District 9

Chapter 972 The incident escalates again

Although the garrison brigades and garrison corps in the city are under the direct jurisdiction of each war zone and are also combat units under the highest military organization, fundamentally speaking, they have certain special characteristics.

Because the main task of this kind of military unit is to garrison and manage some public security issues in the surrounding areas outside the area, it needs to communicate and cooperate frequently with the government departments. And this also results in that the officers in charge of these military units will often have contact with political bosses.

Once people come into contact frequently, the accumulation of favors in private is inevitable.

For example, if the police system has a case to investigate and it involves arrests outside the district, it will go to the garrison for negotiation; another example is if the government wants to carry out some projects outside the district, the garrison needs to come forward to coordinate with the living village... And if the garrison If you want to do something in the district, you have to contact the various functional departments of the government.

If things go on like this, the two sides will naturally vent their anger through the same nostril on certain matters. This is why when the Iron Hat King's soldiers surrounded Yanbei, the garrison chose to line up with the government. Because one of the two sides controls the inside of the city, and the other controls outside the city, and privately they don't know how many interests are tied together, that's why the garrison chose this position.

This is also the reason why Liu Chen was a little scared this time. Over the years, he has privately received many benefits from the party and government, such as special funds, military subsidies, military material donations, etc. In addition, the money given to him by the Han family for the party and government during the Guangfengli Village incident and the help in Yuli's escape was already in the millions.

This kind of thing must not be leaked. Once it is revealed, the military and political leaders will definitely deal with Liu Chen. So he wanted to stop Qin Yu for the party and government and shut up Yu Lijun forever, not only to help the other party, but also to help himself.

More than forty minutes later.

After Liu Chen returned to the regiment compound, he immediately ordered to the adjutant: "Immediately have the two security companies gather and stop them at the entrance of the regiment compound. Whoever comes to see me tonight will tell me that I am not here. And it is consistent with the outside world." Because of the attack on the camp, the 743rd Regiment has all entered combat readiness, and no one can be let in without my order."

"Okay." The adjutant heard the sound and ran out immediately.

Liu Chen returned to his office, lit a cigarette and asked the deputy regiment: "Have you contacted the second battalion commander?"

"Contacted." The deputy leader nodded.

Liu Chen took a deep breath from his cigarette, waved his hand and said, "Call him and I will make arrangements myself."

When the deputy regiment heard the sound, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the second battalion commander before handing it to Liu Chen.

"Hello, I'm Liu Chen!"

"Captain, please tell me what to do?" the second battalion commander asked.

"Do it this way, you bring out thirty people and use the signal..." Liu Chen stood at the window, lowering his head and sucking on his cigarette holder, and softly gave instructions to the battalion commander.

After the two talked for five or six minutes, the battalion commander took the initiative and asked: "We killed Yu Lijun, what about Lao Guo?"

Liu Chen glanced sharply toward the outside, and after a moment of silence he said: "Qin Yu has confirmed that he protected Yu Lijun and helped the suspect escape. Lao Guo will be able to come out. If he vomited during the interrogation, , tell us all...then the matter will be completely troublesome."

The second battalion commander was silent for a moment and replied: "I understand."

"Hurry up and find the person who takes the blame." Liu Chen gritted his teeth and said, "If Qin Yu dares to fight back, you can open fire. I will take care of anything that happens."

"I understand." The second battalion commander hung up the phone.

Outside the compound of the besieged camp, the second battalion commander was standing still, feeling very hesitant in his heart. He didn't want to do something like being used as a gunman, but Liu Chen had been very kind to him over the years, and the benefits that should be given to them were never less. So if Liu Chen fell because of this matter , it is conceivable that he will not end well.

So until now, there is no human morality to talk about. Everything is fought for oneself.

"Old Huang, Old Huang, come here." The second battalion commander waved his hand and shouted.

"What's wrong?" A company commander came over.

"I just received the order from the regiment commander. We must not let Qin Yu and the others take people away like this." The second battalion commander whispered: "You call forty people over, use heavy weapons to break into the building, and kill Yu Lijun and Kill Lao Guo."

The company commander was stunned for a long time: "Even...even Guo Ying is moving?"

"The man was dug out in his camp. He must not be clean. Once he vomits at Qin Yu's side, will we still have a fucking way to live?" The second battalion commander said with a gloomy face: "Just do it, no matter what Come on, hurry up."

After the company commander hesitated for a moment, he immediately waved his hand and shouted: "Three companies must assemble, hurry up!"

Then he walked quickly towards the meeting point, and in an instant, there was movement again outside the already unquiet camp area.

Lao Feng's current location is on the periphery of the road. He cannot see the center position, but Qin Yu is different. Standing next to the window of the main building, he saw at a glance that a company of soldiers from the other side was gathering urgently, and they also unloaded 40mm guns and heavy machine guns from the vehicle.

As soon as Qin Yu saw this scene, the hair on his body exploded and he shouted: "Zhu Wei, Zhu Wei!"

"What's wrong?" Zhu Wei ran in from outside.

"Quickly, let all the police officers enter the main building and bring all the suspects up." Qin Yu shouted with eyes wide open: "They may want to fight."

"It's impossible, right?" Zhu Wei was shocked: "Everyone has been arrested, but they still dare to fight?!"

"We must fight." Qin Yu shouted urgently: "They are already gathering. Go down and call someone."


When Zhu Wei heard the sound, he immediately ran out the door.

Qin Yu took out his phone and dialed Lao Feng's number immediately: "Hello?! Si Feng, they are about to call."

"Are you sure?" Feng Yunian asked.

"Sure, we will definitely fight." Qin Yu nodded.

"Damn it, this 743rd Group is much more involved than we thought!" Feng Yunian suddenly understood: "They are going to kill people and silence them. You hold on, I want to leave here now."

"Hurry up, there are troops on the other side, they have heavy weapons in their hands. If we really fight, we won't be able to handle it." Qin Yu roared.

"Wait." Feng Yunian hung up the phone and immediately shouted with a tiger face: "Get out of here and go to the place I just told you."

at the same time.

Qin Yu called Wu Di again and explained the situation to him as quickly as possible.

Two minutes later.

For the first time in the past two years, Wu Di called home because of the incident on the ground in Songjiang: "Dad, the 743rd Group has tried to kill my partner twice!"

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