"Anyway, you can send me to the hospital, thank you." Tong Siyao said, "Did you find my bag? The ID card and bank card are in it..."

Sheng Yiting interrupted her: "I came in a hurry yesterday and didn't pay attention. I just went to the traffic police team to get it back. Don't worry about the money. I will pay for it first. What's more, I will talk about it when you are better.

Tong Siyao paused and looked at him.

He was so close to her, she could almost feel his breathing.

The first time she was so close to a man, she was very uncomfortable, but she was still very calm, but her face blushed quietly.

It doesn't matter if you are close, you can see him clearly. Although it is still very vague, it looks very handsome and has a good temperament. It is very possible that he is the kind of man whose temperament is better than his appearance. No wonder the nurse speaks of him so defending.

"Thank you." She said sincerely.

Sheng Yiting's eyes are fine, and she can see the pores on her face. Her skin is very delicate, like when Sheng Shuangxue was born, he couldn't help but want to touch it.

But the sensible he stopped this thought, and stepped away calmly.

Tong Siyao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling her heart beating a lot faster. She was a little nervous just now.

Sheng Yiting picked up the breakfast: "Do you eat?"


Tong Siyao was indeed a little hungry, her lips were pursed, her throat moved, and she swallowed.

Although she wanted to eat, she asked, "How much is it?" for unnecessary trouble.

"I invite you."


Tong Siyao was not polite with him, presumably a breakfast would not cost much. She asked if she didn't want to let him open the mouth after eating. If he doesn't treat the guests, now she asks clearly. If she can afford it, she will refuse. It is easy to do.

"You... don't you see clearly?" Sheng Yiting asked, "Do you want me to feed you?"

"I'll do it myself!" Tong Siyao hurriedly said, she and him are not very familiar, "Although I can't see clearly, it's fine to eat."

When Sheng Yiting heard it, he waved his hand in front of her.

She stepped back: "What are you doing?"

"……have a test."

Sheng Yiting put the breakfast in front of her, she took it in front of her eyes, and it seemed to be a very delicate snack. The boxes for the snacks are also very beautiful, not ordinary plastic bags, probably not roadside stalls.

She couldn't see the logo above, and there was no similar color and shape in her memory. Either a small shop, or she is ignorant.

She took a bite...well, it tastes good, she should be ignorant.

"There is porridge here, be careful," Sheng Yiting said.

"Thank you."

Tong Siyao held the bowl, accidentally touched his hand, and immediately took it back.

He was wearing a watch on his hand, and she felt her eyes flashed. It is probably a very expensive watch.

Nowadays, people use mobile phones, and very few people wear watches.

After finishing the meal, Tong Siyao said politely: "It's delicious, thank you."

"You're welcome. Would you like to notify your friends or family to come?"

Tong Siyao was stunned, turned her head and looked for it next to him: "Where is my phone?"

"I'll take a look for you." Sheng Yiting handed her her bag, "Do you see if it's in the bag?"

"Thank you." Tong Siyao opened the bag, touched a familiar place, and found the phone.

But she couldn't read the words on the phone clearly. Sheng Yiting asked, "Do you want me to help?"

Tong Siyao took the phone close, squinted, saw the words on it, and shook his head. (To be continued~^~)

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