Yao Lei...

If people are gone, guard the coastline in this way.

The boat traveled for several hours and was close to Pearl Beach.

Tong Siyao hasn't been seasick since seeing the Yao Lei, which is probably the reason for his excitement.

Pearl Beach is completely a military fortress, and soldiers standing guard can be seen from a distance, and there are constant cruisers coming and going.

Tong Siyao and the others were also on a cruiser. After landing, they saw a broken battleship standing in front with many people on it.

That is a sculpture.

Tong Siyao's hands shook, there was a guess.

Sheng Yiting shook her hand and led her to the sculpture, only to see the sculpture: Pearl.


Tong Siyao's tears flowed down.

Twelve years ago, the battleship Tong Yuan boarded was called the Pearl, and later the Pearl sank.

But now, it stands here, as if guarding this coastline forever.

Sheng Yiting said: "It is said that at the time recently, a ship from country J approached our coastline and directly confronted the Pearl. In the end, the enemy was driven out and the Pearl was sunk."

"They are so courageous." Tong Siyao said bitterly.

"Yes..." Sheng Yiting led her to the back of the sculpture, "Come on."

Tong Siyao looked at the figure on the sculpture, and wondered if any of them were built like Tong Yuan.

Turn to the back of the sculpture, which is densely engraved with words.

Tong Siyao glanced intently, it seemed that it was a person's name, and she was suddenly covered with goose bumps.

Sheng Yiting said: "The names are arranged in alphabetical order and are divided into three parts. The first is the list of sacrifices, the middle is the missing list, and the back is the list of survivors. All soldiers who participated in this war are remembered here."

Tong Siyao walked to the far left and looked up.

She stretched out her hand, the top name, she had to tiptoe to touch it.

She had to squat down to see the bottom name.

She put her finger on the top name and slowly swiped it down, after sliding one line, she switched to the second line.

Tong Yuan was sacrificed, and she and her mother went to Xizha Airport to pick up his body.

At that time, there were reporters and students. She and her mother stood at the front of the crowd and saw Tong Yuan's coffin covered in flowers and national flags and carried out by heavily armed soldiers. Soldiers with guns guarded the coffin.

Tong Siyao's tears blurred her eyes, her fingers slid, and she even forgot to think about the pinyin of those last names. When she met Tong Yuan's name, she almost missed it.

She stroked his name, tears gradually falling.

She took off the silk scarf from her neck and slowly wiped the dust off the monument with it.

After wiping, she stood up and stared at the entire list.

Sheng Yiting stood by without speaking.

After a long time, Tong Siyao suddenly walked to the forefront, stood on tiptoe, and wiped from the top with the silk scarf.

Sheng Yiting saw that she was struggling on tiptoes and reached out to help her. Waiting for the right place, let her wipe it herself.

When the first letter of the pinyin of the name jumped from Y to A, Tong Siyao knew that this was the list of missing persons.

She asked: "Have you found all these missing people?"

Sheng Yiting shook his head: "The disappearance...because their bodies were not found."

Tong Siyao pursed her lips and couldn't stop the tears.

When they were alive, they defended the country, but the country did not defend them. Dead, the country has not even found their bodies...

"There was an explosion at the time, some people may be..." Sheng Yiting sighed and said nothing. (To be continued~^~)

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