Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1040: Wu Spring to Nanjiang

Gong Mo blushed, and gently squeezed Sheng Nanxuan's arm.

He grabbed her hand and said to everyone, "Then let's go first."

"Tiger--" Gong Mo called.

"Huh?" Huzi sat on Yu Xinran's knee and looked up at her.

"Mom is gone~"

"I will pick you up tomorrow." Sheng Nanxuan said in a hurry that he was afraid that he would come after him, "You follow the grandpa and grandma, and I will give you meat tomorrow."

"Good!" Huzi said loudly.

Gong Mo was speechless. Why did this kid buy a piece of meat?

Seeing them gone, Wu Surong said to Yu Xinran, "Give me the child. You and Lu Wei are also going on a date. This is your first Valentine's Day together!"

Yu Xinran smiled awkwardly and looked at Lu Wei.

Lu Fei smiled and said, "Then we will go out."

"I'll go back to my room and change my clothes." Yu Xinran got up and Lu Fei immediately followed.

Entering the room, Lu Wei said, "If you don't want to go out, we..."

"Grandma said that, let's go out."

Lu Fei was stunned, then nodded: "Then...Where do you want to go?"

Yu Xinran lost consciousness for a moment, remembering the scene of spending Valentine's Day with Gong Bai before.

"Xin Ran?" Lu Wei knew what she was thinking, but had to interrupt her selfishly.

He didn't want her to think of others in front of him. Because she must only think of that person when he is not by her side. So why not give him the remaining time?

Yu Xinran looked at him and smiled slightly: "Have you not arranged for this kind of day?"

Lu Wei was stunned, and said happily: "There are some! Of course there is! Let's go out now!"

Even if not, he can make temporary arrangements and definitely take her to a romantic Valentine's Day.


Gong Fei's belly has long been conceived, and he wears thick winter clothes, sometimes he can't tell.

Uncle Gong had a big temper when he discovered that she was pregnant, but Gong Fei had to be born, so he could only admit it.

Gong Bai had left, and he hadn't called back for so long. He suddenly felt that the remarks that Gong Bai left might be lying to him. If Gong Bai really never comes back, Gong Fei could give birth to a child and pass on his clan! Anyway, Gong Bai left a lot of money and could afford it.

In this way, Gong Fei ate and slept all day long, and did nothing at home.

She didn't get up until ten o'clock in the morning and received a call from Wu Huang.

Wu Huang said, "I'm here."

"You wait. My mother will go out to play cards in the afternoon, and you will come back then."

Wu Huang said impatiently: "Okay!" This is an unfamiliar person, and he has to wait for several hours, which is really annoying.

Gong Fei got up and had some breakfast. Hu Yinghong was already cooking lunch.

She usually does this too. When Hu Yinghong and Uncle Gong have lunch, she is not hungry, so she sits on the sofa and watches TV. Hu Yinghong cleaned the house after eating, waited until about two o'clock to cook for her, and went out to play cards and chat when it was done, and wash her bowl after returning in the afternoon.

At noon today, Gong Fei had lunch with them.

Hu Yinghong said doubtfully: "You are positive today."

"I just ate too little."

Hu Yinghong nodded: "You'll get up early in the future. I will cook five or six meals a day. Aren't you tired?"

"Okay...you don't nag!"

After eating, Hu Yinghong went out half an hour earlier than usual.

Gong Fei called Wu Huang immediately.

When Wu Huang came, he complained: "You are too cold here, so don't hurry up." (To be continued~^~)

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