Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1007: Lu Yang is getting married

"Then you go tell mom yourself!" Ding Dang smiled and walked out. After a few minutes, he brought a plate of nuts and said while peeling them, "Mom has already called Nan Xuan and asked him to come over for dinner."

"Then I can only stay." Gong Mo smiled.

Tian Cheng was a little embarrassed. She was not from this family, so it was embarrassing to stay.

"Can I go back?" she asked in a low voice.

"It's okay if you go back." Gong Mo said, "Go to my place after dinner. There is no one in summer school, how deserted?"

"No. There are a lot of people during summer vacation, but nobody during winter vacation."

"Then Nan Xuan and I will take you back to school after dinner."

Tian Cheng nodded.

After Sheng Nanxuan came, several people went downstairs.

Huzi was hopping around in the living room, learning from animal calls most, making the old man laugh.

Yu Xinran smiled and said, "I wish I had a tiger so cute."

"Me too! Me too!" Ding Dang followed.

"Maybe you will have a little uncle so naughty~"

While talking, Yu Qingliu entered the door.

Ding Dang immediately pointed to Yu Xinran and complained to him: "Husband! Xinran said bad things about you!"

"The elder brother must have told her." Yu Qingliu went to help her, "I was naughty when I was young, so elder brother remembered it."

"I also remember." Wu Surong said, "When I was five years old, I caught frogs and fish and dismembered them. I secretly ran the kitchen to dissect ducks and scared me... I thought I was a pervert!"

"Hahaha..." Everyone laughed.

"Quack, quack--" Huzi heard the word "duck" and raised his head to learn how to call a duck.

"You are naughty!" Gong Mo pulled him and sat next to Sheng Nanxuan.

Sheng Nanxuan grabbed her hand, held Huzi on her lap with the other hand, and asked, "Do you miss Dad?"

"Yes!" Hu Zi nodded.

"How much do you think?"

Huzi thought for a while, opened his hands and drew a big circle in the air, so big that his arms were not enough.

"Think so!" he said.

Everyone laughed, especially Wu Surong, who liked it too much.

Sheng Nanxuan kissed him on the cheek, and whispered, "Then ask your mother if she thinks about it."

No one else could hear his voice, but Gong Mo who was beside him did. Gong Mo secretly pinched him, and said, "Don't mess around!"

Sheng Nanxuan glanced at her bitterly: Hmph~ Don't miss me!

Gong Mo: ...I haven't seen each other for a few hours, as for?

Yu Qingliu said to Wu Surong, "Lu Yang just called me and he will get married next month."

"He is getting married?" Wu Surong asked in surprise.

"Yes!" Yu Qingliu was very happy. Lu Yang is his proud disciple, and his philosophy of practicing medicine is similar to him. He attaches great importance to Lu Yang.

Yu Xinran bit her lip, inevitably thinking of Lu Wei. He should... no longer like himself, right?

Min Ling asked: "Who is the bride? Do we know each other?"

"His college classmates, you probably don't know them. The two have been separated and reunited for many years, and I have never seen them before!" Yu Qingliu said, "He said that he would come to send invitations in two days, and he should bring them there. Take a look."

Wu Surong nodded and said with emotion: "The Lu family is the youngest, and he didn't expect to get married first! But there will be two. Lu Fei and Lu Qian will soon be soon, and the group who grew up with them will follow. Our heart is almost the same."

Min Ling nodded. When you are done with Yu Xinran, you should worry about Yu Xinzhuo. The Gong family almost made her vomit blood, and Yu Xinzhuo's wife must take care of her! She would never agree to any questions! (To be continued~^~)

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