District 9

Chapter 962 Sleepless Night

The content of the text message is very simple, with only a few lines of small words.

"Brother Hui, I don't know how to tell you... It's not good to say it in person, or not to say it. After thinking about it, I can only send you a text message. My sister-in-law has been very close to Tian Nan in the past week or so. We often go out together, and there are already some rumors on the construction site. I went out to do errands just now, and saw her going to the Baochen Hotel with Tiannan..."

Tianhui sat in the car, his head buzzing as he read the text message, his eyes bloodshot, and he was completely confused.

It is impossible for any man to calm down after receiving such an anonymous text message.

Tianhui looked at the phone while breathing heavily. After calming down for a long time, he lowered the window and shouted: "Baozi, Daming, come here!"

Baozi and Daming, who were chatting with everyone not far away, ran over immediately after hearing the sound.

"What's wrong?" Baozi asked.

"Drive, hurry up, drive!" Tianhui urged with trembling lips.

Baozi was startled for a moment, thinking something urgent happened at the construction site, so he immediately got in the car and started the engine: "Where are you going?"

"Baochen Hotel, hurry up!" Tianhui trembled all over, clenched his fists and roared.

"What are you doing there?"

"Go if you are told!" Tianhui roared.

Baozi was stunned for a moment, then immediately put the car into gear and left the place.

After Tianhui thought for a long time in the car, he took his mobile phone and called Zhang Qing.

"Hello, hubby?"

"Are you done over there?" Tianhui asked with a gloomy face.

"Not yet. I'll have a drink and I'll go back soon." Zhang Qing replied breathlessly.

Tianhui clenched his fists: "Okay, I'm almost done. You can call me later."

"good husband."

"Dudu!" Tianhui hung up the phone and looked out the window with scarlet eyes, his heart beating fast.

"Brother, what's going on?" Daming asked from the back seat.

After Tianhui heard what he said, he temporarily came back to his senses and turned to look at the two of them, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

Because Baozi and Daming were both foreigners, they shouldn't have known about this kind of thing. But if you think about it carefully, the message in the text message is very clear. It says that many people at the construction site are spreading this rumor, so what's the point of keeping it to yourself?

Tian Hui had complicated thoughts in his mind and gritted his teeth and said, "Hurry up!"

Baozi stepped on the accelerator and the car sped forward.

On the black street, Lao Mao was sitting in the car, holding the phone and saying to Ma Lao Er: "Stop nagging, hurry up and it will be over."

"I'm already fucking rushing over there, I'll definitely arrive about the same time as you."

"Okay, that's it."

The two ended the call, and Lao Mao sat in the car and gritted his teeth and cursed: "Fuck you, if you make me anxious, I'll just call someone to kill Han Fei."

"What the fuck!" Ding Guozhen, the little fat man, also cursed fiercely.

At nine twenty, outside the dormitory building.

The two vans came to a slow stop. You Lijun touched his head and said with a walkie-talkie: "There are a lot of people in the building. Try not to use your gun. We'll leave as soon as we're done."


The person in the car behind replied on the intercom.

You Lijun opened the car door, took out the wool gloves from his bag and put them on, turned around and looked around and said, "Let's go!"

A group of more than a dozen people moved forward with swords and guns in their hands, and soon arrived at the door of the dormitory building.

Since this is a collective dormitory, people often get up at night to use the outdoor toilet. In addition, there are hundreds of people living in the building and there are few valuables. Therefore, for convenience, the door of this building is unlocked.

Ma Zai went up the steps and was about to use a crowbar to pry open the crack in the door, but found that the iron door creaked open. He immediately grinned and turned around and said, "It saves the trouble."

"Go, go in, hurry up." Yu Lijun nodded and urged.

A group of more than a dozen people rushed into the corridor on the first floor and walked to Wei Kun's room with familiarity.

Most of the workers in the dormitories were already asleep, and the remaining ones who were still awake heard footsteps, but they didn't think much about it. Because there are too many people in this place, it is normal for people to come and go at night.

It didn't take a minute for You Lijun to lead people to the door of Wei Kun's room. He held the door handle with his left hand and pushed it with his shoulder, and the door opened.

In the room, the brazier for heating was still burning. Wei Kun was lying on the bed and asked in a daze: "Is it Xiao Li?"

"Little Nima b's Li!"

The nervous smile on Yu Lijun's face was completely gone at this time. He just rushed over like a madman, held Wei Kun's chest with his left hand, and stabbed him in the head with a knife.


Wei Kun instinctively ducked, and the blade directly pierced his right cheek. Blood flowed out instantly, and he was so frightened that white hair broke out all over his body.

This knife, no matter from the strength or angle, was aimed at killing him.

"cnm, you are so shameless." All the horses rushed up together, holding short knives and stabbing at the bed crazily.

The vision in the room was dim, and Wei Kun couldn't see clearly how many people were there when he was struggling on the bed, but he was very smart, so he just picked up a luggage bag at his feet and shouted: "cnm, I will kill you!"

Everyone thought he had a gun, and they were instantly blown away. Wei Kun jumped out of bed, smashed his luggage bag at everyone, and yelled, "Come here, someone wants to kill me."

"Kill your mother!"

You Lijun's attack was very cruel and dark. He couldn't see clearly what Wei Kun was holding, so he only bent down, raised the big brazier, and smashed it at the opponent.


There was a muffled sound, and the brazier exploded on Wei Kun's head. The flames shot up several meters high, and countless charcoal fire fell on the ground and bed.

Wei Kun, who had been stabbed at least four or five times, fell to the ground screaming miserably after being hit.

"Stab him to death." Yu Lijun waved his hand and growled: "Stab you to death. If the next person in charge doesn't follow our lead, I will continue to kill him."

The horses swarmed forward, and Wei Kun, who was desperate for survival, ignored the severe burning pain on his body at this moment. He just resisted wildly like a trapped beast, holding his luggage bag with both hands.


At this moment, the door was pushed open, and several people who came after hearing the sound appeared at the door.

Inside the house, smoke filled the room and fire splashed. Youli Jun took out his gun and turned around and shouted: "cnm, you guys come in and try?!"

In Room No. 424 of Baochen Hotel.

Zhang Qing sat by the bed and put on her clothes, urging her in a melodious voice: "Hurry up and get dressed, he's already urging me."

Wang Tiannan stretched out his hand to hold Zhang Qing's arm like a cute baby and said, "I want to stay with you for a while..."

"Stop making trouble, hurry up." Zhang Qing urged silently.


The door opened, and Wang Tianhui turned on the light immediately after entering the room, looking at the two of them with splitting eyes.

Zhang Qing's face turned pale, and Wang Tiannan was so frightened that his pants almost fell off. He looked at Wang Tianhui in astonishment, his body as stunned as a sculpture.

When the shoe-breaking incident came to light, it happened to be the time when Wang Zongxiang formally announced his candidacy for the chief councilor in the broadcast station building.


There is another chapter around 1am. Those who can’t wait can read it together after 8pm.

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