Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1005: She actually thought of divorce

Walking to the door, Hu Yinghong turned around and asked Gong Bai: "The Yu family..."

"You don't have to worry!" Gong Bai glared at them, "You don't have to worry about it! Wait until the wedding day, just use yourself as a prop! I don't want to see you during this time, I hope you will be safe and don't give I'll cause trouble, let alone bother Yu's house. If anyone keeps me from getting married, I will cut off relations with him in my life!"

"Good, good..." Hu Yinghong hurried away.

After going downstairs, I saw Gong Fei's car, Gong Jin was still driving, and his three uncles and aunts were resting in his residence.

After getting in the car, Gong Fei asked angrily: "Didn't you tell me, I told you to be more obedient, why--"

"Where do I know that they are so unreasonable?" Hu Yinghong said gloomily, "I just tried a little bit, who knows that they won't show any affection at all. I'm really worried that your brother will be too much to look up after he gets married. It’s better to marry an ordinary person. What is so good about this lady?"

"What are you testing at this time?!" Gong Fei shouted, "I really don't want to bother you!"

Gong Jin glanced at them in the rearview mirror and did not speak.

I really don't know what the aunt thinks! Still want to press Yu Xinran? They just marry the man who is the president, and have such a strong family and relatives, so they don't need to be angry with their mother-in-law!

He felt that with the uncle and aunt's tossing energy, even if he didn't make enemies with the Yu family, this thigh... I'm afraid I can't hold it. He should withdraw!

After being silent for a while, Hu Yinghong asked: "Then...Shall we go to the Yu family to apologize?"

Gong Fei took a deep breath weakly: "What are you going to apologize for? Let's stop it! Everything will wait until they get married! What should I do if it is really too much to get married now?"

Although Yu Xinran didn't want to see her, but the two got married, she would definitely benefit in the future. Where does Gong Bai find such a good marriage?


Gong Bai called to apologize to Yu Xinran.

Yu Xinran felt very tired and said, "I hope the wedding can be held without incident, and they will not bother us after we get married."

"Don't worry." Gong Bai promised, "I will send them back to Nanjiang as soon as possible, let them come at the wedding, and send them back when the wedding is over, so that they won't let them stay and trouble you."

"I'm afraid... then they will ask to live together." Yu Xinran said with news.

Gong Bai was startled, that kind of situation... is likely to happen.

He squeezed the phone and said, "Don't worry, I won't let them do this."

Yu Xinran sighed: "Okay...I believe you for the time being. If they are too annoying, I will go home and live."

"...I'm sorry," Gong Bai said in a low voice, "Obviously, they promised well before, I didn't expect them to suddenly--"

"It's okay. I don't believe that they suddenly changed their temperament. Rather than attacking me after getting married, it's better to make a shame now. My parents also know that they are human and will plan ahead."

For example, directly asking Gong Bai not to live with his parents after marriage.

Yu Xinran also has ideas-if Hu Yinghong and Uncle Gong are still like this, she will divorce!


Yu Xinran felt funny. When preparing for the wedding, she actually thought of divorce.

She reached out and touched her belly. If it wasn't for this child, she really didn't want to get married.

She used to think that as long as she and Gong Bai fell in love, there would be no trouble. Now she finally understands that the experience Min Ling and Wu Surong have been teaching her are true! (To be continued~^~)

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