Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1129: I will remember you now

After being quiet for a while, Lu Duo turned his head and asked, "Brother Huzi, after I'm gone, will you remember me?"

"Of course it will." Sheng Yiting said affirmatively.

"But if we haven't seen each other for many years, will you not recognize me?"


Lu Duo collapsed and asked disappointedly: "You really will forget?"

"It's not forgotten." Sheng Yiting looked at her, "I will remember how you look now, but you will definitely change in the future. As the saying goes, you will become more and more beautiful in the future, and I will definitely not recognize it. Up."

"Puff--" Lu Duo was amused all of a sudden, his gloom was swept away, and he was happy.

"Sister—" Lu Song ran over with a bright bottle, "I caught a lot of—"

The bottle was full of fireflies, those bugs kept flying, and the whole bottle was flickering.

"Ah—" Lu Song fell.

The bottle rolled forward and the fireflies inside flew out.

"Woo...wow-" Lu Song burst into tears when he saw all the fireflies flying away.

Lu Duo raised his head, the fireflies were right in front of her and Sheng Yiting, beautiful like a dream.

She scowled and said to Lu Song: "You are going to elementary school, how can you cry?"

Lu Song got up, looked at the firefly and wiped his tears: "I hurt..."

"Puff—" Lu Duo couldn't help smiling.

Lu Song hurriedly asked Simon: "Uncle Simon, is it beautiful, right?"

"Yes!" Simon replied loudly, "Fireflies are beautiful only if they fly!"

"Yeah!" Lu Song wiped away his tears and looked at the flying fireflies, his heart hurt, but he was embarrassed to cry again.

Simon picked him up: "Let's go~ go to sleep! Let's go to the tent to see the stars!"

"Duo, I'm sleeping!" Yu Xinya called.

Lu Duo hesitated: "I want to look at it for a while."

"Then look at it." Yu Xinya climbed into the tent.

Sheng Yiting originally wanted to go back to the tent, but seeing that there was no one outside, he had to stay.

Lu Duo asked in a low voice, "Are you not sleeping?"

"I will look at it for a while," he said solemnly.

Lu Duo smiled softly, looked at the stars in the sky and asked, "Do you know the constellations?"

"Of course I do. Don't you know?"

"No time to learn..."

"Then I will teach you."

"it is good!"


At the end of the month, Lu Wei came to pick up Yu Xinran, and the two of them personally sent Lu Duo abroad. Yu Qingliu also took Yu Xinya and Yu Ze back, and Huanyuan suddenly became quiet.

"The song ends!" Simon sighed.

"How do you speak?" Sheng Yiting glanced at him diagonally, hooked his neck and walked towards the study, "It seems that the language and literature are not good, I will make up for you!"

"Aw—" Simon screamed. Having had fun recently, he has forgotten to make up the lesson.

From this day on, Sheng Yiting tried every means to test Simon. Simon has to have close contact with books for more than ten hours a day, and even dreams of memorizing texts.

But this effect is also obvious.

Sheng Yiting's school can't be attended by spending money, and he has to take interviews and exams before enrolling. If the interview and examination fail, it is difficult for ordinary people to enter.

With an identity like Sheng Nanxuan, even if his child is an idiot, he can enter. But Sheng Yiting is not an idiot! They were admitted as the first place!

Therefore, as Sheng Yiting's uncle, Simon must also take the exam!

Simon heard that Sheng Yiting had the first place in the exam and was afraid to play tricks. Even if he is not as good as his nephew, he can't even pass the entrance qualification, right? (To be continued~^~)

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