Tong Siyao was silent for a few seconds, and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know how to comfort you. To me, Mr. Yu and Mrs. Yu passed away in their nineties, and it is worthy of happiness for them to end up in their old age. Longevity is also one thing. This gene, his offspring will live a long time without accidents. Isn’t this a happy thing?"

Sheng Yiting thought helplessly: You really can't comfort people.

Tong Siyao said in a low voice: "My father died when I was ten years old, and I still had a lot of things to understand at that time. He said he would come back for my birthday, but he didn't; my mother was pregnant with a younger sister, and he said younger sister Before he was born, he would definitely come back, but he never came back... During that time I don’t know how he passed. He was still so young, besides reluctant to give up, he is worthless. But you are too grandpa and they are different, I Knowing that you will be emotionally reluctant. After all, you are a loved one. No one can live forever and live to the age of Mr. Yu and Mrs. Yu. Passing away is a joy or mourning, but who wants to get along with people day and night to leave?"

Sheng Yiting felt comforted this time, but in fact, she can comfort people quite well.

He was slightly relieved: "Um...I'm sorry, I'm actually fine. I just don't want to give up. Instead, I mentioned your sadness."

"It's okay." Tong Siyao looked lightly, "My dad was a soldier. When I was young, he took me to the homes of his comrades-in-arms and colleagues to attend memorial services, three times! They were very young lives, and some people... At that time, I was under ten years old and attended three such funerals. Later, it was my father’s turn. So long ago, I looked down upon birth, old age, sickness and death. It’s not that I was indifferent, because I didn’t know that I had never seen a dead woman in person. What should the child look like. Please forgive me for being not gentle."

Her voice seemed to come from a distant wind. It was the wind with grass and sand in Xiyuan Province. It was strong, simple, and a little rough.

Although it is not gentle, it is the most real wind, and the wind should be that way.

He said, "It doesn't matter, you just need to be strong."

Although you are not gentle, you are strong enough.

Girls in the world are gentle, but how many are really strong? So she is very special.

Tong Siyao was taken aback for a moment, and gave a soft hum.

Sheng Yiting wanted to comfort her, but found that he could not comfort others.

He said: "Your dad and them... he and his comrades in arms and colleagues are all respectable people. Fortunately for them in this country."

Tong Siyao's eyes were red, and her throat was blocked and said, "It's good if someone remembers them."

"Um... then I'll go to bed first." He said.

"Huh?" Tong Siyao was surprised, "You didn't sleep last night?!"


"Then you have a good rest!" she said hastily. The two elders of the Yu family died last night. He must have been busy all night, right?


Yu Qinghuan has always lived in Yu's house.

The Yu family has her room, which has been vacant, and later turned into a guest room.

The Sheng Nanxuan family lived there when they were staying at the Yu family. But they spend very little time overnight, so this room is almost unpopular.

Yu Qinghuan lived for a few days, she herself was cold, and even the reddish clothes were fairies who didn't touch the smoke and smoke, and naturally she couldn't bring much popularity.

After Yu Zhengming and Wu Surong's funeral, she decided to leave.

When the decision was announced, everyone was there-in the living room of the Yu family, waiting for the lawyer to read the will.

Sheng Nanxuan hurriedly asked: "Where are you going?" (to be continued~^~)

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