Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1191: I think it’s necessary and I will return

Sheng Nanxuan said weakly: "You are happy."

He has reached the age of being a grandfather, and Dad is really dispensable.

"Then you are leaving China next?"

"of course."

"Before leaving, let's talk to Uncle and the others separately."

Yu Qinghuan was silent for a moment: "Okay." After all, that was the person who had lived with her, and she couldn't remain indifferent in her heart.


Yu Qingping and Yu Qingliu thought that Yu Qinghuan would move to live with Sheng Nanxuan, but they were naturally reluctant to hear that she was leaving. The two stayed for a while, but didn't keep it, so they had to follow her.

On the day she left, everyone went to see her off.

Min Ling handed her a big jewelry box: "This is the thing in your room. If you want to leave, I will sort it out for you. You don't want the clothes, but these things...whatever you wore before. Passed."

Yu Qinghuan opened the lid and saw that there were jewelry and some ordinary accessories, but they were all styles half a century ago.

Fashion will reincarnate every few decades. These things happen to be retro styles that are popular nowadays. It's just a long time and some are old. They don't look retro but antique.

Yu Qinghuan didn't want these things. She likes shopping now. She can buy them wherever she goes, and throw them away when she uses them a few times.

But seeing those things, the memories of her youth flooded, and she suddenly couldn't bear it.

This is evidence that she has survived decades ago.

She took out a pink polka-dot bow hairpin from the middle and clamped it on Sheng Shuangxue's head.

Sheng Shuangxue stayed for a while and said with joy: "Thank you, grandma!"

"You are so good." Yu Qinghuan couldn't help touching her face, "I have seen so many girls, you are the best."

Sheng Shuangxue's face flushed suddenly, and she looked at her embarrassedly.

She closed the lid and said to everyone, "Go back. I'll come back when I have time, don't worry about it."

Sheng Nanxuan hurriedly asked: "What if I want to contact you in a hurry?"

"Like this time, publish in the newspaper!" Yu Qinghuan said, "I think it's necessary, so I will return."

Sheng Nanxuan choked and waved helplessly.

What she meant was that the unnecessary ones would not be returned. I don't know who among these people would make her feel necessary.


Sheng Yi Tingjin was no more than Tong Siyao and agreed to let her pay back the money. But the money is not as simple as she got into Kari, because it involves the settlement of claims, and both of them have to go to court with the truck driver.

The truck driver was drunk driving and had to pay a horrible loss for running a red light.

Sheng Yiting found out about the other party and had some money, but he was definitely not rich. He originally didn't want to pursue it. How should the traffic police and insurance companies punish? But Tong Siyao insisted to care about the hospitalization fee, so he came here in a law-abiding manner.

He has the best lawyer, and he doesn't need to worry about everything himself. However, Tong Siyao, a college student studying abroad, is troublesome to do this, so he offered to help.

Tong Siyao agreed, and the two met to communicate details.

On the day of the meeting, Sheng Yiting was a little nervous. He made a special haircut, changed his clothes, sprayed some perfume, and cleaned up like a dog.

When he went out, he was caught by Gong Mo.

Knowing his son Mo Ruomu, Gong Mo saw at a glance that he was different from the past, and asked: "Are you going to go on a blind date?"

Sheng Yiting choked and asked angrily, "Have you arranged for me?"

"I didn't arrange it, you arranged it yourself~" Gong Mo smiled, "Then you can't call a blind date, call it a date. Is that Miss Tong?" (To be continued~^~)

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