Sheng Yiting surreptitiously glanced at Sheng Nanxuan, feeling a little guilty.

Sheng Nanxuan sat in and looked at him, he immediately twisted his head.

Gong Mo said, "But you still love Dad in your heart, but you are just arrogant and refuse to admit it."

"..." He is not such a person!

After the car started, Sheng Nanxuan's cell phone rang, and he hurriedly gave Sheng Shuangxue to Gong Mo.

Sheng Yiting immediately reached out and poked the little guy in the cheek.

Gong Mo slapped his hand away and glared at him warningly.

"What?" Sheng Nanxuan's surprised voice came.

The two looked over.

After a while, he hung up the phone with a heavy face.

Gong Mo hurriedly asked: "What's the matter?"

Will he be hit by his crow's mouth? Every time you do something big, something goes wrong!

"The presidential palace matter." Sheng Nanxuan said lightly.

Gong Mo breathed a sigh of relief. No matter how big things happen to the presidential palace, it doesn't matter to her, it's just a group of politicians fighting each other.

After the full moon wine was over, Sheng Nanxuan sent Gong Mo and the others home and immediately went to the presidential palace.

Gong Mo frowned, wondering: "Did something happen?"

Sheng Yiting shook Sheng Shuangxue's cradle while watching the news on his mobile phone and said, "It looks okay."

Gambino took out his phone and went to the balcony to make a call.

Shan Rong comforted: "Don't worry, what can you do? Nanxuan will hold on to something."

Gong Mo raised his eyebrows and was even more worried when she said this.

After a while, Gambino finished the call and walked in: "In the morning, the ship of State J broke into the territorial waters of China. Now the two armies are at war."

Gong Mo stayed, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone to search for keywords, but there was no news on the Internet.

"It shouldn't be decided yet to make it public," Gambino said.

"Just hit it?" Gong Mo was restless.

Such things are far away from her. Although there was a war, but she did not want her to go to the battlefield, she could still live by singing and dancing.

But the war will bring down the entire country if you are not careful. What if it hits the capital? What if Sheng Nanxuan is going to the battlefield?

Thinking of this, she hangs her whole heart, fearing that her peaceful life will be broken.


Sheng Nanxuan did not come back until late at night, and everyone was already asleep.

Gong Mo got up when he heard the movement, he was taking off his jacket.

"You sleep." he said.

"Is it okay?" Gong Mo asked worriedly, "Is the fight really started?"

Sheng Nanxuan said bitterly: "I want to replace this president!"

Gong Mo said blankly: "This president has only been in office for two years..."

"I..." Sheng Nanxuan was obviously angry, and took a deep breath and said, "I think he will become the first president in the history of China to take the blame and resign if he keeps doing this!"

When Gong Mo heard this, he asked urgently, "Is it okay? Is the battle very serious?"

"It's okay, I'll take a shower first." Sheng Nanxuan held her face and kissed, and smiled, "If you don't sleep, just wait for me. I have a 200 million project to communicate with you."

"Rogue!" Gong Mo shouted.

Sheng Nanxuan laughed and went to the bathroom.

Gong Mo rubbed his blush and lay down and pulled up the quilt to cover his face.

After a while, she couldn't sleep, so she got up and went to the nursery to see Sheng Shuangxue.

Sheng Shuangxue fell asleep, and Gong Mo saw her quiet sleeping face and looked out the window.

It is hard to imagine that the country is actually at war at this moment.

Hope things will calm down soon and don't break the peace.

"I knew you were here." Sheng Nanxuan's voice sounded. (To be continued~^~)

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