Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1303: I'll keep you warm...want?

Tong Siyao was shocked and hurriedly turned on the light.

She put on her slippers, picked up her phone and took a look. It was just after twelve o'clock.

Why is he here at this time?

She walked out of the room and was shocked—wait! Wouldn't it be that guy again?

She suddenly didn't dare to open the door, what if it wasn't Sheng Yiting at all?

However, that is Sheng Yiting's voice! Could it be wrong?

But with such advanced technology, it is not difficult to imitate sounds...

She hesitated for a while, fearing that it was really Sheng Yiting, she could not let him blow the cold wind outside. Late at the end of December, it was ten degrees below zero!

She didn't dare to turn on the light in the living room, and cautiously walked to the front door and looked at the cat's eyes, and she saw Sheng Yiting standing outside.

He was dressed in an overcoat, handsome and elegant, raised his hands to breathe, apparently frozen.

Tong Siyao hurriedly opened the door and pulled him in: "Why are you here? Don't make a call in advance!"

Sheng Yiting smiled and put her in his arms: "I'm afraid I won't come, so you don't want me."

Tong Siyao pushed him helplessly, holding his hand and said distressedly: "It's frozen like this..."

"It's okay, isn't it warm now?"

There is heating in the room, and she doesn't feel cold in her pajamas. He comes in from the ice cellar and feels more comfortable.

"Go to the house." Tong Siyao whispered, "My mother and them are all asleep."

"Yeah." Sheng Yiting withdrew his hand, "Ice, you can hold it later."

When Tong Siyao heard it, she was moved, and suddenly threw herself on him, hugging his neck and kissing him fiercely.

"Hey?" Sheng Yiting was startled, "What are you doing?"

Tong Siyao raised her face and looked at him tenderly: "I will keep you warm...Would you like?"

Sheng Yiting suffocated, picked her up, strode into the bedroom, pressed her on the door with excitement, and kissed her like a storm.

After a while, the two kissed inextricably and their clothes took off.

Suddenly, he looked up: "I don't have a condom."

Tong Siyao grabbed him: "I am in a safe period."

Sheng Yiting struggled, "No! The safety period is not safe!"

"Oh!" Tong Siyao jumped up and bit him, "Why are you such a mother-in-law?"

Sheng Yiting: "..."

Now that she said so, what can he do?

Get married and give birth!


In the middle of the night, Tong Siyao felt as if he had just squinted, and there was movement next to him.

She opened her eyes, saw Sheng Yiting wearing clothes, and sat up suspiciously: "You..."

Sheng Yiting turned her head and kissed her head: "Morning."

Tong Siyao was a little silly thinking about what happened last night. Why did you roll on the bed? This is not the rhythm of breaking up.

She didn't want to leave him, but if that person persists, she will get there sooner or later, and she must be prepared with both hands.

She has always used the utmost malice to try to figure out the bad guys, and she has to guard against it.

He smiled, kissed her again, and said softly, "You continue to sleep, I will wash my face. Do you have a toothbrush?"

"Uh... I bought a new one yesterday. You can use it first on the sink."

"Okay." Sheng Yiting kissed her again, got up and went out.

Tong Siyao picked up the phone and glanced at it. It was only six o'clock.

Last night, they went to bed at least at two o'clock, right?

However, he usually starts at this time, so he is probably used to it.

When he was in Beijing, he would exercise and make breakfast when he got up.

Tong Siyao squinted her eyes, wrapped the quilt tightly, feeling the breath that belonged to him.

The phone rang, she picked it up and sat up quickly. (To be continued~^~)

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