District 9

Chapter 936 The wind is coming

Early the next morning.

Qin and Yu returned to Songjiang by car. In the car, he didn't eat breakfast, didn't talk much, and just stared out the window in a daze.

Fu Xiaohao sat aside, looked at him worriedly and said, "Brother, are you okay?"

"Damn, this little thing makes me upset." Qin Yu had a bubble on his mouth, his cheeks were sallow, and he looked a little haggard.

Fu Xiaohao was actually worried about the company, but he personally couldn't do much to help him. He could only try to persuade him: "This matter won't be resolved in a day or two. Why are you always so anxious and angry?" Use it? Look at it, we have to eat and drink as we should."

"It's okay, you can eat." Qin Yu put his palms in his hands and said, "I'll think about it again."

Cha Meng glanced at Qin Yu, pulled Fu Xiaohao and said, "Let's go buy something, don't worry about him, let him figure it out by himself."

"Yeah." Fu Xiaohao stood up and went to the dining car with Cha Meng.

Qin Yu stared outside the car, frowning in thought.

A few hours later, the train arrived at Songjiang North Station. Qin Yu and the other three hurriedly left the exit and were about to walk towards the parking lot when the phone rang.

"Hello?" Qin Yu stopped and answered the phone.

"Something has happened." Lao Mao's voice sounded: "The Yangong people entered the wind power village to measure the construction location, and they had a conflict with the local people and were beaten."

Qin Yu was stunned for a long time: "Being beaten? The land occupation matter has not been settled yet. Why are Yan Gong and the others going to the construction site?"

"The project team asked us to quickly measure the actual construction area of ​​several stations. Yan Gong and the others drove to the wind village without telling us in advance." Old Mao responded quickly: "But What Yan Gong thought was, I’ll just measure the land and won’t demolish your house, so what’s the problem? Who knew that those people were so unreasonable that they started fighting after just a few quarrels... Even Yan Gong was beaten.”

"What the hell, where are Yan Gong and the others?" Qin Yu asked.

"I brought two groups of police officers to pick them up as they exited the border crossing."

"Hurry up and pick them up, but don't let Yan Gong and the others get into trouble again." Qin Yu frowned and urged: "These people are very valuable. If they want to leave in anger, then we can't repair the railway."

"Okay, okay I understand."

"Contact me by phone." Qin Yu hung up the phone and immediately ran and said, "Quickly, drive to the outside of the area."

Ten minutes later.

When Qin Yu rushed to Dongguan Pass by car, he received a call from Gu Yan: "Hello?"

"No, can you do this?" Gu Yan said anxiously: "How can you still let Yan Gong get beaten?!"

"They went outside the district on their own without saying hello in advance. They didn't know how to communicate with the locals when they got there, so they started fighting out of nowhere." Qin Yu frowned and replied, "I'm on my way out."

"Ancestor, don't let Yan Gongzi run away! If he is gone, we won't be able to do this job."

"I know I know."

"Fuck!" Gu Yan scolded silently: "Where are your abilities, and where are the brothers from outside the district? Can't you take advantage of this?"

"Stop talking nonsense. Songjiang's situation is a bit complicated now. I will find a way."

"I've made the arrangements above. You must not let things slip below. Otherwise, won't all the trouble we brothers have in Yanbei be in vain?" Gu Yan gritted his teeth and said, "Please handle the matter more harshly."

"I know what's going on, that's all."


After the two ended the call, Qin Yu frowned and sat in the passenger seat, pulled his neck and shouted: "Are you reluctant to step on the accelerator? Drive faster!"

Fu Xiaohao glanced at Qin Yu aggrievedly, and replied without daring to speak loudly: "The road...the road is not easy to walk."

More than forty minutes later, the car left the east entrance of Songjiang and traveled less than five kilometers, when it happened to meet Lao Mao and others returning.

Fu Xiaohao hurriedly honked the horn twice to signal for parking on the opposite side. Qin Yu then opened the door and walked out, quickly rushing to the side of the police car: "How is Yan Gong?"

