Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1309: Nephew, you miss me so

In the next few days, Sheng Yiting endured not contacting Tong Siyao, and Tong Siyao did not contact him either.

On the night of New Year's Eve, he kept staring at the phone, from eight to twelve o'clock, she did not come to a greeting.

He couldn't stand it anymore and sent her a text message: Happy New Year.

Tong Siyao didn't respond. He waited until two o'clock in the evening and didn't receive any reply, so he dropped the phone in a fit of anger.

The moment the phone fell to the ground, the ringtone suddenly came, and he was overjoyed and hurriedly picked it up: "Hey—"

"Wow~" There was a surprise voice over there, "My nephew, you miss me so much, you just picked it up after it rang."

Sheng Yiting: "..."

"Hello?" Simon asked urgently, "Are you still listening?"

"What are you doing in the middle of the night?!" Sheng Yiting asked angrily.

"Do you know it's midnight?" Simon asked, "Then come and pick me up, I don't want to blow cold wind at the airport!"

"Airport?" Sheng Yiting was startled, "Are you at the airport?"


"Which airport?"

"Which airport did you say!" Simon was angry.

"Have you come to China?"


"What are you doing?!" Sheng Yiting is in a very bad mood now. What if Tong Siyao calls him at this time? Why is this uncle here to make trouble?

"I'm back for your birthday!" Simon gritted his teeth.

Sheng Yiting: "..."


"I'm here."

Uncle is so caring, he can't ignore it, he can only take it personally to express his gratitude.

He couldn't sleep anyway, so he went out for a ride!

Simon hung up the phone with satisfaction and said to his men next to him: "Buy me a cup of coffee!"

The next one was stunned and cautiously persuaded: "Young Master, it's time for you to sleep in a while, now drink coffee..."

"What do you drink without coffee in the coffee shop?" Simon sinked.


"Forget it, get out of here!" Simon really wanted to sleep, and waved his hand impatiently.

Helpless, he went to buy him a cup of hot chocolate.

Simon thought it was coffee, and got depressed after a sip. About to get angry, suddenly I saw a petite young girl in a white wool coat and a big red scarf walking in.

Half of the girl's face was blocked by the scarf, but she couldn't stop her beauty, especially her eyes.

Judging from her eyebrows, she is a bit mixed-race and very aura.

The location of the cafe was regularly occupied by Simon and his staff. The girl found that there were people around no matter where she was sitting.

A man came in behind her, who was with her, and sat down directly next to Simon.

She had to sit on the opposite side, pulling her scarf away and taking a breath.

When the man saw it, he glanced around quickly, and shouted, "Blindfolded!"

The girl frowned and murmured: "Why am I so red?"

Men think about it. She is not popular in China, not to mention that the group around are foreigners...

He whispered: "What do you want to drink?"

"Hot chocolate," the girl said softly.

The man got up and walked to the counter. The girl took out the phone and swiped her finger on the screen a few times.

Simon took a sip of hot chocolate, raised Erlang's legs, and looked at her presumptuously.

Soon, the girl found out. She turned her head and glanced at him, frowning and turning back.

When her companion came back, she whispered: "Let's go."

"We are here to pick up the plane, where are we going?" the man asked angrily.

The girl looked at Simon, and the man frowned: "What are you afraid of? Didn't you see the police outside? Instead of worrying about this, think about when you will become popular!" (To be continued~^~)

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