Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1064: He is a little courteous

Arrived at the casual restaurant agreed with Zeng Shuai, he has arrived.

He wore a well-tailored suit, and the man himself was handsome, sitting there exuding a sense of elite.

Today's restaurant has an unusually large number of customers, and most of them are attracted by Zeng Shuai. The seats around him were all full of people, and they were all women, and they kept looking at him.

My sister-in-law pushed Tian Cheng over in a wheelchair, and he immediately stood up.

Everyone looked at Tian Cheng, full of jealousy. Seeing that although she looks good, she is crippled, I hum in my heart.

My sister-in-law pushed Tian Cheng to the table, and Tian Cheng said embarrassedly: "Sorry, I'm late."

"It's okay, I just arrived." Zeng Shuai asked, "Where do you... sit?"

"Probably the sofa is more comfortable." Tian Cheng smiled, got up from the wheelchair with the help of my sister, and slowly sat on the sofa.

Zeng Shuai handed her the wheelchair aside and sat down opposite her.

He pushed the menu on the table to the two of them, and they ordered a refreshment.

Later, Zeng Shuai asked Tian Cheng with concern: "Are your legs better?"

Tian Cheng nodded, wondering if he was passionate, thinking that he was a little courteous.

After the waiter put their order, Zeng Shuai asked, "Are you still writing novels?"


"Did you also hurt your arm?" Zeng Shuai asked in surprise, "Is it too embarrassing?"

"No." Tian Cheng smiled, "Mom did it for me."

Zeng Shuai looked at his sister-in-law in surprise, and asked in confusion, "How can this help?"

The sister-in-law said awkwardly: "Chengcheng dictates, I will help her enter the computer."

"That's it!" Zeng Shuai smiled, "It seems that this medal is half of the aunt."

"Where..." The sister-in-law waved her hand hurriedly, "I'm just a handyman."

Zeng Shuai joked a few more words and asked Tian Cheng: "About the film and television adaptations, your company wants to buy several books. Do you think it is to talk about them one by one, or talk together?"

"Well... it depends on you. If the price is right, it will do." Tian Cheng was a little nervous.

She is a student after all. Although she has heard of many things in the circle, they are all heard. The first time she met, if it weren't for Zeng Shuai was Sheng Nanxuan's subordinate, she would not dare to believe him. I believe that there is Gong Mo's factor, Zeng Shuai dare not pit her.

Zeng Shuai said: "I suggest you come with one copy. Because you are not well-known right now. When the first one is filmed, the price will naturally rise. But I will also give you a reasonable price for the first one."

Tian Cheng nodded. In order to maximize benefits, she also tends to do this. Only if I am afraid that the copyright will not be sold, I can't wait to sell it cheaply. However, she has confidence in herself, and she will be a screenwriter in the future, and she can adapt her own novels by herself, without worrying about selling them.

"Then do you have any special requirements?" Zeng Shuai asked.

"Can I participate in screenwriting work?"

"Of course. I remember Miss Tian's choreography major, right?"

Tian Cheng nodded.

"That can be completely left to you."

"I don't need this." Tian Cheng smiled awkwardly, "The school's professional courses have just begun, and I haven't learned many of them. If I really want to write, I have to learn it by myself. If it doesn't work, I have to ask the teacher."

Having said that, she was even more embarrassed, "Actually, in this case, I shouldn't ask to participate in the screenwriting. I understand many of the unspoken rules of this line. I have to go this way in the future. Now I have the opportunity, so naturally I have to catch it. Live. By participating in the script and signing, my road will be much smoother in the future." (To be continued~^~)

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