In the police car, Yan Gong covered his head with gauze and cursed through gritted teeth: "These people are so barbaric and have no brains. Damn... we should let the troops deal with them harshly, they are unruly people! Ignorant!"

Qin Yu took a cursory glance at Yan Gong and saw that he was not seriously injured, so he felt relieved: "How are the others?"

Old Mao heard the sound and pointed to the car behind him and said, "One of Yan Gong's students' legs was hit with a crowbar and he was seriously injured."

Qin Yu heard the sound and walked to the car behind him. He opened the door and saw that the faces of the students brought by Yan Gong were so frightened that their blood turned pale. Everyone had injuries on their bodies. The most serious one was lying on his side in the back seat, and his right leg was slightly deformed.

Fu Xiaohao looked at this situation and couldn't help but cursed: "When we had nothing before, who did we care about? When have we ever been so angry? Why is it getting better and better, but it makes me feel aggrieved. "

When Qin Yu heard this, he suddenly turned to look at Fu Xiaohao.

"Brother...this is so frustrating." Fu Xiaohao thought Qin Yu was going to scold him, so he immediately explained.

"You're right." Qin Yu patted Fu Xiaohao's shoulder, immediately waved his hand and shouted, "Hurry, send Yan Gong and the others to the hospital."

"Okay." The old cat nodded.

Qin Yu stood on the road with his hands on his hips, pointed at Fu Xiaohao and said, "Call Ma Laoer, Xu Yang, Zhang Liang, Guizi, Ding Bin, and the leaders who distribute our goods outside the area. Hours later, there will be a meeting at the construction company with all employees.”

"Okay!" Fu Xiaohao nodded immediately.


On the fourth floor of Tiancheng Construction Company, more than a dozen ground bosses pointing at Qin Yu's survival walked into the conference room with Ma Laoer, Xu Yang and others.

Qin Yu sat at the head of the conference table, smoking a cigarette with a frown on his face, and nodded to everyone.

After the group entered the house, they each sat down without speaking first.

"The railway project has encountered a bump in the road. I can't get over it myself. There's nothing I can do about it. Everyone, please do your part." Qin Yu suddenly stood up, put out his cigarette butts and said, "There's a big move tonight, and I need people."

"We have people, and we also have soldiers." Zhang Liang raised his head and said, "The problem is, after the treatment is over, who will take care of it?"

"Don't worry about this, I'll talk to Wu Di right away."

"That's no problem." Zhang Liang nodded.

Xu Yang was silent for a long time, then turned to look at Qin Yu and asked, "Do you really want to force yourself?"

"If it's just the local people who want more money, then I can satisfy it. But the trouble in Fengli Village is obviously caused by someone behind the scenes." Qin Yu made a decisive decision: "Let's stop talking and start a war. !”

That afternoon, the conference room was filled with smoke, and the two dozen team leaders were all on the phone constantly, preparing to cooperate with Qin Yu's big move that night.

at the same time.

Qin Yu found Wu Di, intervened and said: "You have to say hello to the above for me. I don't ask them to say anything for me, nor do I ask them to do anything for me. It's just that after I made a noise on the ground, Someone needs to support me."

"Okay." Wu Di nodded immediately.

The friction within and outside the region has been going on for some time, with both sides constantly trying things out, and they are about to break out completely when the railway project cannot be advanced.

Qin Yu knew who his opponent was.

It's nothing more than the Han family, the Wang family, and maybe even the shadow of Changji Xingyao.

But it doesn't matter anymore. The railway project can't be completed, all the previous efforts have been wasted, and Qin Yu can't delay the construction period, so... let's get it done!


Three chapters will be updated in the early morning, there will be no update tomorrow morning, and a big explosion will push up c in the evening! It’s Monday, please vote for recommendations, please subscribe, and please support the dragon boat activities! In addition, those new readers should stop questioning the number of words in each chapter. Since I wrote the book, each chapter has been 2,000 words, which is very stable, and there is no way to get into the VIP chapter with less than 2,000 words. Thanks!

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