Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1131: Could it be your father's illegitimate child?

On the day when Sheng Yiting and Simon started school, Sheng Nanxuan sent them to school.

Gong Mo's belly was already visible, so it was not convenient to go out, so he didn't go to join in the fun.

The car drove into the school and stopped downstairs.

The three got off the car at the same time, Sheng Nanxuan mature, Sheng Yiting steady, Simon Yangguang, different temperament, but equally handsome.

Many girls on the balcony screamed and videotaped them with their phones.

Simon looked up and looked at them with interest. Sure enough, the girls in Huaguo are so cute~ lively and watery, I really want to get close.

"Yiting, you go to the classroom first, I will take Simon to find his teacher." Sheng Nanxuan said.

"Okay." Sheng Yiting went directly to the classroom, and after two steps, he turned around and said to Simon, "I'm in the first class of the second grade, and the classroom is upstairs."

Simon nodded, looking around while following Sheng Nanxuan to the office.

Sheng Nanxuan glanced at him: "Look at the road seriously!"

"Yes!" Simon immediately became a good baby.

Sheng Nanxuan had a headache. Fortunately, this kid is still obedient, otherwise it's really hard to control.


Sheng Yiting walked into the classroom, and the classmates immediately gathered around: "Sheng Yiting, is that handsome guy your father?"

"Gosh! Your genes are so powerful!"

"Who is that handsome boy? He seems to be a mixed race, so handsome and handsome..."

Sheng Yiting asked: "Is it more handsome than me?"

Everyone had a meal. Some people said categorically, "Not as handsome as you", and some deliberately said, "Of course, more handsome than you! I've seen you for a year and I'm tired of seeing it!"

"In this case, I won't tell you who he is." Sheng Yiting shrugged indifferently.

Those who said he was not as handsome hurriedly shouted: "Tell me! Tell me!"

Sheng Yiting raised his eyebrows: "You think he is not as handsome as me, so you don't need to know who he is?"



"Of course he is handsomer than you!" Everyone yelled in revenge.

Sheng Yiting drew his ears: "Why do you ask? Do you want to fall in love?"

"Cut!" A bunch of girls became angry and blushed.

The boy hooked his neck: "Could it be your father's illegitimate child?"

Sheng Yiting glared over: "You say it again?"

"Wrong, wrong... I was wrong! Shan Da, please let it go!"

"Huh!" Sheng Yiting threw them away, sitting in his seat and reading.

After school in the afternoon, Simon ran to him and immediately attracted the attention of the girls in his class and the next class.

Everyone rushed around Simon and asked:

"Are you a mixed race? Which country do you belong to? What does it have to do with Sheng Yiting?"

"Handsome guy, what do you call it?"


"Can you give me your autograph?"

"Uh...I'm not a star." Simon said in Chinese.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~" everyone exclaimed excitedly, "Able to speak Mandarin!"

"Are you Sheng Yiting's cousin?" someone asked.

As you all know, you can't guess it is Sheng Yiting's younger brother. No one wants their parents to have illegitimate children outside, don't they?

And it is said that Ye God loves his wife so much that he will definitely not cheat.

Sheng Yiting hooked Simon's neck and laughed and said, "Actually, he is my uncle."

Everyone was stunned and looked at Simon in a daze. After a while, someone asked, "Is he your uncle's son?"

"No! He is my uncle." Sheng Yiting looked serious.

"Are you kidding?" everyone cried, taking a step back. "He looks younger than you, how could it be your uncle?"

"His seniority is high! After my grandfather died, my grandma remarried and gave birth to him." (To be continued~^~)

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