Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1109: dad! Take care of your wife

"Boring? Then you can find something to do!" Gong Mo said.

"For example?" Sheng Yiting asked, "I was bored in elementary school a few years ago. You told me to read junior high school books. Is it possible that you want me to read high school books now?"

"Aren't you already watching it?"

"Yeah, so I think it's better to go to high school directly, or else I haven't been to the right school, and it's sad to think about it."

"You...you can help classmates with homework!"

"I want to do this for Mao?" Sheng Yiting's genius's mind was puzzled.

"Make money! Do a homework and charge a penny!"

Sheng Yiting was horrified, and suddenly didn't know what to refute.

He looked at Sheng Nanxuan: "Dad! You are in charge of your daughter-in-law, is our family short of that money?"

Sheng Nanxuan said: "Listen to your mother, don't think about skipping a level. Your dad didn't skip a level, so you still don't want to do it."

Sheng Yiting knew why he objected, and protested: "This reason is too much! As your son, can't you surpass you?"

"Good-looking, find more books if you are bored."

Sheng Yiting turned his grief and anger into appetite and ate hard.

It seems that this can only be done, otherwise how would he spend this boring life?

So later he became the kind of legendary schoolmaster-he never listened well in class, always read extracurricular books, and ended up taking first place every time!


Gong Mo and Sheng Nanxuan left the school and went directly to the hospital.

Walking outside Yu Qingliu's office, the secretary behind the door whispered: "Miss Xinya is here."

The two nodded, gently opened the door, and saw Yu Xinya lying on the table doing homework. Yu Qingliu shouted beside him: "Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Why are you as stupid as your mother?"

Yu Xinya raised her head and pushed him, when the door opened, she shouted, "Cousin, cousin!"

"Are you here?" Yu Qingliu hurriedly stood up.

Gong Mo smiled and said, "Xinya hasn't started school yet?"

"School has started. I signed up this morning and will not go to class this afternoon. She didn't finish her winter homework and is now rushing to work."

"Huh?" Gong Mo glanced at Yu Xinya awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

Sheng Yiting has always been very good, and his mind is fast, he can finish his homework in two or three days at most during winter and summer vacation.

Looking at her expression, Yu Qingliu knew what she was thinking, and sneered: "Yi Ting in your family is not normal! Which child is not lazy? Lu Song and Lu Duo are lazy and never finish their homework on time!"

Seeing that no one was running on his wife, Sheng Nanxuan asked immediately: "Look at what Uncle said, is it an advantage to not complete homework on time?"

Yu Xinya pursed her lips, wrote a few words on the workbook, raised her head and shouted at Yu Qingliu: "Shut up! Don't be ashamed..."

Yu Qingliu shouted: "Do you still know shame? Know that you don't do your homework?"

"All moms—"

"Don't worry! I will teach her!"

Ding Dang took Yu Xinya to practice boxing and guns every day, and Yu Xinya fell asleep when she got tired. How could there be time for homework?

Yu Qingliu feels that her daughter is so cute, she is the material to be a cute girl! What if Ding Dang taught her to become a female man?

So be sure to clean up that restless wife at night! Even if you are crooked, how can you raise your daughter crooked?

"Okay, okay, you go outside to do your homework, ask the nurse aunt if you don't understand, I'll see your cousin."

"That's the nurse sister..." Yu Xinya took her homework to the door, complaining in her heart: Dad wouldn't make girls happy at all. It's a god-opener to marry a wife who is a teenager than him. ! (To be continued~^~)

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