Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1036: Lu Wei will be good to her

She is going to marry Lu Wei.

He closed his eyes, a line of tears slipped from the corners of his eyes and wet the sofa.

When the doorbell rang, he hurriedly wiped away his tears and stood up, turned off the TV, and went to open the door.

It was Gong Mo, followed by bodyguards.

Gong Bai let her in. She glanced at the newspaper on the coffee table and sighed in her heart.

A lot is missing in the room. Because Gong Bai was leaving, all those things were cleaned up. Fortunately, the whole is clean and tidy, not as messy as when I came last time.

Looking at it this way, he is cheered up, right?

Gong Mo sat on the sofa, looked down at the marriage news in the newspaper, and whispered: "I went to see her yesterday."

Gong Bai froze and looked at her: "How is she?"

"It looks good. It seems to be accepted quickly, unlike you..." Gong Mo said hurriedly, afraid that he thought that Yu Xinran no longer liked him, "but she still likes you."

"I understand." Gong Bai said quietly, "This result was in her expectation, she would not be so difficult to accept. I...I had expected it a long time ago, so I tried hard. In the end, it was like this, there was no way. Before I...I didn't accept it, I just felt sorry for her. In the end, she suffered so much damage and I should take care of her, but I didn't..."

This is the regret and pain in his heart for a lifetime. If he can take care of him every step of the way after her miscarriage and injury, he will be less sorry for her.

But she said that he could not take care of her.

Yes, he hasn't taken good care of her all the time. I kept saying something, but didn't do it in the end.

It's fine now, Lu Fei can definitely take care of her.

He looked at the newspaper and smiled softly: "She married Lu Wei, so I can rest assured. Lu Wei will definitely treat her well."

"What about you? Did you... really give up?" Gong Mo asked, "Since I decided to stop contacting the uncle, there will be no trouble in the future. Why don't you..."

"But she is already engaged to Lu Wei."

"She likes you in her heart. If you go, she will still go with you."

Gong Bai moved his throat and said nothing.

Gong Mo sighed: "I know that if you do that, it will be difficult for you in the future."

As Yu Xinran said, this is not a matter of her alone, it is a matter of the Yu and Lu families. If she regrets the marriage and escapes from marriage, the Yu family will become enemies with the Lu family, and she may not be able to return to the Lu family.

But there is no reason for human feelings, and these factors cannot be seen when impulsive. Even if you can see it and you know it is wrong, you will still do it.

Just like who I am now. She knew that she shouldn't persuade Gong Bai and Yu Xinran to get back together. This would be good for everyone. If they were really persuaded, the Yu family and the Lu family would hate her, and they would have suspicions for Sheng Nanxuan. But she watched Gong Bai and Yu Xinran walk all the way, knowing that they still loved each other in their hearts, and couldn't leave them alone.

However, there is only so much she can do.

"The place where she gets married is the place you originally decided." Gong Mo said.

Gong Bai stared at the newspaper, motionless.

"I'm leaving first." Gong Mo stood up, "Think about it yourself."

If he really took Yu Xinran away from the marriage, the Yu family and the Lu family, the big deal would be her responsibility!

If he didn't go, she would have completely let go of the matter.

A few days later, Gong Mo received a call from Gong Bai.

"I bought the ticket." He said. (To be continued~^~)

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