Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1306: What did mom experience before?

She moved the mouse to the sending location, paused, and chose to save the draft.

Yao Lan opened the door and smiled: "I knew you were here—"

Seeing Tong Siyao's eyes red and swollen like walnuts, she was shocked: "What's wrong with you?!"

Tong Siyao turned her head, looked at the mirror on the closet, saw her embarrassed appearance, and explained: "I just watched a movie..."

"What movie is crying like this?" Yao Lan walked to her with a cane and looked at the computer. There was nothing on it. The mailbox has been turned off, leaving only one desktop.

Tong Siyao stood up and said, "It's just a romance movie. The host and the host are so different from each other, and the family objected to them being together. As a result, both of them died... I thought of Yi Ting and I. His family was so rich. It’s also a lot worse. Although you won’t die together, you may not have a good result. The more you think about it, the more sad..."

While she was talking, she cried again, the tears irritated her eyes and made her cry even harder.

Yao Lan anxiously said: "If you don't have a good result, forget it! Is it worth crying like this? Don't cry! Some things are different, there must be results, whether there is a process or not? Otherwise, you should not be with him in the first place. Stay together! Stop crying, you want me to die!"

Tong Siyao took a deep breath, raised her head and smiled: "Okay, I won't cry."

She hugged Yao Lan and sobbed: "I'm sorry... I worried you."

Yao Lan stroked her head and asked in confusion: "What's wrong? Did you quarrel? What problems did you encounter? Was it difficult for his family?"

Tong Siyao didn't want her to worry, she raised her head and said, "It's okay, don't stand up, go and rest. Silu should finish class, I will cook."

Having said that, she suddenly remembered that she forgot to eat lunch. Now that the food is still on the stove, Yao Lan can't let Yao Lan find out, or she should be worried again.

She helped Yao Lan to the living room and asked as she walked: "Did you change your dressing today?"

"Changed. Just work in the hospital, can't find anyone to change the dressing?"

Tong Siyao pursed her lips and let her sit on the sofa.

Yao Lan looked at her: "Don't be sad, man, this one is going, that one is still here. There is no need to die or live in a relationship. If I am like you, you and Lulu will be gone."

Tong Siyao was taken aback and looked up at her: "Have mom ever had an unforgettable love?"

Yao Lan's expression was in a trance, as if he was recalling something.

After a while, she came back to her senses, looked at Tong Siyao steadily, and reached out and hugged her into her arms.

"Mom?" Tong Siyao was puzzled.

"You..." Yao Lan let go of her, turned to look for the remote control on the sofa, did not look at her face, "raising you, you are not making you cry for men. You have to know that in this world, there is nothing serious about death. When you are facing life and death, do you still care about love?"

Tong Siyao looked at her in a daze, but she didn't think she could say such a thing. What did mom experience before?

"Go cook." Yao Lan tilted his head, still not looking at her.

Tong Siyao nodded, got up and went to the kitchen.

Yao Lan turned his head, looked at her back, and sighed slightly.

Slowly, she put down the remote control board and returned to the room on crutches.

She opened the cabinet and took out a box from the depths. There are wedding photos of her and Tong Yuan on the box. She stroked her hand and opened the lid, which contained many things. There are marriage certificates of her and Tong Yuan, a group photo of a family of four, a single photo, and a few precious jewelry. (To be continued~^~)

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