Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1185: Yu Zhengming passed away

"Woo..." Min Ling leaned on Yu Xinzhuo and cried.

Yu Qingliu glanced at Yu Qinghuan, and slowly pulled up the quilt to cover Wu Surong's face.

Yu Qinghuan put down Wu Surong's hand and covered it with a quilt.

Everyone was crying, and the low sob sound was particularly clear in the silence.

Yu Zhengming suddenly coughed, everyone was startled, and hurriedly turned their heads, seeing that the heartbeat was still there, they were relieved.

Yu Qingliu ran over unsteadily, just about to check, he coughed again, then opened his eyes and mouth wide, not knowing what he was looking at, and yelled with difficulty: "Su Rong..."

Then he closed his eyes, his whole body sank, and his heartbeat became a straight line.

"Dad--" Yu Qingping yelled, threw away his crutches and rushed over, almost falling to the ground.

Others also rushed over, surrounding the beds tightly.

Yu Xinzhuo caught Yu Qingliu: "Help Grandpa!"

Yu Qingliu shook his head: "It's been a long time..."

Yu Qinghuan pushed aside the crowd and stood by the bed, with a tear falling on the back of Yu Zhengming's hand.

At this time, Yu Zhengming's brain waves on the instrument also disappeared, and he was completely dead.

"Wow--" I don't know who cried out for the first time, and then cried in the ward.


After a busy night, everyone's eyes are red.

The news has not yet been announced. A few people were left to continue arranging the funeral, and others went back to rest.

Sheng Nanxuan stayed, and Gong Mo, Sheng Yiting and Sheng Shuangxue returned home.

Sheng Shuangxue was already asleep, Sheng Yiting took her to the bed and took off her shoes.

Gong Mo stood at the door and said, "You should sleep too. You can sleep for two hours. Don't worry about your dad. It's okay for him not to sleep for three days."

Sheng Yiting was taken aback, and suddenly asked, "Dad and grandma... are they the same?"

"How can your grandma be great? But he is different from us. Are you afraid?"

Sheng Yiting shook his head: "He is my dad, why should I be afraid?"

Gong Mo smiled slightly: "Go to sleep."

Sheng Yiting took a shower first, and went back to the room to read the news with his mobile phone. There was no news about the death of Yu Zhengming and Wu Surong on the Internet.

He put down the phone and just closed his eyes when he heard a buzzing sound, the phone was vibrating.

He picked it up and saw a message: Tong Siyao paid you 10,000.00 Chinese currency.

Sheng Yiting was startled and sat up suddenly.

This is not a message from the bank, but from the payment system of a shopping website.

On the world's largest shopping website, 99% of people use their accounts to bind their phones, and they can directly transfer money by entering their phone number.

Tong Siyao definitely wanted to pay him back, and was afraid that he would refuse, so he thought about this website and gave it a try—he actually registered and transferred the money.

He hurriedly dialed her number, and then asked: "What do you mean?"

Tong Siyao said innocently: "Return your money."

"You don't need to pay it back!"

"But I have a guilty conscience! The responsibility is not with you!"

Sheng Yiting said helplessly: "Then how can you just make money without asking me? What if this account is not mine?"

"Your phone number and name also show Yi Ting, and I can't do it if it's wrong."

The website is real-name authentication. After the mobile phone number is entered in the transfer, the other party’s name will appear, but the display is incomplete, and the last name will be overwritten and become * Yi Ting.

Sheng Yiting heard her say "Yiting" and called her name directly. His heart was numb and he forgot to speak. (To be continued~^~)

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