Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1124: Maybe she will listen to you

After Shan Rong and the others reversed the jet lag, they went to visit Yu Zhengming and Wu Surong at Yu's house. The next day, Tian Cheng was asked to come home for dinner.

After breakfast, Shan Rong asked Gong Mo, "How is Orange Orange?"

"She has a very happy life."

"Then she and Zeng Shuai..."

Gong Mo sighed: "I can't persuade this. I don't know if she is unmarriage or marital fear. Anyway, she didn't want to go any further. Would you persuade her? Maybe she would listen to you. ."

Shan Rong nodded: "That's all, I'll knock on the side. By the way, where is Gong Bai? Are you in touch?"

"We will make a few calls during the holidays."

"He's been away for ten years, really won't come back?" Shan Rong sighed, a little helpless, "then did he find someone?"

"I asked, he turned the subject off, I don't know, maybe not."

Shan Rong nodded, "If I find it, I will definitely say it."

Gong Mo nodded in agreement.

After resting for a while, Shan Rong asked again, "What about Gong Fei?"

"Last year Wu Fang came back, and I asked Nan Xuan to check it. She was released from prison two years ago, but now she is addicted to drugs..."

"Huh?!" Shan Rong was startled.

"The money is all from Gong Bai." Gong Mo sighed lightly, not caring much, "Let her toss as long as she doesn't disturb me."

"This will kill everyone. They all live by themselves, and no one can help her." Shan Rong paused and hurriedly said, "Don't talk about her, it will affect your prenatal education!"

Gong Mo smiled and turned to chat about other things.

After waiting for a while, Tian Cheng came.

Tian Cheng is wearing a tender green dress today, which is very elegant. The hair was dyed chestnut, exuding a charming luster, and draped softly on his shoulders.

"Yo~" Gong Mo smiled, "How did you change your image?"

Tian Cheng brushed her hair and smiled: "Summer is after all a vibrant season."

"That's good!" Gong Mo said, "Don't dress up lifelessly."

"That's intellectual~"

"Yes, yes... whatever you say."

The two went to chat with Shan Rong. After a few words, they talked to the child. Shan Rong took the opportunity to ask Tian Cheng: "When will you and Zeng Shuai do it?"

"Uh..." Tian Cheng peeled the pine nuts in her hand and looked down, "We have no plans to do it yet."

"You have been together for ten years?"

"Eight years."

Gong Mo smiled and said, "I started chasing you ten years ago, did you catch it eight years ago?"

Tian Cheng smiled and said nothing. The two had a real relationship eight years ago.

Going home at night, I saw Zeng Shuai standing at the door again.

Before she left, she put the dog in the pet shop, and he brought it back this time.

As soon as she appeared, the ball pounced and barked around her.

Tian Cheng stretched out his hand and picked it up, and while opening the door, he said to Zeng Shuai: "My second aunt and they are back."

"Oh." Zeng Shuai was a little surprised. He has not received any news yet.

Tian Cheng opened the door and went in, put the ball on the ground, took out the slippers and changed shoes.

Zeng Shuai stood behind her and touched her hair.

She turned to look at him, and suddenly leaned in, making a gesture to kiss him.

He was naturally anxious, and put his arm around her.

Tian Cheng kissed him on his lips and raised his hand: "Hold me."

Zeng Shuai picked her up and walked to the bedroom.

"My cousin said that I look better today, what do you like me?" She asked with a smile.

"I like it all." Zeng Shuai put her on the bed and rushed to kiss her.

After kissing and kissing, Tian Cheng suddenly pushed him: "Wait a minute..."

"How?" (To be continued~^~)

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