Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1134: Have you ever thought about having a baby?

When Gong Mo gave birth to a daughter, everyone was relieved.

When she first learned that she was pregnant with a daughter during the check-up, Sheng Nanxuan was so excited that she felt a sense of happiness when her dream came true.

Now the daughter really jumped out, but he didn't care at all, and immediately ran to see Gong Mo.

When Gong Mo saw him, he showed a weak smile: "I don't owe you anymore..."

"Fool." Sheng Nanxuan lowered his head and kissed her, staring at her intently, as if he couldn't see enough.

Gong Mo asked: "Did you see her?"

"Wait, there is no place for me now."

Gong Mo looked at him helplessly.

He bowed his head and kissed her a few more times: "Anyway, she doesn't know anything now, and she doesn't know if I didn't go to see her, I will guard you first."

"I know you love me." Gong Mo said triumphantly.

Sheng Nanxuan kissed her again: "I will love her too."

"Yeah." Gong Mo rubbed against him and urged, "Go and see her, take a few pictures of me and come back. I just saw a glance..."

"Well..." Sheng Nanxuan agreed. In fact, he also wanted to see a girl in his heart.

After he went out, other people walked in.

Everyone has been to see the child, fearing that Gong Mo thought they only cared about the child but not her, and soon came back. Because Sheng Nanxuan was there, knowing that their young couple had something to say, they didn't come in to disturb.

Now it's finally their turn!

Sheng Yiting gestured excitedly: "It's so long and so small... it looks so fragile."

He dropped his hand and became worried.

Gong Mo said, "You were younger than her then."

"Our Xuexue must be a great beauty!" Simon exclaimed happily.

Xuexue is the name of the little princess and her full name is Sheng Shuangxue.

Shan Rong said: "Let's give Xuexue a nickname!"

Gong Mo was taken aback, and his wound ached.

She hurriedly said: "Girls should forget it?"

Sheng Yiting was dissatisfied: "You favor women over men."

"What's the preference for women over men? I was afraid that you would not be able to support them. Your sister has been doing well, and there is no such worry."

"I think it's better to take one..." Shan Rong insisted.

"Why didn't you get it for Simon?"

"Uh..." Shan Rong said with a daze, "I forgot! I was too busy with my baby, I didn't expect it."

Simon breathed a sigh of relief, and his nephew called Huzi. If you also have a nickname, you might be called Gougou!

"How can a girl take it?" Tian Cheng asked.

Shan Rong thought for a while and said, "It can be called Cuihua..."

Everyone: "..."

In the end, Sheng Nanxuan resolutely opposed giving his daughter such a bad name, and this matter was let go!


Zeng Shuai also visited the child, his eyes full of envy.

When Tian Cheng left, he naturally sent her off.

After getting in the car, he suddenly asked: "Have you ever thought of having a baby?"

Tian Cheng looked at him without speaking.

He explained: "I didn't mean anything else. I just thought, if you want children, you can do it without getting married..."

"Then let me borrow seeds?" Tian Cheng interrupted him.

"Yes to you, not to me." He looked at her sadly, "I am worried that you will be farther and farther away from me, and I want to be more involved with you."

Tian Cheng twisted the beginning and said coldly: "If you understand me, you know it's useless. If I don't want to pester you anymore, it's useless to have ten children!"

"But I don't want to pester you for nothing! I just want to leave something, even if it doesn't belong to me. At least...make me think about it?" (to be continued~^~)

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