you if it was passed. Whether it’s inserted or not, it’s over!”


Wang Tiannan held it in for three seconds, then raised his leg and kicked it.


The young man fell on his back, and Han Fei immediately stepped forward and stretched out his hand to start a fight: "Brother, brother, don't be like this, have a drink and chat, look what you are doing!"

at the same time.

The cars of Ma Laoer, Xu Yang, Liu Zishu and others stopped at the entrance of Wind Life Village.


There is one more chapter before 9 o'clock.

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