Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1193: She is cute sometimes

Tong Siyao looked up and stammered: "Okay, okay..."

Sheng Yiting snorted: "Why be so honest? Last time it was my own cause, and I don't blame you."

Tong Siyao remembered the scene last time, suddenly became a little nervous, and hurriedly asked: "That... is that your girlfriend?"

Sheng Yiting's eyes were strange: "Why do you think so?"

She lowered her head and whispered: "You are very good..."

"..." Don't you want to go with grandma?

She raised her head and asked, "Will she misunderstand if you meet me like this? Or else—"

"She's not!" He said hurriedly, "It's just a relative in the family who is older than me."

"Ah..." Tong Siyao was slightly surprised, "Is that so?"

He nodded, "I came back because my grandpa was seriously ill."

"Oh." She nodded and sipped her coffee.

Sheng Yiting looked at her: "I don't have a girlfriend."

Tong Siyao was choked, and said hurriedly: "You don't have to tell me this."

Sheng Yiting sighed helplessly, took a sip of coffee, knowing that something was in a hurry.

He said: "I just want to tell you that you don't have to be afraid of being'being a junior'."

Tong Siyao choked and said depressed: "It's fine if you know."

He couldn't help laughing.

She is fierce, and sometimes cute.

He suddenly itchy hands, trying to pinch her cheeks and poke her ponytail.

However, he naturally didn't dare to have the current relationship between the two, so he had to look at her face and drink coffee, feeling an unprecedented fragrance.

It took another half an hour for the lawyer to arrive.

Sheng Yiting has talked a lot with Tong Siyao, and she has a little bit of her preference.

As soon as the lawyer came, he smiled and said: "Sorry, I was too busy, have you been waiting for a long time?"

Tong Siyao hurriedly shook her head.

The lawyer looked at the long table opposite to him, not knowing where he should sit.

He naturally didn't dare to sit on Tong Siyao's side, and Sheng Yiting...he didn't dare to sit either.

Sheng Yiting saw his difficulty and pushed his coffee to Tong Siyao's side.

Tong Siyao looked at him puzzled.

He said, "Lawyer Zhou is no longer seated. You give me a seat."

"Oh..." Tong Siyao moved inside.

Sheng Yiting sat next to her, she straightened her back nervously, holding her breath.

Attorney Zhou took out the materials and explained the details of the case to them very efficiently. If Tong Siyao didn't understand, he explained everything carefully, and the matter was settled in a while, and he hurriedly left.

It was too fast, it was as fast as a tornado, which made Tong Siyao suspicious: Has the lawyer really come? Have you been here? Have you been here?

Sheng Yiting raised his hand and looked at her watch, then looked at her and said, "It's quite late, shall we go to dinner together?"

"This... I have to go back to school."

"You won't eat when you go back to school?" He smiled, "Let's go together and eat nearby. I'll take you back when I'm finished."

Tong Siyao hurriedly shook her head.

who is he?

He drove a luxury car to give him away, but he was seen by his classmates and thought she was taken up by the rich and the young.

"What? Worried about my car skills? Don't worry, it was someone else's fault last time, otherwise there would be no car accident."

"I didn't mean that." Tong Siyao said awkwardly, "I...I just made an appointment with Ye Zi, and I want to go back to eat with her."

"Then tell her to come together, I'll call to make a reservation."

"No, no!" Tong Siyao hurriedly refused.

Just leave it alone, and bring Ye Zi with you too!

Sheng Yiting smiled with satisfaction and took her to a western restaurant. (To be continued~^~)

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