Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1149: You are too shameless

Sheng Yiting flushed, looked at Tong Siyao in a panic, and shouted at him, "Everyone is like this, so don't be serious."

"Tsk tusk..." Yu Qingliu shook his head and muttered, "I didn't say it hurts..."

Sheng Yiting: "..." He was helpless to his uncle. People are two generations older than him. He can't fight, right?

He had to glance at Tong Siyao. Tong Siyao seemed to be still worried about the eyes, and did not respond to their words.

He was relieved, and a little lost.

In fact, Tong Siyao heard it.

But now of course the eyes are more important. She has no time to blush and feel embarrassed. Moreover, the dignified medical scientist is so unreliable, she is a little worried about his medical skills and her own situation.

Yu Qingliu said some issues that need attention, and when he left, he suddenly asked Sheng Yiting: "Are you not going to work?"

Sheng Yiting glanced at Tong Siyao and said, "I had a car accident and asked for leave."

"Hehe, I think you are pretty good." Yu Qingliu smiled dryly.

"Yes. But I did have a car accident." Sheng Yiting was serious.

Yu Qingliu was heartbroken: "You are too shameless!"

"All uncles taught well."

"..." Yu Qingliu was choked into speechless.

Tong Siyao on the bed couldn't help but smile, this kind of answer is really shameless!

Yu Qingliu glanced at her, winked at Sheng Yiting, and Sheng Yiting drove him out embarrassingly.

After going out, a girl in a T-shirt and jeans ran up in a panic. Seeing her running in a hurry, the two hurriedly hid away for fear of colliding with her.

She stopped to look at the house number and asked Yu Qingliu: "Doctor, does Tong Siyao live here?"

"Who?" Yu Qingliu pretended to be stupid.

Tong Siyao, this name was written on the medical record just now. But if she didn't introduce herself, he didn't know it. Someone must know it-he aimed at Sheng Yiting.

Sheng Yiting hurriedly said, "Are you Ye Zi? Miss Tong is inside."

Ye Zi glanced at him, said thank you, and walked into the ward anxiously.

"Siyao!" Ye Zi yelled and rushed to the hospital bed, looking at Tong Siyao and asking, "Your eyes..."

"The doctor said it was okay." Tong Siyao was calmed by Yu Qingliu's impropriety. She sat up and said, "My internship assessment is here. You can give me a leave of absence. I will ask the doctor to issue a hospitalization certificate later."

"Good, good!" Ye Zi hurriedly agreed, "Just leave it to me if you have anything to do, and take care of yourself so as not to leave sequelae!"

She looked at the gauze on Tong Siyao's face and eyes, and couldn't help but worry. Siyao is so beautiful, does it leave scars? If you are blind, your life will be over! If you are disabled in other places, you can get used to it. What else can you do if you are blind?

Ye Zi lowered his head and helped her organize the files, so sad that he didn't want to talk.

Guessing her thoughts, Tong Siyao took the initiative to provoke a conversation: "How is your internship?"

"Well, not bad, anyway, the internship appraisal is done!"

When Tong Siyao heard it, she knew that she was not doing well.

Ye Zi has an internship with an entertainment magazine. Simply put, it is an internship paparazzi who chases celebrities every day. But where is the celebrity news so easy to follow? It's just to help the seniors carry the camera, or to interview the celebrities who are not easy to get along with, and to shut the door.

But the internship is just to understand the doorways and learn some experience in some industries. Who would expect to fail to work there? The internship appraisal is OK if there is no problem, at least the credits are obtained. (To be continued~^~)

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